Backbone.js Jade并在模型上循环

时间:2021-09-08 17:10:02

I am getting a little confused about templating using backbone with jade/underscore.


I have a backbone model with a couple of arrays in it and am not sure how to render the array attributes. I could move them into a separate backbone collection & view but that seem like overkill in this case.


I followed this blog post on using backbone with jade and added the following to my backbone file


   _.templateSettings = {
      interpolate : /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g

which allows me to render the model attributes in this manor :


      //in my JavaScript
      this.template = _.template($("#some-template").html());

      //in my .jade template
      input.text(type='text', name="name", value='{{name}}')

what I want to work out is how to do a simple loop over one of the arrays in the model. e.g.


    - for (var child in children)

but im quite confused about the correct syntax, where jade starts and underscore takes over etc. Thank you.


1 个解决方案



You can't use jade in the browser (Well you probably technically can but it's not that common to use with backbone as opposed to underscore). You'll be using underscore templates there. The docs on _.template show that you can evaluate javascript and use the _.each method to loop over your model's array attributes.

你不能在浏览器中使用jade(嗯,你可能在技术上可以,但是使用骨干而不是下划线并不常见)。你将在那里使用下划线模板。 _.template上的文档显示您可以评估javascript并使用_.each方法循环模型的数组属性。

It'll end up looking like this inside your view's render function. You'll want to cache the template function as an attribute of your view for efficiency, but I have it inline here for simplicity. Assume for example you have a Car model with a list of drivers as an array of driver names.


var template = "<% _.each(model.drivers, function(name) { %> <li><%= name %></li> <% }); %>";
return _.template(template, this);

Note that you will need to provide an evaluate syntax in your template settings as this example includes both the interpolate style (<%=) and the evaluate style (<%) of template markup. Currently you just have mustache style interpolation and that isn't sufficient.




You can't use jade in the browser (Well you probably technically can but it's not that common to use with backbone as opposed to underscore). You'll be using underscore templates there. The docs on _.template show that you can evaluate javascript and use the _.each method to loop over your model's array attributes.

你不能在浏览器中使用jade(嗯,你可能在技术上可以,但是使用骨干而不是下划线并不常见)。你将在那里使用下划线模板。 _.template上的文档显示您可以评估javascript并使用_.each方法循环模型的数组属性。

It'll end up looking like this inside your view's render function. You'll want to cache the template function as an attribute of your view for efficiency, but I have it inline here for simplicity. Assume for example you have a Car model with a list of drivers as an array of driver names.


var template = "<% _.each(model.drivers, function(name) { %> <li><%= name %></li> <% }); %>";
return _.template(template, this);

Note that you will need to provide an evaluate syntax in your template settings as this example includes both the interpolate style (<%=) and the evaluate style (<%) of template markup. Currently you just have mustache style interpolation and that isn't sufficient.
