Liferay / JSR 168和286门户的替代品?

时间:2023-01-14 17:12:17

My team has been writing a dashboard application using Node.js, Twitter Boostrap, Mongo DB, and Mule for an ESB.

我的团队一直在使用Node.js,Twitter Boostrap,Mongo DB和Mule为ESB编写仪表板应用程序。

Recently an executive asked us to change our approach to a Portal/Portlet container like Liferay.

最近,一位高管要求我们改变我们对像Liferay这样的Portal / Portlet容器的方法。

Some of us on the team have experience with Liferay, and we have pretty negative feelings about it. Dealing with things like full-page refreshes, portlet lifecycles, style and theming issues, and limited DBMS coverage are at the top of our list of complaints.


We see where our executive team is coming from. They have decided that they want to make the dashboard extensible and easy or easier to plug into for other groups.


Is there a solution out there which can balance the modern web expectations of users with the enterprise needs of IT professionals and executives concerned with building and extensible application with something like Liferay? Pluggable widgets are important here.


Node would obviously be our preference with something like Grails as a close second.




1 个解决方案



This question may not exactly be a good fit for *'s format, but I can offer some thoughts still.


If you want to stick your current platform, you need to figure exactly what features your executives want to get out of moving to a new platform. Are those features something you can build into your current platform? How much effort will that take compared to rewriting everything else? How effort will it take to learn a new skillset across your whole team? I'm sure your team can learn the new skills effectively but that still takes effort and there will be growing pains as your teams learns. If you can show to your executives that you can get the same features for a similar or less effort and that you can still have similar total cost of ownership, you can make a case to stay on your current platform.


Also I think you are underestimating what a Portlet container can do. I work mostly with WebSphere Portal so maybe thats why I think most of the pain points you mentioned really aren't that difficult to manage for me. Just because your container needs a particular DBMS to manage itself does not mean you can't use a separate DB for your custom data needs. JSR-286 introduced serveResource as a way to make AJAX easier to implement in portlets. In WebSphere Portal (don't know about Liferay), changing out the whole page content without a page reload might the most difficult on your list I'll admit though.

另外我认为你低估了Portlet容器的功能。我主要使用WebSphere Portal工作,所以也许这就是为什么我认为你提到的大多数痛点对我来说并不困难。仅仅因为您的容器需要特定的DBMS来管理自身并不意味着您不能使用单独的数据库来满足您的自定义数据需求。 JSR-286引入了serveResource作为一种使AJAX更容易在portlet中实现的方法。在WebSphere Portal中(不了解Liferay),在没有页面重新加载的情况下更改整个页面内容可能是您在列表中最难以承认的。

Modern doesn't have to mean bleeding-edge tech. And the large software products can still perform if you know how to use them right, just like any other tool.




This question may not exactly be a good fit for *'s format, but I can offer some thoughts still.


If you want to stick your current platform, you need to figure exactly what features your executives want to get out of moving to a new platform. Are those features something you can build into your current platform? How much effort will that take compared to rewriting everything else? How effort will it take to learn a new skillset across your whole team? I'm sure your team can learn the new skills effectively but that still takes effort and there will be growing pains as your teams learns. If you can show to your executives that you can get the same features for a similar or less effort and that you can still have similar total cost of ownership, you can make a case to stay on your current platform.


Also I think you are underestimating what a Portlet container can do. I work mostly with WebSphere Portal so maybe thats why I think most of the pain points you mentioned really aren't that difficult to manage for me. Just because your container needs a particular DBMS to manage itself does not mean you can't use a separate DB for your custom data needs. JSR-286 introduced serveResource as a way to make AJAX easier to implement in portlets. In WebSphere Portal (don't know about Liferay), changing out the whole page content without a page reload might the most difficult on your list I'll admit though.

另外我认为你低估了Portlet容器的功能。我主要使用WebSphere Portal工作,所以也许这就是为什么我认为你提到的大多数痛点对我来说并不困难。仅仅因为您的容器需要特定的DBMS来管理自身并不意味着您不能使用单独的数据库来满足您的自定义数据需求。 JSR-286引入了serveResource作为一种使AJAX更容易在portlet中实现的方法。在WebSphere Portal中(不了解Liferay),在没有页面重新加载的情况下更改整个页面内容可能是您在列表中最难以承认的。

Modern doesn't have to mean bleeding-edge tech. And the large software products can still perform if you know how to use them right, just like any other tool.
