使用Groovy / JRuby / Jython或其他JVM语言的UI设计备选方案?

时间:2021-02-16 17:09:26

For a developer in the Java eco-system, there is a handful of choices when it comes to UI design. The best known are:


  • Swing (preferred when used with Netbeans and its GUI builder)
  • Swing(与Netbeans及其GUI构建器一起使用时首选)

  • Eclipse's SWT (mostly preferred for Eclipse plug-ins)
  • Eclipse的SWT(最常用于Eclipse插件)

Now, are there any frameworks or design alternatives to this which target JRuby / Groovy / Jython or other "dynamic" JVM languages ?

现在,有没有针对JRuby / Groovy / Jython或其他“动态”JVM语言的框架或设计替代方案?

Some UI frameworks are layers over Swing or SWT, for example, a framework could read a description of a Screen in XML and instantiate the corresponding Swing components.


If you know a framework like that but which targets JVM "dynamic" languages, I'd like to see them in the answers as well.


3 个解决方案



Not exactly UI design, but you could try Griffon.




Clojure has a few GUI libraries / frameworks that look priomising:


seesaw wraps Swing in a very concise DSL, which could certainly be used to declaratively create GUI interfaces:


(defn -main [& args]
    (-> (frame :title "Hello", 
           :content "Hello, Seesaw",
           :on-close :exit)

Incanter provides quite a lot of graphing and visualisation functionality (wrapping JFreeChart among other things). Not quite a general GUI library, but very useful if you're focusing on stats:


;; show a histogram of 1000 samples from a normal distribution
(view (histogram (sample-normal 1000)))

There is also some neat example code popping up for wrapping JavaFX 2.0 in Clojure - again this is more like a declarative DSL:

还有一些简洁的示例代码用于在Clojure中包装JavaFX 2.0 - 这更像是声明性的DSL:

(defn -start [app stage]
     (fx Stage :visible true :width 300 :height 200 :title "hello world"
         :scene (fx Scene
                  (fx BorderPane :left (fx Text "hello")
                      :right (fx Text "Right")
                      :top (fx Text "top")
                      :bottom (fx Text "Bottom")
                      :center (fx Text "In the middle!"))))))



I think the two most mature frameworks for Jruby are Monkeybars (http://monkeybars.rubyforge.org/) and Limelight (http://limelight.8thlight.com/).


Monkeybars is a full rubyesque MVC implementation which can be used in conjunction with a Swing GUI builder, whereas Limelight goes for a minimal code / maximum effect ratio like Shoes does.

Monkeybars是一个完整的rubyesque MVC实现,可以与Swing GUI构建器一起使用,而Limelight可以像Shoes那样实现最小的代码/最大效果比。



Not exactly UI design, but you could try Griffon.




Clojure has a few GUI libraries / frameworks that look priomising:


seesaw wraps Swing in a very concise DSL, which could certainly be used to declaratively create GUI interfaces:


(defn -main [& args]
    (-> (frame :title "Hello", 
           :content "Hello, Seesaw",
           :on-close :exit)

Incanter provides quite a lot of graphing and visualisation functionality (wrapping JFreeChart among other things). Not quite a general GUI library, but very useful if you're focusing on stats:


;; show a histogram of 1000 samples from a normal distribution
(view (histogram (sample-normal 1000)))

There is also some neat example code popping up for wrapping JavaFX 2.0 in Clojure - again this is more like a declarative DSL:

还有一些简洁的示例代码用于在Clojure中包装JavaFX 2.0 - 这更像是声明性的DSL:

(defn -start [app stage]
     (fx Stage :visible true :width 300 :height 200 :title "hello world"
         :scene (fx Scene
                  (fx BorderPane :left (fx Text "hello")
                      :right (fx Text "Right")
                      :top (fx Text "top")
                      :bottom (fx Text "Bottom")
                      :center (fx Text "In the middle!"))))))



I think the two most mature frameworks for Jruby are Monkeybars (http://monkeybars.rubyforge.org/) and Limelight (http://limelight.8thlight.com/).


Monkeybars is a full rubyesque MVC implementation which can be used in conjunction with a Swing GUI builder, whereas Limelight goes for a minimal code / maximum effect ratio like Shoes does.

Monkeybars是一个完整的rubyesque MVC实现,可以与Swing GUI构建器一起使用,而Limelight可以像Shoes那样实现最小的代码/最大效果比。