如何从Windows 7 PC完全卸载Python 2.7

时间:2021-11-04 17:05:11

Having installed Python 2.7 from here:

从这里安装了Python 2.7:



I then uninstalled it using the control panel (I have Windows 7 pro). Now Python 2.7 no longer appears in the list of installed programs, however the files are still sitting in the same place on the C: drive.

然后我使用控制面板卸载它(我有Windows 7专业版)。现在Python 2.7不再出现在已安装程序的列表中,但是文件仍然位于C:驱动器的相同位置。

I have since installed version 2.6 but I seem to be having some *ing issues between the versions. I'm having similar issues to this guy:


How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?


I just want to know how can I remove Python 2.7 completely?

我只是想知道如何完全删除Python 2.7?

Will simply deleting the folders from my C: drive be sufficient?


How can I test that it has been completely removed?


2 个解决方案



You should just be able to delete the local files if you've already uninstalled from control panel. Also be sure to go to your environment variables and make sure that the python 2.7 directory isn't there. To do that,

如果已从控制面板卸载,则应该能够删除本地文件。还要确保转到你的环境变量并确保python 2.7目录不在那里。要做到这一点,

  • Go to the start menu and right click on Computer
  • 转到开始菜单,然后右键单击计算机
  • Click on Properties
  • 单击“属性”
  • Advanced system settings
  • 高级系统设置
  • Environment Variables and look for "path" under system variables
  • 环境变量并在系统变量下查找“路径”
  • Be sure to erase C:...\Python2.7.x
  • 一定要擦除C:... \ Python2.7.x

If you uninstalled from control panel it might not be there but it's probably good to double check. Also, be sure to delete the ';' before C:...\Python2.7.x

如果您从控制面板卸载它可能不在那里,但重新检查可能是好的。另外,请务必删除';'在C:... \ Python2.7.x之前



I had a similar problem. I kept installing Python 3.6 but when I typed "python" from the command prompt, Python 2.7 kept opening up despite the fact that I had uninstalled and it wasn't in my Path or in my Programs folder. I eventually solved the problem by uninstalling Enthought/Canopy from my computer and also erasing all the related files. Now I have a regular installation of Python 3.6 working and accessible from the command prompt. I assume I could now also get a parallel python 2.7 going, but I haven't tried to since I have no need for it at the moment. The giveaway for me that my python 2.7 installation was strange was that when I typed:

我有类似的问题。我一直在安装Python 3.6但是当我从命令提示符输入“python”时,尽管我已经卸载了它并且它不在我的Path或我的Programs文件夹中,但Python 2.7仍然保持打开状态。我最终通过从我的计算机上卸载Enthought / Canopy并删除了所有相关文件来解决了这个问题。现在我有一个Python 3.6的常规安装工作,可以从命令提示符访问。我想我现在也可以得到一个并行的python 2.7,但我没有尝试过,因为我现在不需要它。对我来说,我的python 2.7安装很奇怪,当我输入时:

python --version

into the command prompt, I was getting the following:


Python 2.7.6 -- CUSTOM



You should just be able to delete the local files if you've already uninstalled from control panel. Also be sure to go to your environment variables and make sure that the python 2.7 directory isn't there. To do that,

如果已从控制面板卸载,则应该能够删除本地文件。还要确保转到你的环境变量并确保python 2.7目录不在那里。要做到这一点,

  • Go to the start menu and right click on Computer
  • 转到开始菜单,然后右键单击计算机
  • Click on Properties
  • 单击“属性”
  • Advanced system settings
  • 高级系统设置
  • Environment Variables and look for "path" under system variables
  • 环境变量并在系统变量下查找“路径”
  • Be sure to erase C:...\Python2.7.x
  • 一定要擦除C:... \ Python2.7.x

If you uninstalled from control panel it might not be there but it's probably good to double check. Also, be sure to delete the ';' before C:...\Python2.7.x

如果您从控制面板卸载它可能不在那里,但重新检查可能是好的。另外,请务必删除';'在C:... \ Python2.7.x之前



I had a similar problem. I kept installing Python 3.6 but when I typed "python" from the command prompt, Python 2.7 kept opening up despite the fact that I had uninstalled and it wasn't in my Path or in my Programs folder. I eventually solved the problem by uninstalling Enthought/Canopy from my computer and also erasing all the related files. Now I have a regular installation of Python 3.6 working and accessible from the command prompt. I assume I could now also get a parallel python 2.7 going, but I haven't tried to since I have no need for it at the moment. The giveaway for me that my python 2.7 installation was strange was that when I typed:

我有类似的问题。我一直在安装Python 3.6但是当我从命令提示符输入“python”时,尽管我已经卸载了它并且它不在我的Path或我的Programs文件夹中,但Python 2.7仍然保持打开状态。我最终通过从我的计算机上卸载Enthought / Canopy并删除了所有相关文件来解决了这个问题。现在我有一个Python 3.6的常规安装工作,可以从命令提示符访问。我想我现在也可以得到一个并行的python 2.7,但我没有尝试过,因为我现在不需要它。对我来说,我的python 2.7安装很奇怪,当我输入时:

python --version

into the command prompt, I was getting the following:


Python 2.7.6 -- CUSTOM