cliwebpackarcgis API For JS的天坑之路(一)

时间:2022-02-17 09:01:26




如何用vue-cli + webpack构建一个工程,网上一大堆的代码,我就不赘述了。比如这个就是很好地入门文章,先要做的还是要把vue-cli和webpack的模块划分好,框架搭建好,然后才是我要说的,地图部分。

如何在vue-cli,webpack中使用arcgis API


以上东西全部安装好了以后,暂时我们要准备的东西就算准备好了。esri-loader是可以使用了。我们现在可以不用link,css文件,以及script,API文件了。 现在就是最大的坑了,如何使用,官网给的例子只是加载地图这一部分的方法,肯定是不完整的,esriLoader.dojoRequire就看着一句话,esriLoader当时我以为就是这样使用的,,但是esriLoader其实是一个类似于变量的我们自己的命名的对象,也就是我们把esri-loader导出为了esriLoader

所以,现在需要在我们使用的.vue文件中导出esriLoader对象import esriLoader from ‘esri-loader‘

cliwebpackarcgis API For JS的天坑之路(一)


cliwebpackarcgis API For JS的天坑之路(一)


<style> @import url(‘‘); @import url(‘‘); </style>


cliwebpackarcgis API For JS的天坑之路(一)

cliwebpackarcgis API For JS的天坑之路(一)



A tiny library to help load modules in non-Dojo applications.

Install npm install esri-loader Usage

The code below shows how you can load the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and then create a map. Where you place this code in your application will depend on what framework you are using. See below for .

Loading Styles

Before you can use the ArcGIS API in your app, you’ll need to load the styles, for example:

/* esri styles */ @import url(‘‘); Pre-loading the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

If you have good reason to believe that the user is going to transition to a map route, you may want to start pre-loading the ArcGIS API as soon as possible w/o blocking rendering, for example:

import * as esriLoader from ‘esri-loader‘; // preload the ArcGIS API esriLoader.bootstrap((err) => { if (err) { // handle any loading errors console.error(err); } else { // optionall execute any code once it‘s preloaded } }, { // use a specific version instead of latest 4.x url: ‘//‘; }); Lazy Loading the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Alternatively, if users may never end up visiting any map routes, you can lazy load the ArcGIS API for JavaScript the first time a user visits a route with a map, for example:

// import the esri-loader library import * as esriLoader from ‘esri-loader‘; // has the ArcGIS API been added to the page? if (!esriLoader.isLoaded()) { // no, lazy load it the ArcGIS API before using its classes esriLoader.bootstrap((err) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { // once it‘s loaded, create the map createMap(); } }, { // use a specific version instead of latest 4.x url: ‘‘ }); } else { // ArcGIS API is already loaded, just create the map createMap(); } Loading Modules from the ArcGIS API for JavaScript