
时间:2021-11-06 17:00:57

a while back I ran across a situation where we needed to display message-boxes to the user for notifications but we could not use MessageBox.Show because it blocks the GUI thread (so nothing on the screen gets updated while the dialog is active). Any suggestions on an alternative?


[I coded an alternative at the time but I don't like it. I'll post it as an answer if nothing better appears though]


EDIT: the dialog must float on top of the main window; i don't care if it appears in the taskbar or not. More than one dialog may be active at once in certain circumstances.


ADDENDUM: my solution was a base form that provided OK and CANCEL buttons to emit Completed and Cancelled events; OK called a virtual ValidateData for subclass override. The calling form used properties to avoid recreating the form each time (the form was just hidden instead of closed) and kept a dictionary of active forms to prevent the same form from being activated more than once. This looks like a modal form, supports multiple pop-up forms at once, but does not tie up the main GUI thread.

ADDENDUM:我的解决方案是一个基本表单,它提供了OK和CANCEL按钮来发出Completed和Cancelled事件; OK称为子类覆盖的虚拟ValidateData。调用表单使用属性来避免每次重新创建表单(表单只是隐藏而不是关闭)并保留活动表单的字典以防止同一表单被激活多次。这看起来像一个模态形式,一次支持多个弹出窗体,但不会占用主GUI线程。

7 个解决方案



I agree with rslite and Mitchel Sellers. Creating a non-Modal form to display the information needed is the best route to go. If you have multiple messages, you might want to consider putting them into a ListBox and have the user double-click on them to get the full information needing to be displayed.

我同意rslite和Mitchel Sellers的观点。创建非模态表单以显示所需信息是最佳途径。如果您有多条消息,可能需要考虑将它们放入ListBox并让用户双击它们以获取需要显示的完整信息。



I suggest going with a non-modal approach, like others said, but a little more specific:


  • If you just want a notification, you may try a balloon tip (TNA or your own), or a window that is like the Outlook mail notification or the notification many instant messengers like Trillian display.
  • 如果您只是想要通知,您可以尝试使用气球提示(TNA或您自己的),或者像Outlook邮件通知或许多即时信使(如Trillian)显示的通知。

  • If you just want to give the user a chance to act, use a non-modal form but remember that he might very well just click it away.
  • 如果您只是想让用户有机会采取行动,请使用非模态表单,但请记住,他可能只需将其单击即可。

  • If the user MUST act upon your message, you should go modal. Note that the owner window will still be painted and you can refresh your GUI - a modal dialog, after all, has a message pump, otherwise it would not work. I did something like that recently, we had a background worker thread pool that would carry on any actions and fire events for the GUI to refresh, and a modal wait dialog that still got its messages pump. The owner window did update with the background action as expected.
  • 如果用户必须对你的消息采取行动,你应该采取模态。请注意,所有者窗口仍然会被绘制,您可以刷新GUI - 毕竟,模式对话框有一个消息泵,否则它将无法工作。我最近做了类似的事情,我们有一个后台工作线程池,可以进行任何操作和激活事件以供GUI刷新,还有一个模态等待对话框仍然可以获取其消息。所有者窗口确实按预期更新了后台操作。



What about adding a NotifyIcon to your application and displaying a balloon tip. The down side is that the notification will disappear after a short time, but maybe that's best for your users if they don't need to take action.




I would solve this by using a non-modal dialog box or maybe some tooltips depending on the specific requirements.




If you don't want it blocking, I'd just create your own simple form to do the display. That is how I have completed items for clients before when a non-blocking solution was needed. But keep in mind that if you do it as non-blocking that users could get multiples up and be overwhelmed if they are really "you must act" type items.




thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions, it seems that my solution was about right ;-)


my solution was a base form that provided OK and CANCEL buttons to emit Completed and Cancelled events; OK called a virtual ValidateData for subclass override. The calling form used properties to avoid recreating the form each time (the form was just hidden instead of closed) and kept a dictionary of active forms to prevent the same form from being activated more than once. This looks like a modal form, supports multiple pop-up forms at once, but does not tie up the main GUI thread.

我的解决方案是一个基本表单,它提供了OK和CANCEL按钮来发出Completed和Cancelled事件; OK称为子类覆盖的虚拟ValidateData。调用表单使用属性来避免每次重新创建表单(表单只是隐藏而不是关闭)并保留活动表单的字典以防止同一表单被激活多次。这看起来像一个模态形式,一次支持多个弹出窗体,但不会占用主GUI线程。



If you want the MessageBox look and feel just show it in a background thread.


ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( (state) =>
         MessageBox.Show("Your message");

(code not tested)




I agree with rslite and Mitchel Sellers. Creating a non-Modal form to display the information needed is the best route to go. If you have multiple messages, you might want to consider putting them into a ListBox and have the user double-click on them to get the full information needing to be displayed.

我同意rslite和Mitchel Sellers的观点。创建非模态表单以显示所需信息是最佳途径。如果您有多条消息,可能需要考虑将它们放入ListBox并让用户双击它们以获取需要显示的完整信息。



I suggest going with a non-modal approach, like others said, but a little more specific:


  • If you just want a notification, you may try a balloon tip (TNA or your own), or a window that is like the Outlook mail notification or the notification many instant messengers like Trillian display.
  • 如果您只是想要通知,您可以尝试使用气球提示(TNA或您自己的),或者像Outlook邮件通知或许多即时信使(如Trillian)显示的通知。

  • If you just want to give the user a chance to act, use a non-modal form but remember that he might very well just click it away.
  • 如果您只是想让用户有机会采取行动,请使用非模态表单,但请记住,他可能只需将其单击即可。

  • If the user MUST act upon your message, you should go modal. Note that the owner window will still be painted and you can refresh your GUI - a modal dialog, after all, has a message pump, otherwise it would not work. I did something like that recently, we had a background worker thread pool that would carry on any actions and fire events for the GUI to refresh, and a modal wait dialog that still got its messages pump. The owner window did update with the background action as expected.
  • 如果用户必须对你的消息采取行动,你应该采取模态。请注意,所有者窗口仍然会被绘制,您可以刷新GUI - 毕竟,模式对话框有一个消息泵,否则它将无法工作。我最近做了类似的事情,我们有一个后台工作线程池,可以进行任何操作和激活事件以供GUI刷新,还有一个模态等待对话框仍然可以获取其消息。所有者窗口确实按预期更新了后台操作。



What about adding a NotifyIcon to your application and displaying a balloon tip. The down side is that the notification will disappear after a short time, but maybe that's best for your users if they don't need to take action.




I would solve this by using a non-modal dialog box or maybe some tooltips depending on the specific requirements.




If you don't want it blocking, I'd just create your own simple form to do the display. That is how I have completed items for clients before when a non-blocking solution was needed. But keep in mind that if you do it as non-blocking that users could get multiples up and be overwhelmed if they are really "you must act" type items.




thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions, it seems that my solution was about right ;-)


my solution was a base form that provided OK and CANCEL buttons to emit Completed and Cancelled events; OK called a virtual ValidateData for subclass override. The calling form used properties to avoid recreating the form each time (the form was just hidden instead of closed) and kept a dictionary of active forms to prevent the same form from being activated more than once. This looks like a modal form, supports multiple pop-up forms at once, but does not tie up the main GUI thread.

我的解决方案是一个基本表单,它提供了OK和CANCEL按钮来发出Completed和Cancelled事件; OK称为子类覆盖的虚拟ValidateData。调用表单使用属性来避免每次重新创建表单(表单只是隐藏而不是关闭)并保留活动表单的字典以防止同一表单被激活多次。这看起来像一个模态形式,一次支持多个弹出窗体,但不会占用主GUI线程。



If you want the MessageBox look and feel just show it in a background thread.


ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( (state) =>
         MessageBox.Show("Your message");

(code not tested)
