
时间:2021-08-15 17:03:03

My website creates an email from an HTML template using MailDefinition and ending up with a System.Net.Mail.MailMessage object.


Usually, I just call the Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send method and the email is sent.


Now I need to be able to open the created email in the clients default mail program and then they click their email programs send button to send it.


Has anyone got an ideas on how to proceed?


This is in VS2005.


2 个解决方案


You'll want to use a mailto: link -- which means, if this is the only method your users will have to send emails, that your code that uses SmtpClient will no longer be used.

您将需要使用mailto:link - 这意味着,如果这是您的用户必须发送电子邮件的唯一方法,那么将不再使用使用SmtpClient的代码。

Unfortunately, unless this is an intranet-only application, you don't have too many other options, as browsers will not give you enough permissions to execute code against that machine's default email client.



The two ways I can think of are:


  • use a < a href="mailto:[email address here">-Element. But you can't set anything except the recipient this way
  • 使用 - 元素。但是你不能以这种方式设置除收件人以外的任何东西

  • You could send a .eml-File with content-disposition "attachment", that should be opened by the user's default mail program
  • 您可以发送带有内容处置“附件”的.eml文件,该文件应由用户的默认邮件程序打开

Edit: I just saw Jeremy's link and found out that you actually can supply body/subject/cc with a mailto-link. You can't supply attachments, though (I think)

编辑:我刚看到Jeremy的链接,发现你实际上可以通过mailto-link提供body / subject / cc。你不能提供附件(我认为)


You'll want to use a mailto: link -- which means, if this is the only method your users will have to send emails, that your code that uses SmtpClient will no longer be used.

您将需要使用mailto:link - 这意味着,如果这是您的用户必须发送电子邮件的唯一方法,那么将不再使用使用SmtpClient的代码。

Unfortunately, unless this is an intranet-only application, you don't have too many other options, as browsers will not give you enough permissions to execute code against that machine's default email client.



The two ways I can think of are:


  • use a < a href="mailto:[email address here">-Element. But you can't set anything except the recipient this way
  • 使用 - 元素。但是你不能以这种方式设置除收件人以外的任何东西

  • You could send a .eml-File with content-disposition "attachment", that should be opened by the user's default mail program
  • 您可以发送带有内容处置“附件”的.eml文件,该文件应由用户的默认邮件程序打开

Edit: I just saw Jeremy's link and found out that you actually can supply body/subject/cc with a mailto-link. You can't supply attachments, though (I think)

编辑:我刚看到Jeremy的链接,发现你实际上可以通过mailto-link提供body / subject / cc。你不能提供附件(我认为)