
时间:2021-11-26 16:59:25

From what I've read about cpython it seems like it does reference counting + something extra to detect/free objects pointing to each other.(Correct me if I'm wrong). Could someone explain the something extra? Also does this guarantee* no cycle leaking? If not is there any research into an algorithm proven to add to reference counting to make it never leak*? Would this be just running a non reference counting tracing gc every so often?


*discounting bugs and problems with modules using foreign function interface


1 个解决方案



As explained in the documentation for gc.garbage, there is no guarantee that no leaks occur; specifically, cyclic objects with __del__ methods are not collected by default. For such objects, the cyclic links have to be manually broken to enable further GC.


From what I understand by browsing the CPython sourcecode, the interpreter keeps references to all objects under its control. The "extra" garbage collector runs a mark-and-sweep-like algorithm through the heap, remembers for each object if it is reachable from the "outside" and, if not, deletes it. (The GC is generational, but it may be run explicitly from the gc module with a generation argument.)

根据我通过浏览CPython源代码的理解,解释器保持对其控制下的所有对象的引用。 “额外”垃圾收集器通过堆运行类似于标记和扫描的算法,如果可以从“外部”访问,则记住每个对象,如果没有,则删除它。 (GC是分代的,但可以使用generation参数从gc模块显式运行。)

The only efficient algorithm that I could think of that satisfies your criteria would indeed be a "full" GC algorithm to augment reference counting and this is what seems to be implemented in Python. I'm not an expert in these matters though.




As explained in the documentation for gc.garbage, there is no guarantee that no leaks occur; specifically, cyclic objects with __del__ methods are not collected by default. For such objects, the cyclic links have to be manually broken to enable further GC.


From what I understand by browsing the CPython sourcecode, the interpreter keeps references to all objects under its control. The "extra" garbage collector runs a mark-and-sweep-like algorithm through the heap, remembers for each object if it is reachable from the "outside" and, if not, deletes it. (The GC is generational, but it may be run explicitly from the gc module with a generation argument.)

根据我通过浏览CPython源代码的理解,解释器保持对其控制下的所有对象的引用。 “额外”垃圾收集器通过堆运行类似于标记和扫描的算法,如果可以从“外部”访问,则记住每个对象,如果没有,则删除它。 (GC是分代的,但可以使用generation参数从gc模块显式运行。)

The only efficient algorithm that I could think of that satisfies your criteria would indeed be a "full" GC algorithm to augment reference counting and this is what seems to be implemented in Python. I'm not an expert in these matters though.
