
时间:2022-05-26 17:00:25

self is merely a captured variable inside a block and doesn't reference the block itself, so how does a block reference itself without having an explicit captured variable for that purpose?


5 个解决方案



__block void(^strawberryFields)();
strawberryFields = [^{ strawberryFields(); } copy];
  • you use the __block because the block will make a copy of the value of strawberryFields when the block is created which will be before the assignment.


  • you also must copy the block prior to any other copy operation or else you'll end up with a block that references the on-stack original version.


  • note that the above code leaks the block. Somewhere, there needs to be a release of that block to balance the copy.




I found this pattern to work and stable for ARC (automatic reference counting), both in Debug and Release builds.


-(void) someMethod
    // declare a __block variable to use inside the block itself for its recursive phase.
    void __block (^myBlock_recurse)();

    // define the block
    void (^myBlock)() = ^{
        // ... do stuff ...
        myBlock_recurse(); // looks like calling another block, but not really.

    // kickstart the block
    myBlock_recurse = myBlock; // initialize the alias
    myBlock(); // starts the block

Initially I tried just putting a __block modifier to myBlock and use that variable directly to recurse within the block's implementation. That works on the ARC Debug build but breaks with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the Release build. On the other hand removing the __block modifier raises a "variable not defined when captured by block" warning (and I was reluctant to run it and test).

最初,我尝试将__block修饰符放到myBlock中,并使用该变量直接在block的实现中递归。它可以在ARC Debug构建上工作,但会在发布构建上中断EXC_BAD_ACCESS。另一方面,删除__block修饰符会引发“被block捕获时未定义的变量”警告(我不愿意运行它并进行测试)。



I have never tried this before and not 100% sure it's useful, if valid, but for example:


typedef void (^BasicBlock)(void);

__block BasicBlock testBlock;
testBlock  = ^{NSLog(@"Testing %p", &testBlock);};

You probably have declare the variable with __block to prevent self-retain cycle.




The block needs some way to nil out its own reference. Typically it is done by storing the block in a property of the class.


Sometimes you can prefer to not use a property. Here is how you do it without a property:


    __weak id weakSelf = self;
    __block id block = ^{

        if(weakSelf) {

            // .. do whatever

            dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 5 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
        else {

            block = nil;

    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 5 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);

The key thing to keep in mind is that all code paths must lead to a block = nil. We do that here by calling the block every 5 seconds until weakSelf turns nil.

要记住的关键一点是,所有代码路径都必须导致块= nil。在这里,我们每隔5秒调用block,直到weakSelf变成nil。



Note that in ARC, it's a little different -- __block object pointer variables are by default retained in ARC, unlike in MRC. Thus, it will cause a retain cycle. It is necessary for the block to capture a weak reference to itself (using __weak) in order to not have a retain cycle.


However, we still need a strong reference to the block somewhere. If there are no strong references, the block (which is on the heap since it's copied) will be deallocated. Thus, we need two variables, one strong and one weak, and inside the block use the weak one to reference itself:


__block __weak void(^weakBlock)();
weakBlock = myBlock = [^{ weakBlock(); } copy];



__block void(^strawberryFields)();
strawberryFields = [^{ strawberryFields(); } copy];
  • you use the __block because the block will make a copy of the value of strawberryFields when the block is created which will be before the assignment.


  • you also must copy the block prior to any other copy operation or else you'll end up with a block that references the on-stack original version.


  • note that the above code leaks the block. Somewhere, there needs to be a release of that block to balance the copy.




I found this pattern to work and stable for ARC (automatic reference counting), both in Debug and Release builds.


-(void) someMethod
    // declare a __block variable to use inside the block itself for its recursive phase.
    void __block (^myBlock_recurse)();

    // define the block
    void (^myBlock)() = ^{
        // ... do stuff ...
        myBlock_recurse(); // looks like calling another block, but not really.

    // kickstart the block
    myBlock_recurse = myBlock; // initialize the alias
    myBlock(); // starts the block

Initially I tried just putting a __block modifier to myBlock and use that variable directly to recurse within the block's implementation. That works on the ARC Debug build but breaks with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the Release build. On the other hand removing the __block modifier raises a "variable not defined when captured by block" warning (and I was reluctant to run it and test).

最初,我尝试将__block修饰符放到myBlock中,并使用该变量直接在block的实现中递归。它可以在ARC Debug构建上工作,但会在发布构建上中断EXC_BAD_ACCESS。另一方面,删除__block修饰符会引发“被block捕获时未定义的变量”警告(我不愿意运行它并进行测试)。



I have never tried this before and not 100% sure it's useful, if valid, but for example:


typedef void (^BasicBlock)(void);

__block BasicBlock testBlock;
testBlock  = ^{NSLog(@"Testing %p", &testBlock);};

You probably have declare the variable with __block to prevent self-retain cycle.




The block needs some way to nil out its own reference. Typically it is done by storing the block in a property of the class.


Sometimes you can prefer to not use a property. Here is how you do it without a property:


    __weak id weakSelf = self;
    __block id block = ^{

        if(weakSelf) {

            // .. do whatever

            dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 5 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
        else {

            block = nil;

    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 5 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);

The key thing to keep in mind is that all code paths must lead to a block = nil. We do that here by calling the block every 5 seconds until weakSelf turns nil.

要记住的关键一点是,所有代码路径都必须导致块= nil。在这里,我们每隔5秒调用block,直到weakSelf变成nil。



Note that in ARC, it's a little different -- __block object pointer variables are by default retained in ARC, unlike in MRC. Thus, it will cause a retain cycle. It is necessary for the block to capture a weak reference to itself (using __weak) in order to not have a retain cycle.


However, we still need a strong reference to the block somewhere. If there are no strong references, the block (which is on the heap since it's copied) will be deallocated. Thus, we need two variables, one strong and one weak, and inside the block use the weak one to reference itself:


__block __weak void(^weakBlock)();
weakBlock = myBlock = [^{ weakBlock(); } copy];