
时间:2021-02-27 16:57:34

I am trying to overload the navigator.userAgent using a simple chrome extension. As the content scripts operate in isolated env, I tried to create a script element and write the logic into this one. This happens from background page of the extension


}, function(tabs) {
    var x = "window.navigator.__defineGetter__('userAgent', function() {" +
            "return 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D)" +
            " AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Mobile " + 
            "Safari/535.19'; });console.log(navigator.userAgent);";

    for (var i = 0;i < tabs.length;i++) {
      var code = 'var s = document.createElement("script"); s.text = "' + x +
                 '"; document.head.insertBefore(s, document.head.firstChild);' + 
                 'navigator.userAgent ="s"; console.log(navigator.userAgent);';

      // Inject into the tabs of choice - currently everything.
      chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[i].id, {
        code: code

The script gets appended for the head element and I can see that the UA string as the one that is spoofed by trying navigator.userAgent in the console of the chrome and so I believe that the navigator object was overloaded.


But this seems to be not the effective way or not happening at all as the navigator object was not updated which I found out via - http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html which still shows the UA for Mac.

但这似乎不是有效的方式或根本没有发生,因为导航器对象没有更新,我发现 - http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html仍然显示UA for Mac。

So, what exactly am I missing here?


2 个解决方案



navigator.userAgent is a read-only property. If you want to change navigator.userAgent, then you need to either create a new object and copy the properties, or create a new object and inherit from navigator and assign a new getter/setter.

navigator.userAgent是一个只读属性。如果要更改navigator.userAgent,则需要创建新对象并复制属性,或者创建新对象并从导航器继承并分配新的getter / setter。

I've recently created such an extension. I'm on Linux, though I occasionally download the Chrome for Windows. The following extension changes the user agent to Windows XP on Chrome's download page:

我最近创建了这样一个扩展。我在Linux上,但我偶尔会下载Chrome for Windows。以下扩展程序将用户代理更改为Chrome的下载页面上的Windows XP:


var actualCode =  '(' + function() {
    'use strict';
    var navigator = window.navigator;
    var modifiedNavigator;
    if ('userAgent' in Navigator.prototype) {
        // Chrome 43+ moved all properties from navigator to the prototype,
        // so we have to modify the prototype instead of navigator.
        modifiedNavigator = Navigator.prototype;

    } else {
        // Chrome 42- defined the property on navigator.
        modifiedNavigator = Object.create(navigator);
        Object.defineProperty(window, 'navigator', {
            value: modifiedNavigator,
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: false,
            writable: false
    // Pretend to be Windows XP
    Object.defineProperties(modifiedNavigator, {
        userAgent: {
            value: navigator.userAgent.replace(/\([^)]+\)/, 'Windows NT 5.1'),
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: true,
            writable: false
        appVersion: {
            value: navigator.appVersion.replace(/\([^)]+\)/, 'Windows NT 5.1'),
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: true,
            writable: false
        platform: {
            value: 'Win32',
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: true,
            writable: false
} + ')();';

var s = document.createElement('script');
s.textContent = actualCode;


    "name": "navigator.userAgent",
    "description": "Change navigator.userAgent to Windows on Chrome's download page.",
    "version": "1",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "content_scripts": [{
        "run_at": "document_start",
        "js": ["contentscript.js"],
        "matches": [

As you can see, I'm declaring the content script instead of dynamically inserting it, to make sure that my code runs before the page is loaded. Further, I'm using one of the tricks described in this answer to change the page's navigator instead of some other navigator in the isolated content script world.


Note that this only modifies the userAgent as seen from JavaScript. If you want to modify the user agent that's sent to the server, take a look at Associate a custom user agent to a specific Google Chrome page/tab.

请注意,这只会修改从JavaScript看到的userAgent。如果要修改发送到服务器的用户代理,请查看将自定义用户代理与特定Google Chrome页面/选项卡关联。



Are you trying to change the User-Agent header that gets sent in requests? You'll have to use the declarativeWebRequest or webRequest APIs.

您是否尝试更改在请求中发送的User-Agent标头?您必须使用declarativeWebRequest或webRequest API。

Running content scripts in the page only occurs after the requests have been sent.




navigator.userAgent is a read-only property. If you want to change navigator.userAgent, then you need to either create a new object and copy the properties, or create a new object and inherit from navigator and assign a new getter/setter.

navigator.userAgent是一个只读属性。如果要更改navigator.userAgent,则需要创建新对象并复制属性,或者创建新对象并从导航器继承并分配新的getter / setter。

I've recently created such an extension. I'm on Linux, though I occasionally download the Chrome for Windows. The following extension changes the user agent to Windows XP on Chrome's download page:

我最近创建了这样一个扩展。我在Linux上,但我偶尔会下载Chrome for Windows。以下扩展程序将用户代理更改为Chrome的下载页面上的Windows XP:


var actualCode =  '(' + function() {
    'use strict';
    var navigator = window.navigator;
    var modifiedNavigator;
    if ('userAgent' in Navigator.prototype) {
        // Chrome 43+ moved all properties from navigator to the prototype,
        // so we have to modify the prototype instead of navigator.
        modifiedNavigator = Navigator.prototype;

    } else {
        // Chrome 42- defined the property on navigator.
        modifiedNavigator = Object.create(navigator);
        Object.defineProperty(window, 'navigator', {
            value: modifiedNavigator,
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: false,
            writable: false
    // Pretend to be Windows XP
    Object.defineProperties(modifiedNavigator, {
        userAgent: {
            value: navigator.userAgent.replace(/\([^)]+\)/, 'Windows NT 5.1'),
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: true,
            writable: false
        appVersion: {
            value: navigator.appVersion.replace(/\([^)]+\)/, 'Windows NT 5.1'),
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: true,
            writable: false
        platform: {
            value: 'Win32',
            configurable: false,
            enumerable: true,
            writable: false
} + ')();';

var s = document.createElement('script');
s.textContent = actualCode;


    "name": "navigator.userAgent",
    "description": "Change navigator.userAgent to Windows on Chrome's download page.",
    "version": "1",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "content_scripts": [{
        "run_at": "document_start",
        "js": ["contentscript.js"],
        "matches": [

As you can see, I'm declaring the content script instead of dynamically inserting it, to make sure that my code runs before the page is loaded. Further, I'm using one of the tricks described in this answer to change the page's navigator instead of some other navigator in the isolated content script world.


Note that this only modifies the userAgent as seen from JavaScript. If you want to modify the user agent that's sent to the server, take a look at Associate a custom user agent to a specific Google Chrome page/tab.

请注意,这只会修改从JavaScript看到的userAgent。如果要修改发送到服务器的用户代理,请查看将自定义用户代理与特定Google Chrome页面/选项卡关联。



Are you trying to change the User-Agent header that gets sent in requests? You'll have to use the declarativeWebRequest or webRequest APIs.

您是否尝试更改在请求中发送的User-Agent标头?您必须使用declarativeWebRequest或webRequest API。

Running content scripts in the page only occurs after the requests have been sent.
