I'm developing a django application. Modules of importance to my problem are given below:
globals.py --> contains constants that are used throughout the application. SITE_NAME
are two of those and are used to fill some strings. Here is how I define them:
globals.py - >包含整个应用程序中使用的常量。 SITE_NAME和SITE_DOMAIN是其中两个,用于填充一些字符串。以下是我如何定义它们:
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
SITE_DOMAIN = Site.objects.get_current().domain
SITE_NAME = Site.objects.get_current().name
models.py --> models live inside this module. imports some constants from globals.py
models.py - >模型存在于此模块中。从globals.py导入一些常量
some_command.py --> a command that imports some constants from globals also.
some_command.py - >一个从全局变量中导入一些常量的命令。
when executed, the command imports a constant from globals.py and runs into a circular import problem: inside globals.py, get_current() from sites app is called, and sites app in turn imports models.py which has imports from globals.py as well.
执行时,该命令从globals.py导入一个常量并运行循环导入问题:在globals.py内部调用来自sites app的get_current(),而sites app依次导入models.py,其中包含从globals.py导入的内容。同样。
The application runs flawlessly, without encountering this circular import issue. Importing globals.py from shell brings no problems. Even the command can be executed from the shell without calling manage.py.
So why does manage.py some_command fail due to a circular import?
那么为什么manage.py some_command因循环导入而失败?
Thanks in advance.
1 个解决方案
Is there any particular reason you need to store SITE_DOMAIN and SITE_NAME in globals.py? These are already available directly from the sites framework.
According to the docs, the site object is cached the first time you access it, so importing it and using it there directly doesn't hurt.
Is there any particular reason you need to store SITE_DOMAIN and SITE_NAME in globals.py? These are already available directly from the sites framework.
According to the docs, the site object is cached the first time you access it, so importing it and using it there directly doesn't hurt.