
时间:2020-12-02 16:54:42

I've come across a piece of Haskell code that looks like this:



What does the @ symbol mean in this context? I can't seem to find any info on Google (it's unfortunately hard to search for symbols on Google), and I can't find the function in the Prelude documentation, so I imagine it must be some sort of syntactic sugar instead.


4 个解决方案


Yes, it's just syntactic sugar, with @ read aloud as "as". ps@(p:pt) gives you names for

是的,它只是语法糖,@朗读为“as”。 ps @(p:pt)给出了你的名字

  1. the list: ps
  2. 清单:ps

  3. the list's head : p
  4. 列表的头部:p

  5. the list's tail: pt
  6. 列表的尾巴:pt

Without the @, you'd have to choose between (1) or (2):(3).

没有@,你必须在(1)或(2):( 3)之间做出选择。

This syntax actually works for any constructor; if you have data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a], then t@(Tree _ kids) gives you access to both the tree and its children.

这种语法实际上适用于任何构造函数;如果你有数据树a =树a [树a],那么t @(Tree _ kids)可以让你访问树及其子节点。


The @ Symbol is used to both give a name to a parameter and match that parameter against a pattern that follows the @. It's not specific to lists and can also be used with other data structures.


This is useful if you want to "decompose" a parameter into it's parts while still needing the parameter as a whole somewhere in your function. One example where this is the case is the tails function from the standard library:


tails                   :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails []                =  [[]]
tails xxs@(_:xs)        =  xxs : tails xs


I want to add that @ works at all levels, meaning you can do this:


let a @ (b @ (Just c), Just d) = (Just 1, Just 2) in (a, b, c, d)

Which will then produce this: ((Just 1, Just 2), Just 1, 1, 2)


So basically it's a way for you to bind a pattern to a value. This also means that it works with any kind of pattern, not just lists, as demonstrated above. This is a very useful thing to know, as it means you can use it in many more cases.


In this case, a is the entire Maybe Tuple, b is just the first Just in the tuple, and c and d are the values contained in the first and second Just in the tuple respectively

在这种情况下,a是整个Maybe Tuple,b只是第一个Just in the tuple,c和d分别包含在元组中的第一个和第二个Just中


To add to what the other people have said, they are called as-patterns (in ML the syntax uses the keyword "as"), and are described in the section of the Haskell Report on patterns.



Yes, it's just syntactic sugar, with @ read aloud as "as". ps@(p:pt) gives you names for

是的,它只是语法糖,@朗读为“as”。 ps @(p:pt)给出了你的名字

  1. the list: ps
  2. 清单:ps

  3. the list's head : p
  4. 列表的头部:p

  5. the list's tail: pt
  6. 列表的尾巴:pt

Without the @, you'd have to choose between (1) or (2):(3).

没有@,你必须在(1)或(2):( 3)之间做出选择。

This syntax actually works for any constructor; if you have data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a], then t@(Tree _ kids) gives you access to both the tree and its children.

这种语法实际上适用于任何构造函数;如果你有数据树a =树a [树a],那么t @(Tree _ kids)可以让你访问树及其子节点。


The @ Symbol is used to both give a name to a parameter and match that parameter against a pattern that follows the @. It's not specific to lists and can also be used with other data structures.


This is useful if you want to "decompose" a parameter into it's parts while still needing the parameter as a whole somewhere in your function. One example where this is the case is the tails function from the standard library:


tails                   :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails []                =  [[]]
tails xxs@(_:xs)        =  xxs : tails xs


I want to add that @ works at all levels, meaning you can do this:


let a @ (b @ (Just c), Just d) = (Just 1, Just 2) in (a, b, c, d)

Which will then produce this: ((Just 1, Just 2), Just 1, 1, 2)


So basically it's a way for you to bind a pattern to a value. This also means that it works with any kind of pattern, not just lists, as demonstrated above. This is a very useful thing to know, as it means you can use it in many more cases.


In this case, a is the entire Maybe Tuple, b is just the first Just in the tuple, and c and d are the values contained in the first and second Just in the tuple respectively

在这种情况下,a是整个Maybe Tuple,b只是第一个Just in the tuple,c和d分别包含在元组中的第一个和第二个Just中


To add to what the other people have said, they are called as-patterns (in ML the syntax uses the keyword "as"), and are described in the section of the Haskell Report on patterns.
