
时间:2021-07-05 16:55:41

Im attempting to bind to the output of a method. Now I've seen examples of this using ObjectDataProvider However the problem with this is ObjectDataProvider creates a new instance of the object to call the method. Where I need the method called on the current object instance. I'm currently trying to get a converter to work.




Class Entity
   private Dictionary<String, Object> properties;

   public object getProperty(string property)
      //error checking and what not performed here
     return this.properties[property];

My attempt at the XAML


     <local:PropertyConverter x:Key="myPropertyConverter"/>
      <TextBlock Name="textBox2">
            <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource myPropertyConverter}"
                          ConverterParameter="Image" >
              <Binding Path="RelativeSource.Self" /> <!--this doesnt work-->

my code behind


public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
    string param = (string)parameter;
    var methodInfo = values[0].GetType().GetMethod("getProperty", new Type[0]);
    if (methodInfo == null)
        return null;
    return methodInfo.Invoke(values[0], new string[] { param });               

public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
    throw new NotSupportedException("PropertyConverter can only be used for one way conversion.");

My problem is that I cant seem to pass the current Entity into the converter. So When i try to use reflection to get the getProperty method I have nothing to operate on


thanks, steph


1 个解决方案



Wrap the call to the method inside a get property and add this get property to whatever class that is your current DataContext.


Edit: Answering your updated question.


If you only pass one parameter to the valueconverter you don't need a multivalueconverter, just use a regular valueconverter (implementing IValueConverter). Also, why not cast the object in the valueconverter to a Distionary and use it directly instead of using reflection.


To pass current datacontext as a binding do this: <Binding . />. I'm guessing the datacontext of the textblock is entity.

要将当前的datacontext作为绑定传递,请执行以下操作: <绑定。> 。我猜textblock的datacontext是entity。

Still, all this is not necessary if all you want to do is run some code before accessing a dictionary item. Just use an index property instead, you can databind to it directly:


public class Entity 
   private Dictionary<String, Object> properties; 

   public object this[string property]
            //error checking and what not performed here 
            return properties[property]; 

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=[Image]}" />



Wrap the call to the method inside a get property and add this get property to whatever class that is your current DataContext.


Edit: Answering your updated question.


If you only pass one parameter to the valueconverter you don't need a multivalueconverter, just use a regular valueconverter (implementing IValueConverter). Also, why not cast the object in the valueconverter to a Distionary and use it directly instead of using reflection.


To pass current datacontext as a binding do this: <Binding . />. I'm guessing the datacontext of the textblock is entity.

要将当前的datacontext作为绑定传递,请执行以下操作: <绑定。> 。我猜textblock的datacontext是entity。

Still, all this is not necessary if all you want to do is run some code before accessing a dictionary item. Just use an index property instead, you can databind to it directly:


public class Entity 
   private Dictionary<String, Object> properties; 

   public object this[string property]
            //error checking and what not performed here 
            return properties[property]; 

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=[Image]}" />