
时间:2022-04-21 16:56:03

I wanted to see if I could initialize a global variable to point to itself:


#include <stdio.h>
struct foo { struct foo *a, *b; } x = { &x, &x };
int main()
    printf("&x = %p, x.a = %p, x.b = %p\n", &x, x.a, x.b);
    return 0;

This code compiles and runs as expected with gcc (all three pointers print identically).


I want to know:


  1. Is this reliable?
  2. 这是可靠的吗?
  3. Is this standard?
  4. 这是标准的吗?
  5. Is this portable?
  6. 这是便携式吗?

EDIT: Just to clarify, I am questioning the availability of the address of x in its own initializer.


2 个解决方案



This is standard C code.


This paragraph of the mighty Standard permits it (emphasis mine):


(C99, 6.2.1p7) "Structure, union, and enumeration tags have scope that begins just after the appearance of the tag in a type specifier that declares the tag. Each enumeration constant has scope that begins just after the appearance of its defining enumerator in an enumerator list. Any other identifier has scope that begins just after the completion of its declarator."

(C99 6.2.1p7)“结构、联合和枚举标记具有范围,范围从声明标记的类型说明符中的标记出现之后开始。每个枚举常数的作用域都在枚举数列表中定义枚举数出现后开始。任何其他标识符的作用域都是在声明符完成之后开始的。

For information, note that to illustrate the last sentence of 6.2.1p7, the book "The New C Standard" by Derek M. Jones uses an example similar to yours:

有关资料,请注意,德里克·琼斯(Derek M. Jones)的《新C标准》(the New C Standard)一书中,为了阐明6.1 .1p7的最后一句话,用了一个与你相似的例子:

struct T {struct T *m;} x = /* declarator complete here. */ {&x};



Yes to all of the above. You have a couple of pointers that you're initializing with the same address, so they hold the same address, and that's the same as the address with which you initialized them.


Perhaps more interestingly, x.a is also guaranteed to point to itself (i.e., the first element in a struct is guaranteed to be at the very beginning of the struct, so a pointer to the struct, converted to the type of the first element, is guaranteed to point to that first element.




This is standard C code.


This paragraph of the mighty Standard permits it (emphasis mine):


(C99, 6.2.1p7) "Structure, union, and enumeration tags have scope that begins just after the appearance of the tag in a type specifier that declares the tag. Each enumeration constant has scope that begins just after the appearance of its defining enumerator in an enumerator list. Any other identifier has scope that begins just after the completion of its declarator."

(C99 6.2.1p7)“结构、联合和枚举标记具有范围,范围从声明标记的类型说明符中的标记出现之后开始。每个枚举常数的作用域都在枚举数列表中定义枚举数出现后开始。任何其他标识符的作用域都是在声明符完成之后开始的。

For information, note that to illustrate the last sentence of 6.2.1p7, the book "The New C Standard" by Derek M. Jones uses an example similar to yours:

有关资料,请注意,德里克·琼斯(Derek M. Jones)的《新C标准》(the New C Standard)一书中,为了阐明6.1 .1p7的最后一句话,用了一个与你相似的例子:

struct T {struct T *m;} x = /* declarator complete here. */ {&x};



Yes to all of the above. You have a couple of pointers that you're initializing with the same address, so they hold the same address, and that's the same as the address with which you initialized them.


Perhaps more interestingly, x.a is also guaranteed to point to itself (i.e., the first element in a struct is guaranteed to be at the very beginning of the struct, so a pointer to the struct, converted to the type of the first element, is guaranteed to point to that first element.
