在C ++中使用花括号实例化对象是什么意思?

时间:2022-08-15 16:56:32

Let's say I have a struct defined as:


struct number{
    int areaCode;
    int prefix;
    int suffix;
} PhoneNumber;

When I create an instance of this struct, if I use the following syntax:


PhoneNumber homePhone = {858, 555, 1234};

...which constructor is it calling? The default constructor, or the copy constructor, or none at all because it's not calling 'new'?


The real purpose of this question is to figure out how I can add a fourth field. So I want to re-define my struct as:


struct number{
    int areaCode;
    int prefix;
    int suffix;
    int extension; // NEW FIELD INTRODUCED
} PhoneNumber;

So now, I can create new PhoneNumber objects with FOUR fields:


PhoneNumber officePhone = {858, 555, 6789, 777}

However, I have hundreds of these PhoneNumber instances already created with only 3 fields (xxx, xxx, xxxx). So I don't want to go through and modify EVERY single instantiation of my PhoneNumber object that is already defined. I want to be able to leave those alone, but still be able to create new phone number instances with FOUR fields. So I am trying to figure out how I can overwrite the constructor so that my existing three-parameter instantiations will not break, but it will also support my new four-parameter instantiations.


When I try to define an overriding default constructor that takes 3 fields and sets the fourth to a default value '0', I get errors (in the instantiation part of the code, not the constructor definition) complaining that my object must be initialized by constructor, not by {...}. So it seems that if I do override the default constructor, I can no longer use curly braces to create my new objects?


Sorry if this strays away from the original questions completely.


7 个解决方案


The members are actually copy-initialized. The default constructor for each one is not called and no operator= is involved contrary to what some other answers suggest. It can be shown by a software called geordi - alternatively by reading through the Standard. I'll show the "fun" way using that software. It has got a class tracked::B that can show us when constructors/copy-constructors or destructors/copy assignment operators are called. The output it shows is (TRACK limits tracking to the statement following it):

成员实际上是复制初始化的。不调用每个默认构造函数,并且没有涉及operator =,这与其他一些答案所暗示的相反。它可以通过一个名为geordi的软件显示 - 或者通过阅读标准来显示。我将展示使用该软件的“有趣”方式。它有一个跟踪的类:: B,它可以在调用构造函数/复制构造函数或析构函数/复制赋值运算符时向我们显示。它显示的输出是(TRACK限制跟踪它后面的语句):

B1*(B0) B1~

I used this code


struct T { tracked::B b; }; int main() { tracked::B b; TRACK T t = { b };  }

As you see, the second B object - which is the member within the local variable t, is copy initialized from the other object b. Of course, no assignment operator is activated. You can read about it in 12.6.1/2 in the Standard, if you wish.

如您所见,第二个B对象 - 它是局部变量t中的成员,是从另一个对象b初始化的副本。当然,没有激活赋值运算符。如果您愿意,可以在标准中的12.6.1 / 2中阅读。

The same, by the way, is true with arrays (which are likewise aggregates). Many people believe that objects that are member of arrays must have a type that has a default constructor. But that's not true. They can just be copy initialized by another object of their type and it will work fine.


All other elements that were not explicitly initialized in the aggregate are value initialized. Value-initialization is a mixture of default initialization and zero initialization. Actually, if a member has a type that has a user declared constructor, then that constructor is invoked. If it has a type that does not have a user declared constructor, then each member of it is value initialized. For built-in types (int, bool, pointers, ...) a value initialization is the same as zero initialization (that means that such a variable will become zero). The following will initialize each member to zero - except the first (a), which will be one:

未在聚合中显式初始化的所有其他元素都是值初始化的。值初始化是默认初始化和零初始化的混合。实际上,如果成员的类型具有用户声明的构造函数,则调用该构造函数。如果它的类型没有用户声明的构造函数,那么它的每个成员都是值初始化的。对于内置类型(int,bool,pointers,...),值初始化与零初始化相同(这意味着这样的变量将变为零)。以下将每个成员初始化为零 - 除了第一个(a),它将是一个:

struct T { int a, b, c; }; int main() { T t = { 1 }; }

Those initialization rules are scary, indeed - especially because the 2003 revision of C++ introduced that value initialization. It wasn't part of the Standard as of 1998. If you are more interested in those brace enclosed initializations, you can read How to initialize nested structures in C++?.

确实,这些初始化规则是可怕的 - 特别是因为2003年版的C ++引入了值初始化。它不是1998年标准的一部分。如果你对那些大括号括起来的初始化更感兴趣,你可以阅读如何在C ++中初始化嵌套结构?


It's not calling the default ctor, as others have written. Conceptually it's the same, but in practice, you'll find no function call in the assembly code.


Instead, the members remain uninitialized; you're initializing them with the curly-brace construct.


Interestingly enough, this:


PhoneNumber homePhone = {858, 555, 1234};

Results in this assembly (GCC 4.0.1, -O0):

此程序集中的结果(GCC 4.0.1,-O0):

movl  $858, -20(%ebp)
movl  $555, -16(%ebp)
movl  $1234, -12(%ebp)

Not many surprises there. The assembly is inline the function containing the above C++ statement. The values (starting with $) are moved (movl) into offsets into the stack (ebp register). They're negative because the memory locations for the struct members precede the initialization code.

那里没什么惊喜。程序集内联包含上述C ++语句的函数。将值(以$开头)移动(movl)到堆栈中的偏移量(ebp寄存器)。它们是负面的,因为struct成员的内存位置在初始化代码之前。

If you don't fully initialize the struct, i.e. leave out some members like so:


PhoneNumber homePhone = {858, 555};

... then I get the following assembly code:


movl  $0, -20(%ebp)
movl  $0, -16(%ebp)
movl  $0, -12(%ebp)
movl  $858, -20(%ebp)
movl  $555, -16(%ebp)

Seems as if the compiler then actually does something very similar to calling the default constructor, followed by assignment. But again, this is inline in the calling function, not a function call.


If on the other hand you define a default constructor that initializes the members, to the given values, like so:


struct PhoneNumber {
    : areaCode(858)
    , prefix(555)
    , suffix(1234)

  int areaCode;
  int prefix;
  int suffix;

PhoneNumber homePhone;

Then you get assembly code that actually calls a function, and initializes the data members via a pointer to the struct:


movl  8(%ebp), %eax
movl  $858, (%eax)
movl  8(%ebp), %eax
movl  $555, 4(%eax)
movl  8(%ebp), %eax
movl  $1234, 8(%eax)

Each line that goes movl 8(%ebp), %eax sets the pointer value (eax register) to the beginning of the struct's data. In the other lines, eax is used directly, with an offset of 4 and an offset of 8, similar to the direct stack addressing in the previous two examples.

每个行都是movl 8(%ebp),%eax将指针值(eax寄存器)设置为struct数据的开头。在其他行中,eax直接使用,偏移量为4,偏移量为8,类似于前两个示例中的直接堆栈寻址。

Of course all of this is specific to the compiler implementation, but I'd be surprised if other compilers did something extraordinarily different.



A struct in C++ is like a class. The default constructor is being called. Afterwards, each field is copied with its assignment operator.

C ++中的结构就像一个类。正在调用默认构造函数。然后,使用其赋值运算符复制每个字段。


Initialization is, at least to me, one of the toughest parts of the C++ standard. The syntax you are using: Aggregate x = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; defines the initialization of an aggregate type with the first four members assigned values 1, 2, 3 and 4.

至少在我看来,初始化是C ++标准中最棘手的部分之一。您正在使用的语法:聚合x = {1,2,3,4};定义聚合类型的初始化,前四个成员分配值1,2,3和4。

As a note to your particular case (the struct has grown from 3 to 4 elements), the fields not present in the initialization list between the curly braces will be value initialized, which in particular for scalar types is equivalent to zero initialization which is itself the same as assigning 0. Thus your fourth element will be initialized to 0.



It is all defined in the C++ standard, chapter 8.5, and more precisely in 8.5.1 Aggregates. Aggregates will not be initialized with any implicitly declared default constructor. If you use the syntax above you are asking the compiler to initialize the given fields with the provided values. Any extra field in the aggregate shall be value initialized

它全部在C ++标准的第8.5章中定义,更确切地说在8.5.1 Aggregates中定义。不会使用任何隐式声明的默认构造函数初始化聚合。如果使用上面的语法,则要求编译器使用提供的值初始化给定字段。聚合中的任何额外字段都应初始化值

Now, value initialization is defined as a call to the user defined default constructor if the type is a class with such constructor. If it is an array or a non-union class without user defined constructor then each one of the member attributes will be value initialized. Otherwise the object will be zero initialized, which then again is defined as...


Zero initialization is defined as setting the value to 0 for scalar types. For classes each class data member and base class will be zero initialized. For unions, the first member (only) will be zero initialized, for arrays all members will be zero initialized.



It's effectively calling the default ctor; what's happening is a struct is allocated, and each value is assigned used default "=".



However, I have hundreds of these PhoneNumber instances already created with only 3 fields (xxx, xxx, xxxx). So I don't want to go through and modify EVERY single instantiation of my PhoneNumber object that is already defined.


No problem, you just call update-instance-for-redefined-class and ..... er, nevermind. Proceed to mark this "unhelpful"



There is no constructor on your type involved, so the existing three-parameter syntax would need to be modified at aggregate initialisation site.


Unless semantics of your newly added field ie. that new field type, are 'zeroed design-aware' ( idiom recommended by .NET programming, Brad and Co etc in design guidelines nonsense), you


cannot :

a) provide something more meaningful as either C++ default parameters if with some magic there was a method involved ( deault/optional params soon to be available in mass-market C# shop near the grocers web 4.0 and for old COM )

a)提供一些更有意义的东西作为C ++默认参数,如果有一些魔法有一个方法涉及(deault / optional params很快就可以在杂货店web 4.0附近的大众市场C#商店和旧COM中使用)

nor can you


b) follow the C# like pattern of designing value types with invalid value markers as 0s ( which is in this case arguably very bad and bad in general if you do not have control over the constants - something source-level libraries do very well and all-JavaTM MS -like frameworks suck at ).

b)遵循C#类似设计值类型的模式,将无效值标记设置为0(在这种情况下,如果您无法控制常量,这通常会非常糟糕和糟糕 - 某些源级库非常好并且所有-JavaTM类似于MS的框架很糟糕。

In short, if 0 is a valid value you are stuffed and something most compiler writers saw as useful before any managed style or idiom ever existed; but it isn't necessarily right.


Anyway, you best chance isn't C++, or C#. It is code-generation, ie. more liberal meta-programming than modern C++ 'templating' pushes on.. You'll find it similar to JSON array annotation and could use either spirit or (my advice would be) roll your own utils. It helps in the long run, and eventually you'll want to get better at it (ie. what they call lame-man modelling aka Oslo in .NET).

无论如何,你最好的机会不是C ++,或C#。它是代码生成,即。比现代C ++'模板'推动更*的元编程..你会发现它类似于JSON数组注释,可以使用精神或(我的建议是)滚动你自己的工具。从长远来看,它有所帮助,最终你会想要更好地完成它(即他们称之为蹩脚的人造型,即.NET中的奥斯陆)。

[ problems like that are all over many languages, its a drawback of all C-style ones ( C, C++, Java, C#, you name it); very similar to arrays of arrays hackery required for any type of cross-domain or semantic I/O work and evident even in web-tech like SOAP etc.. new C++0x variadic bits don't help much here either but apparently can bring exponentially faster compile-times if you chose to play with some template hackery. Who cares :) ]

[像这样的问题遍及许多语言,它是所有C风格的缺点(C,C ++,Java,C#,你的名字);非常类似于任何类型的跨域或语义I / O工作所需的数组hackery,甚至在像SOAP等网络技术中也很明显。新的C ++ 0x可变位在这里也没有多大帮助,但显然可以如果你选择使用一些模板hackery,那么编译时间会快得多。谁在乎 :) ]


The members are actually copy-initialized. The default constructor for each one is not called and no operator= is involved contrary to what some other answers suggest. It can be shown by a software called geordi - alternatively by reading through the Standard. I'll show the "fun" way using that software. It has got a class tracked::B that can show us when constructors/copy-constructors or destructors/copy assignment operators are called. The output it shows is (TRACK limits tracking to the statement following it):

成员实际上是复制初始化的。不调用每个默认构造函数,并且没有涉及operator =,这与其他一些答案所暗示的相反。它可以通过一个名为geordi的软件显示 - 或者通过阅读标准来显示。我将展示使用该软件的“有趣”方式。它有一个跟踪的类:: B,它可以在调用构造函数/复制构造函数或析构函数/复制赋值运算符时向我们显示。它显示的输出是(TRACK限制跟踪它后面的语句):

B1*(B0) B1~

I used this code


struct T { tracked::B b; }; int main() { tracked::B b; TRACK T t = { b };  }

As you see, the second B object - which is the member within the local variable t, is copy initialized from the other object b. Of course, no assignment operator is activated. You can read about it in 12.6.1/2 in the Standard, if you wish.

如您所见,第二个B对象 - 它是局部变量t中的成员,是从另一个对象b初始化的副本。当然,没有激活赋值运算符。如果您愿意,可以在标准中的12.6.1 / 2中阅读。

The same, by the way, is true with arrays (which are likewise aggregates). Many people believe that objects that are member of arrays must have a type that has a default constructor. But that's not true. They can just be copy initialized by another object of their type and it will work fine.


All other elements that were not explicitly initialized in the aggregate are value initialized. Value-initialization is a mixture of default initialization and zero initialization. Actually, if a member has a type that has a user declared constructor, then that constructor is invoked. If it has a type that does not have a user declared constructor, then each member of it is value initialized. For built-in types (int, bool, pointers, ...) a value initialization is the same as zero initialization (that means that such a variable will become zero). The following will initialize each member to zero - except the first (a), which will be one:

未在聚合中显式初始化的所有其他元素都是值初始化的。值初始化是默认初始化和零初始化的混合。实际上,如果成员的类型具有用户声明的构造函数,则调用该构造函数。如果它的类型没有用户声明的构造函数,那么它的每个成员都是值初始化的。对于内置类型(int,bool,pointers,...),值初始化与零初始化相同(这意味着这样的变量将变为零)。以下将每个成员初始化为零 - 除了第一个(a),它将是一个:

struct T { int a, b, c; }; int main() { T t = { 1 }; }

Those initialization rules are scary, indeed - especially because the 2003 revision of C++ introduced that value initialization. It wasn't part of the Standard as of 1998. If you are more interested in those brace enclosed initializations, you can read How to initialize nested structures in C++?.

确实,这些初始化规则是可怕的 - 特别是因为2003年版的C ++引入了值初始化。它不是1998年标准的一部分。如果你对那些大括号括起来的初始化更感兴趣,你可以阅读如何在C ++中初始化嵌套结构?


It's not calling the default ctor, as others have written. Conceptually it's the same, but in practice, you'll find no function call in the assembly code.


Instead, the members remain uninitialized; you're initializing them with the curly-brace construct.


Interestingly enough, this:


PhoneNumber homePhone = {858, 555, 1234};

Results in this assembly (GCC 4.0.1, -O0):

此程序集中的结果(GCC 4.0.1,-O0):

movl  $858, -20(%ebp)
movl  $555, -16(%ebp)
movl  $1234, -12(%ebp)

Not many surprises there. The assembly is inline the function containing the above C++ statement. The values (starting with $) are moved (movl) into offsets into the stack (ebp register). They're negative because the memory locations for the struct members precede the initialization code.

那里没什么惊喜。程序集内联包含上述C ++语句的函数。将值(以$开头)移动(movl)到堆栈中的偏移量(ebp寄存器)。它们是负面的,因为struct成员的内存位置在初始化代码之前。

If you don't fully initialize the struct, i.e. leave out some members like so:


PhoneNumber homePhone = {858, 555};

... then I get the following assembly code:


movl  $0, -20(%ebp)
movl  $0, -16(%ebp)
movl  $0, -12(%ebp)
movl  $858, -20(%ebp)
movl  $555, -16(%ebp)

Seems as if the compiler then actually does something very similar to calling the default constructor, followed by assignment. But again, this is inline in the calling function, not a function call.


If on the other hand you define a default constructor that initializes the members, to the given values, like so:


struct PhoneNumber {
    : areaCode(858)
    , prefix(555)
    , suffix(1234)

  int areaCode;
  int prefix;
  int suffix;

PhoneNumber homePhone;

Then you get assembly code that actually calls a function, and initializes the data members via a pointer to the struct:


movl  8(%ebp), %eax
movl  $858, (%eax)
movl  8(%ebp), %eax
movl  $555, 4(%eax)
movl  8(%ebp), %eax
movl  $1234, 8(%eax)

Each line that goes movl 8(%ebp), %eax sets the pointer value (eax register) to the beginning of the struct's data. In the other lines, eax is used directly, with an offset of 4 and an offset of 8, similar to the direct stack addressing in the previous two examples.

每个行都是movl 8(%ebp),%eax将指针值(eax寄存器)设置为struct数据的开头。在其他行中,eax直接使用,偏移量为4,偏移量为8,类似于前两个示例中的直接堆栈寻址。

Of course all of this is specific to the compiler implementation, but I'd be surprised if other compilers did something extraordinarily different.



A struct in C++ is like a class. The default constructor is being called. Afterwards, each field is copied with its assignment operator.

C ++中的结构就像一个类。正在调用默认构造函数。然后,使用其赋值运算符复制每个字段。


Initialization is, at least to me, one of the toughest parts of the C++ standard. The syntax you are using: Aggregate x = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; defines the initialization of an aggregate type with the first four members assigned values 1, 2, 3 and 4.

至少在我看来,初始化是C ++标准中最棘手的部分之一。您正在使用的语法:聚合x = {1,2,3,4};定义聚合类型的初始化,前四个成员分配值1,2,3和4。

As a note to your particular case (the struct has grown from 3 to 4 elements), the fields not present in the initialization list between the curly braces will be value initialized, which in particular for scalar types is equivalent to zero initialization which is itself the same as assigning 0. Thus your fourth element will be initialized to 0.



It is all defined in the C++ standard, chapter 8.5, and more precisely in 8.5.1 Aggregates. Aggregates will not be initialized with any implicitly declared default constructor. If you use the syntax above you are asking the compiler to initialize the given fields with the provided values. Any extra field in the aggregate shall be value initialized

它全部在C ++标准的第8.5章中定义,更确切地说在8.5.1 Aggregates中定义。不会使用任何隐式声明的默认构造函数初始化聚合。如果使用上面的语法,则要求编译器使用提供的值初始化给定字段。聚合中的任何额外字段都应初始化值

Now, value initialization is defined as a call to the user defined default constructor if the type is a class with such constructor. If it is an array or a non-union class without user defined constructor then each one of the member attributes will be value initialized. Otherwise the object will be zero initialized, which then again is defined as...


Zero initialization is defined as setting the value to 0 for scalar types. For classes each class data member and base class will be zero initialized. For unions, the first member (only) will be zero initialized, for arrays all members will be zero initialized.



It's effectively calling the default ctor; what's happening is a struct is allocated, and each value is assigned used default "=".



However, I have hundreds of these PhoneNumber instances already created with only 3 fields (xxx, xxx, xxxx). So I don't want to go through and modify EVERY single instantiation of my PhoneNumber object that is already defined.


No problem, you just call update-instance-for-redefined-class and ..... er, nevermind. Proceed to mark this "unhelpful"



There is no constructor on your type involved, so the existing three-parameter syntax would need to be modified at aggregate initialisation site.


Unless semantics of your newly added field ie. that new field type, are 'zeroed design-aware' ( idiom recommended by .NET programming, Brad and Co etc in design guidelines nonsense), you


cannot :

a) provide something more meaningful as either C++ default parameters if with some magic there was a method involved ( deault/optional params soon to be available in mass-market C# shop near the grocers web 4.0 and for old COM )

a)提供一些更有意义的东西作为C ++默认参数,如果有一些魔法有一个方法涉及(deault / optional params很快就可以在杂货店web 4.0附近的大众市场C#商店和旧COM中使用)

nor can you


b) follow the C# like pattern of designing value types with invalid value markers as 0s ( which is in this case arguably very bad and bad in general if you do not have control over the constants - something source-level libraries do very well and all-JavaTM MS -like frameworks suck at ).

b)遵循C#类似设计值类型的模式,将无效值标记设置为0(在这种情况下,如果您无法控制常量,这通常会非常糟糕和糟糕 - 某些源级库非常好并且所有-JavaTM类似于MS的框架很糟糕。

In short, if 0 is a valid value you are stuffed and something most compiler writers saw as useful before any managed style or idiom ever existed; but it isn't necessarily right.


Anyway, you best chance isn't C++, or C#. It is code-generation, ie. more liberal meta-programming than modern C++ 'templating' pushes on.. You'll find it similar to JSON array annotation and could use either spirit or (my advice would be) roll your own utils. It helps in the long run, and eventually you'll want to get better at it (ie. what they call lame-man modelling aka Oslo in .NET).

无论如何,你最好的机会不是C ++,或C#。它是代码生成,即。比现代C ++'模板'推动更*的元编程..你会发现它类似于JSON数组注释,可以使用精神或(我的建议是)滚动你自己的工具。从长远来看,它有所帮助,最终你会想要更好地完成它(即他们称之为蹩脚的人造型,即.NET中的奥斯陆)。

[ problems like that are all over many languages, its a drawback of all C-style ones ( C, C++, Java, C#, you name it); very similar to arrays of arrays hackery required for any type of cross-domain or semantic I/O work and evident even in web-tech like SOAP etc.. new C++0x variadic bits don't help much here either but apparently can bring exponentially faster compile-times if you chose to play with some template hackery. Who cares :) ]

[像这样的问题遍及许多语言,它是所有C风格的缺点(C,C ++,Java,C#,你的名字);非常类似于任何类型的跨域或语义I / O工作所需的数组hackery,甚至在像SOAP等网络技术中也很明显。新的C ++ 0x可变位在这里也没有多大帮助,但显然可以如果你选择使用一些模板hackery,那么编译时间会快得多。谁在乎 :) ]