
时间:2022-03-07 16:54:49

My application had crashed several times with the following stack trace:


An uncatched exception was thrown by application: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Windows.StyleHelper.OnBindingValueInTemplateChanged(Object sender, BindingValueChangedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Data.BindingExpressionBase.ChangeValue(Object newValue, Boolean notify)
   at System.Windows.Data.MultiBindingExpression.TransferValue()
   at System.Windows.Data.MultiBindingExpression.Transfer()
   at System.Windows.Data.MultiBindingExpression.UpdateTarget(Boolean includeInnerBindings)
   at System.Windows.Data.MultiBindingExpression.AttachToContext(Boolean lastChance)
   at System.Windows.Data.MultiBindingExpression.MS.Internal.Data.IDataBindEngineClient.AttachToContext(Boolean lastChance)
   at MS.Internal.Data.DataBindEngine.Task.Run(Boolean lastChance)
   at MS.Internal.Data.DataBindEngine.Run(Object arg)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

The problem is that this happens only in production environment and occurs rarely - about 2-3 times in the past month. So I can no possibility to debug it and I have only the logs. The crash occurred after the system navigated to another state (I see in the log that the next state view and view model are both loaded). The stack trace doesn't point at the specific place.

问题是这种情况只发生在生产环境中并且很少发生 - 过去一个月大约2-3次。所以我无法调试它,我只有日志。系统导航到另一个状态后发生崩溃(我在日志中看到下一个状态视图和视图模型都已加载)。堆栈跟踪不指向特定位置。

I did some investigation of this issue, and here're my findings:


The source code of the StyleHelper class contains a comment above this method: "Is Invoked when a binding in a condition of a data trigger changes its value". And in the call stack written in log I see MultiBindingExpression so I guess this issue is related to MultiDataTrigger. The only place we use MultiDataTrigger in our xamls (related to this particular state) is this style. It also looks (from the OnBindingValueInTemplateChanged code) that the only candidates to be null are a sender (that is BindingExpression) or the TargetElement of this expression (because another variables have a null-check and if there was a crash in any method called from this method so it had been writted to the call stack). I really don't understand in which scenario two of these friends could be null...


Did anyone face the same exception before and can advise how it can happen? Or any suggestions how I can avoid the application to crash?


1 个解决方案



Try using try/catch in the Convert method of your IMultiValueConverter.

尝试在IMultiValueConverter的Convert方法中使用try / catch。



Try using try/catch in the Convert method of your IMultiValueConverter.

尝试在IMultiValueConverter的Convert方法中使用try / catch。