
时间:2022-01-26 16:53:52

I have the following interface declarations:


interface IOrder<T> where T: IOrderItem
     IList<T> Items { get; set; }

interface IOrderItem
     IOrder<IOrderItem> Parent { get; set; } // What do I put here?

I want the items in the list to have a reference to the header object, so it can use the ID and other fields from the header.


In my concrete classes, it complains that I don't implement "Parent" properly.


class StoreOrder : IOrder<StoreOrderItem>
    public IList<StoreOrderItem> Items { get; set; }

class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    public StoreOrder Parent { get; set; } // This doesn't satisfy the interface

I tried setting up IOrderItem as IOrderItem<T> and passing in the Parent type, but that lead to circular reference since the Header class requries the Item class type... I got confused.

我尝试将IOrderItem设置为IOrderItem 并传入父类型,但这导致循环引用,因为头类请求项类类型……把我弄糊涂了。

Any advice on how to implement this properly?


4 个解决方案



If you define your interfaces like so:


interface IOrder<T> where T : IOrderItem<T>
    IList<T> Items { get; set; }
interface IOrderItem<T> where T : IOrderItem<T>
    IOrder<T> Parent { get; set; }

You can then implement them like this to get the functionality that you expect:


class StoreOrder : IOrder<StoreOrderItem>
    public IList<StoreOrderItem> Items { get; set; }
class StoreOrderItem: IOrderItem<StoreOrderItem>
    public IOrder<StoreOrderItem> Parent { get; set; }



class StoreOrder : IOrder<StoreOrderItem>
    public int Id { get; set; }

class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    public IOrder<IOrderItem> Parent { get; set; } // This doesn't satisfy the interface

You may not specialize - IOrder<IOrderItem> is more general than StoreOrder

您不能专门化- IOrder 比StoreOrder更一般



Here's a solution for changing the interfaces:


interface IOrder<TOrder, TOrderItem> 
    where TOrderItem : IOrderItem<TOrder>
    IList<TOrderItem> Items { get; set; }

interface IOrderItem<TOrder>
    TOrder Parent { get; set; }

Making changes to StoreOrder and StoreOrderItem to support the interface changes AND adding a couple properties to each for a later test:


class StoreOrder: IOrder<StoreOrder, StoreOrderItem>
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public IList<StoreOrderItem> Items { get; set; }

class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem<StoreOrder>
    public string ItemName { get; set; }
    public decimal ItemPrice { get; set; }
    public StoreOrder Parent { get; set; }

...and now creating StoreOrder and StoreOrderItem instances, and putting them through their paces:


void Main()
    var so = new StoreOrder { Date = DateTime.Now };
    var item = new StoreOrderItem {
            Parent = so,
            ItemName = "Hand soap",
            ItemPrice = 2.50m };
    so.Items = new [] { item };


...when run, printed:


3/16/2012 10:43:55 AM
Hand soap

Another option is to scrap the above and take this solution and alter it by adding the Parent property with the desired type and using explicit interface implementation to avoid casting at the call-sites, making for a StoreOrderItem implementation something like this:


class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    public string ItemName { get; set; }
    public decimal ItemPrice { get; set; }
    public StoreOrder Parent { get; set; } // note: original implementation

    IOrder<IOrderItem> IOrderItem.Parent {  // explicit interface implementation
        get { return (IOrder<IOrderItem>)this.Parent; }
        set { this.Parent = (StoreOrder)value; }

My favorite of the above is the first proposal above with the two-generic parameters to IOrder and the unconstrained generic-parameter on IOrderItem. A previous version I had posted and have now edited had both interfaces each with the same two generic types each with the same constraints. I felt like this was going a bit overboard so I pared it back to the above implementation. Although there is a complete lack of constraints on TOrder type parameter to IOrderItem - attempts to fudge other types in its place (e.g., object) resulted in compile errors. Using TOrder instead of just calling it T provides a hint about the expected type in the absence of the type constraint. That will be my final edit - I feel it is the most succinct of my attempts; if you are curious I can provide the former implementation that had the double-generic-constrained-types on the interfaces, but this is at least my preferred this solution. cheers!




Declaration to satisfy the interfaces:


class StoreOrder : IOrder<StoreOrderItem>
    // interface members
    public IList<StoreOrderItem> Items { get; set; }

    // own members
    public int Id { get; set; }

class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    public IOrder<IOrderItem> Parent { get; set; }

To access custom members you will have to cast:


class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    void Test()
        int id = ((StoreOrder)this.Parent).ID;



If you define your interfaces like so:


interface IOrder<T> where T : IOrderItem<T>
    IList<T> Items { get; set; }
interface IOrderItem<T> where T : IOrderItem<T>
    IOrder<T> Parent { get; set; }

You can then implement them like this to get the functionality that you expect:


class StoreOrder : IOrder<StoreOrderItem>
    public IList<StoreOrderItem> Items { get; set; }
class StoreOrderItem: IOrderItem<StoreOrderItem>
    public IOrder<StoreOrderItem> Parent { get; set; }



class StoreOrder : IOrder<StoreOrderItem>
    public int Id { get; set; }

class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    public IOrder<IOrderItem> Parent { get; set; } // This doesn't satisfy the interface

You may not specialize - IOrder<IOrderItem> is more general than StoreOrder

您不能专门化- IOrder 比StoreOrder更一般



Here's a solution for changing the interfaces:


interface IOrder<TOrder, TOrderItem> 
    where TOrderItem : IOrderItem<TOrder>
    IList<TOrderItem> Items { get; set; }

interface IOrderItem<TOrder>
    TOrder Parent { get; set; }

Making changes to StoreOrder and StoreOrderItem to support the interface changes AND adding a couple properties to each for a later test:


class StoreOrder: IOrder<StoreOrder, StoreOrderItem>
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public IList<StoreOrderItem> Items { get; set; }

class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem<StoreOrder>
    public string ItemName { get; set; }
    public decimal ItemPrice { get; set; }
    public StoreOrder Parent { get; set; }

...and now creating StoreOrder and StoreOrderItem instances, and putting them through their paces:


void Main()
    var so = new StoreOrder { Date = DateTime.Now };
    var item = new StoreOrderItem {
            Parent = so,
            ItemName = "Hand soap",
            ItemPrice = 2.50m };
    so.Items = new [] { item };


...when run, printed:


3/16/2012 10:43:55 AM
Hand soap

Another option is to scrap the above and take this solution and alter it by adding the Parent property with the desired type and using explicit interface implementation to avoid casting at the call-sites, making for a StoreOrderItem implementation something like this:


class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    public string ItemName { get; set; }
    public decimal ItemPrice { get; set; }
    public StoreOrder Parent { get; set; } // note: original implementation

    IOrder<IOrderItem> IOrderItem.Parent {  // explicit interface implementation
        get { return (IOrder<IOrderItem>)this.Parent; }
        set { this.Parent = (StoreOrder)value; }

My favorite of the above is the first proposal above with the two-generic parameters to IOrder and the unconstrained generic-parameter on IOrderItem. A previous version I had posted and have now edited had both interfaces each with the same two generic types each with the same constraints. I felt like this was going a bit overboard so I pared it back to the above implementation. Although there is a complete lack of constraints on TOrder type parameter to IOrderItem - attempts to fudge other types in its place (e.g., object) resulted in compile errors. Using TOrder instead of just calling it T provides a hint about the expected type in the absence of the type constraint. That will be my final edit - I feel it is the most succinct of my attempts; if you are curious I can provide the former implementation that had the double-generic-constrained-types on the interfaces, but this is at least my preferred this solution. cheers!




Declaration to satisfy the interfaces:


class StoreOrder : IOrder<StoreOrderItem>
    // interface members
    public IList<StoreOrderItem> Items { get; set; }

    // own members
    public int Id { get; set; }

class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    public IOrder<IOrderItem> Parent { get; set; }

To access custom members you will have to cast:


class StoreOrderItem : IOrderItem
    void Test()
        int id = ((StoreOrder)this.Parent).ID;