1. Hadoop中有多少文件的文件名是重复的?
File names used > 100000 times | 24 |
File names used between 10001 to 100000 times | 467 |
File names used between 1001 to 10000 times | 4335 |
File names used between 101 to 1000 times | 40031 |
File names used between 10 to 100 times | 403975 |
File names used between 2 to 9 times | 606579 |
File names used between 1 times | 4114531 |
Total file names | 5169942 |
2. 如果缓存文件名大概能节省多少内存?
bin/hadoop oiv -i fsimage_0000000015589116819 -o ovils -p NameDistribution Total unique file names 241275868
21 names are used by 2620832 files between 100000-214114 times. Heap savings ~89107574 bytes.
634 names are used by 20434805 files between 10000-99999 times. Heap savings ~703887328 bytes.
7593 names are used by 19447534 files between 1000-9999 times. Heap savings ~734908710 bytes.
49057 names are used by 16697480 files between 100-999 times. Heap savings ~729947272 bytes.
399464 names are used by 7812965 files between 10-99 times. Heap savings ~381085471 bytes.
638085 names are used by 4261035 files between 5-9 times. Heap savings ~223499710 bytes.
628335 names are used by 2513340 files 4 times. Heap savings ~118476621 bytes.
2550503 names are used by 7651509 files 3 times. Heap savings ~319960524 bytes.
3698086 names are used by 7396172 files 2 times. Heap savings ~230703725 bytes. Total saved heap ~3531576935bytes.
3. 代码实现
public class ByteArray {
private int hash = 0; // 字节数组的hashcode
private final byte[] bytes; public ByteArray(byte[] bytes) {
this.bytes = bytes;
} public byte[] getBytes() {
return bytes;
} @Override
public int hashCode() {
if (hash == 0) {
hash = Arrays.hashCode(bytes);
return hash;
} @Override
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof ByteArray)) {
return false;
return Arrays.equals(bytes, ((ByteArray)o).bytes);
有了缓存项,还要有管理缓存项的缓存类NameCache,NameCache有两个重要的成员cache和transientMap,transientMap用来记录每个文件名被使用的次数,每次addFile时,先把文件名放入transientMap,当文件被重用的次数大于一个阀值时(dfs.namenode.name.cache.threshold配置项),文件名从transientMap 迁移到cache对象中。NameCache中最重要的方法是 K put(final K name),在该方法中,首先检查cache,如果cache中已经缓存了文件名,那么直接返回cache中的文件名;如果cache中没有那么先把文件名放入transientMap,文件的重用次数加1,如果加1后大于阀值,则执行void promote(final K name)方法,该方法中将transientMap中的对应项remove掉,然后放到cache中。该过程的时序图如下所示:
1. 当cache中已经缓存了文件名,则直接返回,这个过程只调用了一次get方法;
2. 当cache中没有缓存文件名(判断过程调用一次get),并且transientMap中也没有这个文件名(判断过程再一次调用get),则向transientMap中put文件名和使用次数(调用一次put),共计2次get,1次put;
3. 当cache中没有缓存文件名(判断过程调用一次get),并且transientMap中也有这个文件名(判断过程再一次调用get)时,把transientMap中的对应文件名的的重用次数加1,如果文件名重用次数小于阀值不大于阀值则返回,共计调用2次get;
4. 当cache中没有缓存文件名(判断过程调用一次get),并且transientMap中也有这个文件名(判断过程再一次调用get)时,把transientMap中的对应文件名的的重用次数加1,如果文件名重用次数大于等于阀值,则调用promotion,把transientMap中的对应项remove掉,并把该文件名put到cache中,此过程共计调用2次get,1次remove,1次put。
// <K> name to be added to the cache
class NameCache<K> {
* Class for tracking use count of a name
private class UseCount {
int count;
final K value; // Internal value for the name UseCount(final K value) {
count = 1;
this.value = value;
} void increment() {
} int get() {
return count;
} static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NameCache.class.getName()); /** indicates initialization is in progress */
private boolean initialized = false; /** names used more than {@code useThreshold} is added to the cache */
private final int useThreshold; /** of times a cache look up was successful */
private int lookups = 0; /** Cached names */
final HashMap<K, K> cache = new HashMap<K, K>(); /** Names and with number of occurrences tracked during initialization */
Map<K, UseCount> transientMap = new HashMap<K, UseCount>(); /**
* Constructor
* @param useThreshold names occurring more than this is promoted to the
* cache
NameCache(int useThreshold) {
this.useThreshold = useThreshold;
} /**
* Add a given name to the cache or track use count.
* exist. If the name already exists, then the internal value is returned.
* @param name name to be looked up
* @return internal value for the name if found; otherwise null
K put(final K name) {
K internal = cache.get(name);
if (internal != null) {
return internal;
} // Track the usage count only during initialization
if (!initialized) {
UseCount useCount = transientMap.get(name);
if (useCount != null) {
if (useCount.get() >= useThreshold) {
return useCount.value;
useCount = new UseCount(name);
transientMap.put(name, useCount);
return null;
} /**
* Lookup count when a lookup for a name returned cached object
* @return number of successful lookups
int getLookupCount() {
return lookups;
} /**
* Size of the cache
* @return Number of names stored in the cache
int size() {
return cache.size();
} /**
* Mark the name cache as initialized. The use count is no longer tracked
* and the transient map used for initializing the cache is discarded to
* save heap space.
void initialized() {
LOG.info("initialized with " + size() + " entries " + lookups + " lookups");
this.initialized = true;
transientMap = null;
} /** Promote a frequently used name to the cache */
private void promote(final K name) {
cache.put(name, name);
lookups += useThreshold;
} public void reset() {
initialized = false;
if (transientMap == null) {
transientMap = new HashMap<K, UseCount>();
} else {
private <T extends INode> T addNode(String src, T child,
long childDiskspace)
throws QuotaExceededException, UnresolvedLinkException {
byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(src);
byte[] path = components[components.length-1];
INode[] inodes = new INode[components.length];
try {
rootDir.getExistingPathINodes(components, inodes, false);
return addChild(inodes, inodes.length-1, child, childDiskspace);
} finally {
} INodeDirectory addToParent(byte[] src, INodeDirectory parentINode,
INode newNode, boolean propagateModTime) throws UnresolvedLinkException {
// NOTE: This does not update space counts for parents
INodeDirectory newParent = null;
try {
try {
newParent = rootDir.addToParent(src, newNode, parentINode,
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return null;
if(newParent == null)
return null;
if(!newNode.isDirectory() && !newNode.isLink()) {
// Add file->block mapping
INodeFile newF = (INodeFile)newNode;
BlockInfo[] blocks = newF.getBlocks();
for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
newF.setBlock(i, getBlockManager().addBlockCollection(blocks[i], newF));
} finally {
return newParent;
} void cacheName(INode inode) {
// Name is cached only for files
if (inode.isDirectory() || inode.isLink()) {
ByteArray name = new ByteArray(inode.getLocalNameBytes());
name = nameCache.put(name);
if (name != null) {
4. 优化结果及分析
优化前 | 优化后 | |
fsimage加载时间 | 898秒 | 1102秒 |
Heap Used |
112.148G |
5. 异步缓存

public class FSDirectoryNameCache {
// buffer this many elements in temporary queue
private static final int MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000; // actual cache
private final NameCache<ByteArray> nameCache;
private volatile boolean imageLoaded; // initial caching utils
private ExecutorService cachingExecutor;
private List<Future<Void>> cachingTasks;
private List<INode> cachingTempQueue; public FSDirectoryNameCache(int threshold) {
nameCache = new NameCache<ByteArray>(threshold);
imageLoaded = false; // executor for processing temporary queue (only 1 thread!!)
cachingExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
cachingTempQueue = new ArrayList<INode>(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE);
cachingTasks = new ArrayList<Future<Void>>();
} /**
* Adds cached entry to the map and updates INode
private void cacheNameInternal(INode inode) {
// Name is cached only for files
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
ByteArray name = new ByteArray(inode.getLocalNameBytes());
name = nameCache.put(name);
if (name != null) {
} void cacheName(INode inode) {
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
if (this.imageLoaded) {
// direct caching
} // otherwise add it to temporary queue
cachingTempQueue.add(inode); // if queue is too large, submit a task
if (cachingTempQueue.size() >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) {
.submit(new CacheWorker(cachingTempQueue)));
cachingTempQueue = new ArrayList<INode>(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE);
} /**
* Worker for processing a list of inodes.
class CacheWorker implements Callable<Void> {
private final List<INode> inodesToProcess; CacheWorker(List<INode> inodes) {
this.inodesToProcess = inodes;
} @Override
public Void call() throws Exception {
for (INode inode : inodesToProcess) {
return null;
} /**
* Inform that from now on all caching is done synchronously.
* Cache remaining inodes from the queue.
* @throws IOException
void imageLoaded() throws IOException {
if(cachingTasks == null) {
for (Future<Void> task : cachingTasks) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException("FSDirectory cache received interruption");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} // will not be used after startup
this.cachingTasks = null;
this.cachingExecutor = null; // process remaining inodes
for(INode inode : cachingTempQueue) {
this.cachingTempQueue = null; this.imageLoaded = true;
} void initialized() {
} int size() {
return nameCache.size();
} int getLookupCount() {
return nameCache.getLookupCount();
} public void reset() {
6. 异步实验结果及分析
优化前 | 同步cache | 异步cache | |
fsimage加载时间 | 898秒 | 1102秒 | 956秒 |
Heap Used | 115.252G | 112.148G | 112.147G |