
时间:2021-07-16 16:54:47

Basically, I have a button, that, when pressed, should change another label's text color. However, whenever I try to run it, I get the error:


'Label' does not contain a definition for 'ForeColor' and no extension method 'ForeColor' accepting a first argument 'Label' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


The basic code is:


private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    tlabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

What should I do?


Sorry if the question might be easily fixable but I just recently started with C# and I couldn't find any solutions that fix my problem (or questions that are even similar).


1 个解决方案



The property is called Foreground and it's a Brush, not a Color.


tlabel.Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red;

The advantage of using a brush instead of a color is that red is just red, but a Brush could be a lot of things. The system brush I showed you is a SolidColorBrush -- just red -- but there are various gradient brushes, ImageBrushes, and so on.

使用画笔而不是颜色的优点是红色只是红色,但画笔可能是很多东西。我给你看的系统画笔是一个SolidColorBrush - 只是红色 - 但有各种渐变画笔,ImageBrushes等。

System.Drawing is a windows forms namespace, not WPF. ForeColor is a windows forms property as well. Make sure the documentation you're looking at is for WPF, not windows forms.

System.Drawing是一个Windows窗体命名空间,而不是WPF。 ForeColor也是一个Windows窗体属性。确保您正在查看的文档适用于WPF,而不是Windows窗体。



The property is called Foreground and it's a Brush, not a Color.


tlabel.Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red;

The advantage of using a brush instead of a color is that red is just red, but a Brush could be a lot of things. The system brush I showed you is a SolidColorBrush -- just red -- but there are various gradient brushes, ImageBrushes, and so on.

使用画笔而不是颜色的优点是红色只是红色,但画笔可能是很多东西。我给你看的系统画笔是一个SolidColorBrush - 只是红色 - 但有各种渐变画笔,ImageBrushes等。

System.Drawing is a windows forms namespace, not WPF. ForeColor is a windows forms property as well. Make sure the documentation you're looking at is for WPF, not windows forms.

System.Drawing是一个Windows窗体命名空间,而不是WPF。 ForeColor也是一个Windows窗体属性。确保您正在查看的文档适用于WPF,而不是Windows窗体。