
时间:2022-05-28 16:56:15

I am getting kind of frustrated with cmake, as I am trying to learn it and use it properly.


Here is my setup:


I have a directory called ~/project. In this directory, I have:

我有一个名为〜/ project的目录。在这个目录中,我有:

  • build directory
  • source directory
  • includes directory.
  • CMakeLists.txt file.

The contents of this CMakeLists.txt file is:


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

I also have another CMakeLists.txt in ~/project/source, and its content is:

我在〜/ project / source中还有另一个CMakeLists.txt,其内容是:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(exec entry.cpp)

Now, I go into the build directory which is empty, and do cmake ... This works fine. However I then see a 'source' directory get created as shown here.

现在,我进入构建目录,这是空的,并做cmake ...这很好。然而,我然后看到如此处所示创建的“源”目录。

Why is this being created? I do not know what is going on. As I understand it, it should not be doing this, it should give me everything I see here, except for the 'source' directory.



1 个解决方案



Inside your build directory, CMake re-creates the whole directory structure of your project. The rational is, to keep the project structure. Image a bigger project with several levels of subfolders and sources, libraries and tests scattered in a meaningful way. To run a test, you follow the structure where the test's source is located, just in the build directory instead of the source directory.


As your project, at least as far as CMake knows it, is only the source subdirectory, only this folder is created.


If you really have just the source project, I am not sure whether would be better to place the CMake project just inside source.




Inside your build directory, CMake re-creates the whole directory structure of your project. The rational is, to keep the project structure. Image a bigger project with several levels of subfolders and sources, libraries and tests scattered in a meaningful way. To run a test, you follow the structure where the test's source is located, just in the build directory instead of the source directory.


As your project, at least as far as CMake knows it, is only the source subdirectory, only this folder is created.


If you really have just the source project, I am not sure whether would be better to place the CMake project just inside source.
