
时间:2022-01-04 16:53:50

As an intern, I use company code in my projects and they usually send me a jar file to work with. I add it to the build path in Eclipse and usually all is fine and dandy.


However, I got curious to know, what each class contained and when I try to open one of the classes in the jar file, it tells me that I need a source file.


What does this mean? I come from a C/C++ background so is a jar similar to an already compiled .o file and all I can see is the .h stuff? Or is there actual code in the jar file that I'm using that's encrypted so I can't read it?

这是什么意思?我来自一个C/ c++背景,那么一个jar和一个已经编译好的。o文件相似,我只能看到。h文件吗?或者我正在使用的jar文件中有加密的代码,所以我无法读取它?

Thanks for all the answers!


Thanks, guys, I knew it was a sort of like an archive but I was confused to why when I tried to open the .class files, I got a bunch of random characters. The output was similar when I tried to open a .o file in C so I just wanted to make sure.


12 个解决方案



A JAR file is actually just a ZIP file. It can contain anything - usually it contains compiled Java code (*.class), but sometimes also Java sourcecode (*.java).

JAR文件实际上就是一个ZIP文件。它可以包含任何内容——通常它包含编译后的Java代码(*.class),但有时也包含Java源代码(*. Java)。

However, Java can be decompiled - in case the developer obfuscated his code you won't get any useful class/function/variable names though.




However, I got curious to what each class contained and when I try to open one of the classes in the jar file, it tells me that I need a source file.


A jar file is basically a zip file containing .class files and potentially other resources (and metadata about the jar itself). It's hard to compare C to Java really, as Java byte code maintains a lot more metadata than most binary formats - but the class file is compiled code instead of source code.


If you either open the jar file with a zip utility or run jar xf foo.jar you can extract the files from it, and have a look at them. Note that you don't need a jar file to run Java code - classloaders can load class data directly from the file system, or from URLs, as well as from jar files.

如果您使用zip实用程序打开jar文件,或者运行jar xf foo。jar您可以从中提取文件,并查看它们。注意,运行Java代码不需要jar文件——类加载器可以直接从文件系统或url以及jar文件加载类数据。



The best way to understand what the jar file contains is by executing this :


Go to command line and execute jar tvf jarfilename.jar

转到命令行并执行jar tvf jarfilename.jar



A jar file is a zip file with some additional files containing metadata. (Despite the .jar extension, it is in zip format, and any utilities that deal with .zip files are also able to deal with .jar files.)




Jar files can contain any kind of files, but they usually contain class files and supporting configuration files (properties), graphics and other data files needed by the application.


Class files contain compiled Java code, which is executable by the Java Virtual Machine.






JAR stands for Java ARchive. It's a file format based on the popular ZIP file format and is used for aggregating many files into one. Although JAR can be used as a general archiving tool, the primary motivation for its development was so that Java applets and their requisite components (.class files, images and sounds) can be downloaded to a browser in a single HTTP transaction, rather than opening a new connection for each piece. This greatly improves the speed with which an applet can be loaded onto a web page and begin functioning. The JAR format also supports compression, which reduces the size of the file and improves download time still further. Additionally, individual entries in a JAR file may be digitally signed by the applet author to authenticate their origin.

JAR代表Java存档。它是一种基于流行的ZIP文件格式的文件格式,用于将多个文件聚合为一个文件。虽然JAR可以作为通用的存档工具使用,但是开发它的主要动机是让Java applet及其必需的组件(。可以将类文件、图像和声音下载到单个HTTP事务中的浏览器中,而不是为每一个文件打开一个新的连接。这大大提高了applet加载到web页面并开始运行的速度。JAR格式还支持压缩,这减少了文件的大小,进一步提高了下载时间。此外,JAR文件中的单个条目可以由applet作者进行数字签名,以验证它们的来源。



Jar file contains compiled Java binary classes in the form of *.class which can be converted to readable .java class by decompiling it using some open source decompiler. The jar also has an optional META-INF/MANIFEST.MF which tells us how to use the jar file - specifies other jar files for loading with the jar.




JD-GUI is a very handy tool for browsing and decompiling JARs




A .jar file is akin to a .exe file. In essence, they are both executable zip files (different zip algorithms).


In a jar file, you will see folders and class files. Each class file is similar to your .o file, and is a compiled java archive.


If you wanted to see the code in a jar file, download a java decompiler (located here: http://java.decompiler.free.fr/?q=jdgui) and a .jar extractor (7zip works fine).




Just check if the aopalliance.jar file has .java files instead of .class files. if so, just extract the jar file, import it in eclipse & create a jar though eclipse. It worked for me.




A .jar file contains compiled code (*.class files) and other data/resources related to that code. It enables you to bundle multiple files into a single archive file. It also contains metadata. Since it is a zip file it is capable of compressing the data that you put into it.


Couple of things i found useful.






The book OSGi in practice defines JAR files as, "JARs are archive files based on the ZIP file format, allowing many files to be aggregated into a single file. Typically the files contained in the archive are a mixture of compiled Java class files and resource files such as images and documents. Additionally the specification defines a standard location within a JAR archive for metadata — the META-INF folder — and several standard file names and formats within that directly, most important of which is the MANIFEST.MF file."




As per my understanding Jar file is same as Zip but has executable files.


If you do not have executable files in Jar then it would be same as Zip file, I mean to say why go to Jar.


Since Jar file has executable files, they can be easily loaded on to your code and easily transferred to others to use it.




Jar( Java Archive) contains group of .class files.


1.To create Jar File (Zip File)


 if one .class (say, Demo.class) then use command jar -cvf NameOfJarFile.jar Demo.class (usually it’s not feasible for only one .class file)

 if more than one .class (say, Demo.class , DemoOne.class) then use command jar -cvf NameOfJarFile.jar Demo.class DemoOne.class

 if all .class is to be group (say, Demo.class , DemoOne.class etc) then use command jar -cvf NameOfJarFile.jar *.class

2.To extract Jar File (Unzip File)


    jar -xvf NameOfJarFile.jar

3.To display table of content


    jar -tvf NameOfJarFile.jar



A JAR file is actually just a ZIP file. It can contain anything - usually it contains compiled Java code (*.class), but sometimes also Java sourcecode (*.java).

JAR文件实际上就是一个ZIP文件。它可以包含任何内容——通常它包含编译后的Java代码(*.class),但有时也包含Java源代码(*. Java)。

However, Java can be decompiled - in case the developer obfuscated his code you won't get any useful class/function/variable names though.




However, I got curious to what each class contained and when I try to open one of the classes in the jar file, it tells me that I need a source file.


A jar file is basically a zip file containing .class files and potentially other resources (and metadata about the jar itself). It's hard to compare C to Java really, as Java byte code maintains a lot more metadata than most binary formats - but the class file is compiled code instead of source code.


If you either open the jar file with a zip utility or run jar xf foo.jar you can extract the files from it, and have a look at them. Note that you don't need a jar file to run Java code - classloaders can load class data directly from the file system, or from URLs, as well as from jar files.

如果您使用zip实用程序打开jar文件,或者运行jar xf foo。jar您可以从中提取文件,并查看它们。注意,运行Java代码不需要jar文件——类加载器可以直接从文件系统或url以及jar文件加载类数据。



The best way to understand what the jar file contains is by executing this :


Go to command line and execute jar tvf jarfilename.jar

转到命令行并执行jar tvf jarfilename.jar



A jar file is a zip file with some additional files containing metadata. (Despite the .jar extension, it is in zip format, and any utilities that deal with .zip files are also able to deal with .jar files.)




Jar files can contain any kind of files, but they usually contain class files and supporting configuration files (properties), graphics and other data files needed by the application.


Class files contain compiled Java code, which is executable by the Java Virtual Machine.






JAR stands for Java ARchive. It's a file format based on the popular ZIP file format and is used for aggregating many files into one. Although JAR can be used as a general archiving tool, the primary motivation for its development was so that Java applets and their requisite components (.class files, images and sounds) can be downloaded to a browser in a single HTTP transaction, rather than opening a new connection for each piece. This greatly improves the speed with which an applet can be loaded onto a web page and begin functioning. The JAR format also supports compression, which reduces the size of the file and improves download time still further. Additionally, individual entries in a JAR file may be digitally signed by the applet author to authenticate their origin.

JAR代表Java存档。它是一种基于流行的ZIP文件格式的文件格式,用于将多个文件聚合为一个文件。虽然JAR可以作为通用的存档工具使用,但是开发它的主要动机是让Java applet及其必需的组件(。可以将类文件、图像和声音下载到单个HTTP事务中的浏览器中,而不是为每一个文件打开一个新的连接。这大大提高了applet加载到web页面并开始运行的速度。JAR格式还支持压缩,这减少了文件的大小,进一步提高了下载时间。此外,JAR文件中的单个条目可以由applet作者进行数字签名,以验证它们的来源。



Jar file contains compiled Java binary classes in the form of *.class which can be converted to readable .java class by decompiling it using some open source decompiler. The jar also has an optional META-INF/MANIFEST.MF which tells us how to use the jar file - specifies other jar files for loading with the jar.




JD-GUI is a very handy tool for browsing and decompiling JARs




A .jar file is akin to a .exe file. In essence, they are both executable zip files (different zip algorithms).


In a jar file, you will see folders and class files. Each class file is similar to your .o file, and is a compiled java archive.


If you wanted to see the code in a jar file, download a java decompiler (located here: http://java.decompiler.free.fr/?q=jdgui) and a .jar extractor (7zip works fine).




Just check if the aopalliance.jar file has .java files instead of .class files. if so, just extract the jar file, import it in eclipse & create a jar though eclipse. It worked for me.




A .jar file contains compiled code (*.class files) and other data/resources related to that code. It enables you to bundle multiple files into a single archive file. It also contains metadata. Since it is a zip file it is capable of compressing the data that you put into it.


Couple of things i found useful.






The book OSGi in practice defines JAR files as, "JARs are archive files based on the ZIP file format, allowing many files to be aggregated into a single file. Typically the files contained in the archive are a mixture of compiled Java class files and resource files such as images and documents. Additionally the specification defines a standard location within a JAR archive for metadata — the META-INF folder — and several standard file names and formats within that directly, most important of which is the MANIFEST.MF file."




As per my understanding Jar file is same as Zip but has executable files.


If you do not have executable files in Jar then it would be same as Zip file, I mean to say why go to Jar.


Since Jar file has executable files, they can be easily loaded on to your code and easily transferred to others to use it.




Jar( Java Archive) contains group of .class files.


1.To create Jar File (Zip File)


 if one .class (say, Demo.class) then use command jar -cvf NameOfJarFile.jar Demo.class (usually it’s not feasible for only one .class file)

 if more than one .class (say, Demo.class , DemoOne.class) then use command jar -cvf NameOfJarFile.jar Demo.class DemoOne.class

 if all .class is to be group (say, Demo.class , DemoOne.class etc) then use command jar -cvf NameOfJarFile.jar *.class

2.To extract Jar File (Unzip File)


    jar -xvf NameOfJarFile.jar

3.To display table of content


    jar -tvf NameOfJarFile.jar