我可以这样做吗? Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat + Axis

时间:2022-06-21 16:53:53

We're making a product which requires a web service to hook up to an existing database used by one of our other products. Owing to time constraints we need to get this thing up and running pretty quickly. Our web server is Apache on a Linux machine, and the client software for the new product is constrained to communication on Port 80. Our dilemma is that we can't just get a new server in time (Apache can't share port 80) and so the plan is to route requests through the existing Apache server.


I know we can hook Apache up to Tomcat using mod_jk, but what I want to do is overlay Apache Axis on Tomcat to make use of SOAP. I'm currently downloading everything I need to test this out, but not having used Axis before, I'm just curious as to whether anybody has actually tried this before and if so, does it / can it work? If there are going to be any roadblocks stopping me from doing this then a heads-up would be much appreciated.

我知道我们可以使用mod_jk将Apache连接到Tomcat,但我想要做的是在Tomcat上覆盖Apache Axis以使用SOAP。我正在下载我需要测试它的所有内容,但之前没有使用过Axis,我只是好奇是否有人之前已经尝试过这个,如果有的话,它/它可以工作吗?如果有任何障碍阻止我这样做,那么我将非常感谢单挑。

I can't seem to find anything which says this particular setup will or won't work, apart from a posting on the Ubuntu forums which looks similar to what I'm attempting to do but on closer inspection appears to be different.


So to summarise, what I'm curious about is whether accessing a SOAP Web Service through Apache web server, connected to an Axis / Tomcat combo would work?

总而言之,我很好奇的是,通过连接到Axis / Tomcat组合的Apache Web服务器访问SOAP Web服务是否有效?

I'm assuming for now that with a little jiggery-pokery it should be ok, but I'll admit I'm in unfamiliar territory here so any advice / information would be a big help.




2 个解决方案


Having just installed and configured all of the necessary components, it appears that this does work. I'm yet to test whether it allows a web service to work from a client machine properly yet, but all signs look good so far!



I worked on a product that had exactly this setup about a year ago. I'm afraid the details are a bit fuzzy, but I don't remember having any problems with the software stack. If you find you need help, comment back here and I'll try to dig up some more info.



Having just installed and configured all of the necessary components, it appears that this does work. I'm yet to test whether it allows a web service to work from a client machine properly yet, but all signs look good so far!



I worked on a product that had exactly this setup about a year ago. I'm afraid the details are a bit fuzzy, but I don't remember having any problems with the software stack. If you find you need help, comment back here and I'll try to dig up some more info.
