
时间:2022-04-01 16:46:23

I am looking to create a dictionary that will have


let urlDict:[String:Func] = ["LOGIN":getLoginURL(), "RESET":getResetPasswordURL()]

func getLoginURL() -> String{
        if (sandbox == true){
            return sb_login_url
            return live_login_url

    func getResetPasswordURL() -> String{
        if (sandbox == true){
            return sb_reset_url
            return live_reset_url


The purpose of this dict is to get/map functions based on the KEY and as per KEY corresponding function must be called which in turn will return return urls.


I have tried naming the dictionary but I am unable to do it


let urlDict:[String:Func] = ["LOGIN":getLoginURL(), "RESET":getResetPasswordURL()]
let urlDict:[String:Function] = ["LOGIN":getLoginURL(), "RESET":getResetPasswordURL()]
let urlDict:[String:Functions] = ["LOGIN":getLoginURL(), "RESET":getResetPasswordURL()]



 class Constants{
       private let sb_login_url = "http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/login_with_credentials"
        private let live_login_url = "http://google.com"

        private let sb_reset_url = "http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/forgot_password"
        private let live_reset_url = "http://google.com"

        func getLoginURL() -> String{
            if (sandbox == true){
                return sb_login_url
                return live_login_url

        func getResetPasswordURL() -> String{
            if (sandbox == true){
                return sb_reset_url
                return live_reset_url

  `    let urlDict: [String: () -> String] = ["LOGIN": Constants.getLog‌​inURL(), "RESET":Constants.getResetPasswordURL()]

    if let getFunc = urlDict[url_key] {
                let url = (getFunc()) // foo}


2 个解决方案



You must specify the type of the functions (which are common for both getLoginURL and getResetPasswordURL) for the value slot in the dictionary, namely () -> String, a zero-arguments function returning a String instance.


func getLoginURL() -> String {
    return "foo"

func getResetPasswordURL() -> String {
    return "bar"

let urlDict: [String: () -> String] = 
    ["LOGIN": getLoginURL, "RESET":getResetPasswordURL]
/*            ^^^^^^^^^^^- note that you do not _call_ the functions,
                           as this would result in a String instance */ 

// get a function reference from the dictionary and invoke it
if let getFunc = urlDict["LOGIN"] {
    print(getFunc()) // foo

After your comments below, as well as your edit, it seems you want the get... functions to be class members if your class Constants (i.e., marked static).


class Constants {
    static var sandbox = true
    // I've just added this to test your example

    private static let sb_login_url = "http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/login_with_credentials"
    private static let live_login_url = "http://google.com"

    private static let sb_reset_url = "http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/forgot_password"
    private static let live_reset_url = "http://google.com"

    static func getLoginURL() -> String {
        if (Constants.sandbox == true){
            return Constants.sb_login_url
        else {
            return Constants.live_login_url

    static func getResetPasswordURL() -> String{
        if (Constants.sandbox == true){
            return Constants.sb_reset_url
        else {
            return Constants.live_reset_url

let urlDict: [String: () -> String] = 
    ["LOGIN": Constants.getLoginURL, "RESET": Constants.getResetPasswordURL]

// get a function reference from the dictionary and invoke it
if let getFunc = urlDict["LOGIN"] {
    print(getFunc()) // http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/forgot_password
    Constants.sandbox = false
    print(getFunc()) // http://google.com



You could simply create a global typealias to Function prototype and can use it anywhere in your project and you don't need to use () -> String everytime when you create Dictionary.


public typealias VoidToStringFunctio‌n = () -> String

func getLoginURL() -> String {
return "url"



func getResetPasswordURL() -> String {
return "password"



and use it like this


let urlDict : [String: VoidToStringFunctio‌n] = ["LOGIN": getLoginURL, "Password": getResetPasswordURL]



You must specify the type of the functions (which are common for both getLoginURL and getResetPasswordURL) for the value slot in the dictionary, namely () -> String, a zero-arguments function returning a String instance.


func getLoginURL() -> String {
    return "foo"

func getResetPasswordURL() -> String {
    return "bar"

let urlDict: [String: () -> String] = 
    ["LOGIN": getLoginURL, "RESET":getResetPasswordURL]
/*            ^^^^^^^^^^^- note that you do not _call_ the functions,
                           as this would result in a String instance */ 

// get a function reference from the dictionary and invoke it
if let getFunc = urlDict["LOGIN"] {
    print(getFunc()) // foo

After your comments below, as well as your edit, it seems you want the get... functions to be class members if your class Constants (i.e., marked static).


class Constants {
    static var sandbox = true
    // I've just added this to test your example

    private static let sb_login_url = "http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/login_with_credentials"
    private static let live_login_url = "http://google.com"

    private static let sb_reset_url = "http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/forgot_password"
    private static let live_reset_url = "http://google.com"

    static func getLoginURL() -> String {
        if (Constants.sandbox == true){
            return Constants.sb_login_url
        else {
            return Constants.live_login_url

    static func getResetPasswordURL() -> String{
        if (Constants.sandbox == true){
            return Constants.sb_reset_url
        else {
            return Constants.live_reset_url

let urlDict: [String: () -> String] = 
    ["LOGIN": Constants.getLoginURL, "RESET": Constants.getResetPasswordURL]

// get a function reference from the dictionary and invoke it
if let getFunc = urlDict["LOGIN"] {
    print(getFunc()) // http://IP_ADDRESS_COM/forgot_password
    Constants.sandbox = false
    print(getFunc()) // http://google.com



You could simply create a global typealias to Function prototype and can use it anywhere in your project and you don't need to use () -> String everytime when you create Dictionary.


public typealias VoidToStringFunctio‌n = () -> String

func getLoginURL() -> String {
return "url"



func getResetPasswordURL() -> String {
return "password"



and use it like this


let urlDict : [String: VoidToStringFunctio‌n] = ["LOGIN": getLoginURL, "Password": getResetPasswordURL]