
时间:2021-01-24 16:46:31

I have an application that is written on top of ASP.NET MVC. In one of my controllers, I need to create an object in C# so when it is converted to JSON using JsonConvert.SerializeObject() the results looks like this

我有一个在ASP.NET MVC上编写的应用程序。在我的一个控制器中,我需要在C#中创建一个对象,所以当它使用JsonConvert.SerializeObject()转换为JSON时,结果看起来像这样

  {'one': 'Un'},
  {'two': 'Deux'},
  {'three': 'Trois'}

I tried to use Dictionary<string, string> like this

我试着像这样使用Dictionary ,string>

var opts = new Dictionary<string, string>();
opts.Add("one", "Un");
opts.Add("two", "Deux");
opts.Add("three", "Trois");

var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(opts);

However, the above creates the following json


  'one': 'Un',
  'two': 'Deux',
  'three': 'Trois'

How can I create the object in a way so that JsonConvert.SerializeObject() generate the desired output?


1 个解决方案



Your outer JSON container is an array, so you need to return some sort of non-dictionary collection such as a List<Dictionary<string, string>> for your root object, like so:

您的外部JSON容器是一个数组,因此您需要为根对象返回某种非字典集合,例如List >,如下所示:

var opts = new Dictionary<string, string>();
opts.Add("one", "Un");
opts.Add("two", "Deux");
opts.Add("three", "Trois");

var list = opts.Select(p => new Dictionary<string, string>() { {p.Key, p.Value }});

Sample fiddle.



Your outer JSON container is an array, so you need to return some sort of non-dictionary collection such as a List<Dictionary<string, string>> for your root object, like so:

您的外部JSON容器是一个数组,因此您需要为根对象返回某种非字典集合,例如List >,如下所示:

var opts = new Dictionary<string, string>();
opts.Add("one", "Un");
opts.Add("two", "Deux");
opts.Add("three", "Trois");

var list = opts.Select(p => new Dictionary<string, string>() { {p.Key, p.Value }});

Sample fiddle.