
时间:2022-12-07 16:45:34





Lab Exercise  — Overloading printArray

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

template< typename T >

void printArray( const T *array, int count ){

for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )

cout << array[ i ] << " ";

cout << endl;    }

template< typename T >

int printArray(const T *array,int count,  int lowSubscrip, int highSubscript ){


return 0;   

int coun = 0;

for ( int i=lowSubscrip;i<=highSubscript;i++){


cout << array[ i ] << ' ';   }

cout<< '\n';

return coun;  }

int main()


const int ACOUNT = 5;

const int BCOUNT = 7;

const int CCOUNT = 6;      

int a[ ACOUNT ] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

double b[ BCOUNT ] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7 };

char c[ CCOUNT ] = "HELLO";

int elements;

cout << "\nUsing original printArray function\n";

printArray( a, ACOUNT );

cout << "Array a contains:\n";

elements = printArray(a,ACOUNT,0,ACOUNT-1);

cout << elements << " elements were output\n";out << "Array a from positions 1 to 3 is:\n";

elements = printArray(a,ACOUNT,1,3);

cout << elements << " elements were output\n";

cout << "Array a output with invalid subscripts:\n";

elements = printArray(a,ACOUNT,-1,10);

cout << elements << " elements were output\n\n";

cout << "\nUsing original printArray function\n";

printArray( b, BCOUNT );

cout << "Array b contains:\n";

elements = printArray(b,BCOUNT,0,BCOUNT - 1);

cout << elements << " elements were output\n";

cout << "Array b from positions 1 to 3 is:\n";

elements = printArray(b,BCOUNT,1,3);

cout << elements << " elements were output\n";

cout << "Array b output with invalid subscripts:\n";

elements =printArray(b,BCOUNT,-1,10);

cout << elements << " elements were output\n\n";

cout << "\nUsing original printArray function\n";

printArray( c, CCOUNT );

cout << "Array c contains:\n";

elements =printArray(c,CCOUNT,0, CCOUNT - 2);

cout << elements << " elements were output\n";

cout << "Array c from positions 1 to 3 is:\n";

elements =printArray(c,CCOUNT,1, 3);

cout<< elements << " elements were output\n";

cout << "Array c output with invalid subscripts:\n";

elements = printArray(c,CCOUNT,-1, 10);

cout << elements << " elements were output" << endl;     

return 0;


这段代码看了就头大,我只会基本的,知道到开头是:#include <iostream>
