1. 先看下ADS1120的结构图,ADS1120是个比较奇葩的ADC模数转换器,因为比较适用于热电阻之类的温度采集器。看下图,有个MUX多路复用器,应该是选择两个差分信号去测试,通过输入多路复用器 (MUX) 实现的两个差分输入或四个单端输入,一个低噪声可编程增益放大器 (PGA),PGA,内部 PGA 提供高达128V/V 的增益。此 PGA 使得 ADS1120 非常适用于小型传感器信号测量 应用 ,例如电阻式温度检测器(RTD)、热电偶、热敏电阻和桥式传感器。
2. 看下寄存器,4个寄存器
3. 命令
4. 参考例程
VOID main(VOID) { signed long tData; WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
Init_StartUp(); // Initialize device
ADS1220Init(); // Initializes the SPI port pins as well as control
ADS1220Config(); // Set base configuration for ADS1x20 device
while(1) { /* Add specifc command for reading and writing ADS1220 here */
/* dFlag is set in the interrupt service routine when DRDY triggers end of conversion */
if (dflag) /* check if new data is available */ { tData = ADS1220ReadData(); /* get the data from the ADS1220 */ dFlag=0; } /* other routines could be added here, such as change the mux setting */ } /* end of while(1) */ } /* end of main() */
void ADS1220Config(void) { unsigned Temp; ADS1220ReadRegister(ADS1220_0_REGISTER, 0x01, &Temp); /* clear prev value; */ Temp &= 0x0f; Temp |= ADS1220_MUX_0_G; /* write the register value containing the new value back to the ADS */ ADS1220WriteRegister(ADS1220_0_REGISTER, 0x01, &Temp); ADS1220ReadRegister(ADS1220_1_REGISTER, 0x01, &Temp); /* clear prev DataRate code; */ Temp &= 0x1f; Temp |= (ADS1220_DR_600 + ADS1220_CC); /* Set default start mode to 600sps and continuous conversions */
/* write the register value containing the new value back to the ADS */ ADS1220WriteRegister(ADS1220_1_REGISTER, 0x01, &Temp); }
long ADS1220ReadData(void) { long Data; /* assert CS to start transfer */ ADS1220AssertCS(1); /* send the command byte */ ADS1220SendByte(ADS1220_CMD_RDATA); /* get the conversion result */ Data = ADS1220ReceiveByte(); Data = (Data << 8) | ADS1220ReceiveByte(); /* sign extend data */
if (Data & 0x8000) Data |= 0xffff0000; /* de-assert CS */ ADS1220AssertCS(0); return Data; }