
时间:2021-12-04 16:21:44

See this code:


object x = "mehdi emrani";
string y = "mehdi emrani";
Console.WriteLine(y == x);

that returns true.


But this code:


object x = "mehdi emrani";
string y = "mehdi ";
y += "emrani";
Console.WriteLine(y == x);

returns false.


So when I compare String and Object in first code I get true.
But when I compare them in second code I get false.


Both strings are same but why when I append to the string, my result returns false?


6 个解决方案



In each case, the second operand of == is x, which is of type object. That means you're using the normal reference equality operator.


Now in your first case, you're using two string constants with the same contents. The C# compiler will use a single object for those two references. In the second case, x and y refer to distinct string objects with the same contents. The two references will be different, so == will return false.


You can fix the comparison by:


  • Use Equals instead - that's overridden by string (as opposed to the == operator which is only overloaded:


    Console.WriteLine(y.Equals(x)); // or x.Equals(y), or Equals(y, x)

    The use of the static Equals(object, object) method can be useful if either of the arguments can be null; it means you don't need to worry about a NullReferenceException.

    如果任何一个参数都可以为空,那么使用静态Equals(object, object)方法是有用的;这意味着您不必担心NullReferenceException。

  • Make both variables of type string, at which point the == overload within string will be picked at compile-time, and that overload compares the contents of the strings, not just the references


It's worth noting that it's not just a matter of the string literals itself being noticed by the C# compiler - it's about compile-time constant expressions. So for example:


object x = "mehdi emrani";
string y = "mehdi " + "emrani";
Console.WriteLine(y == x); // True

Here y is initialized using two string literals which aren't the same as the one used to initialize x, but the string concatenation is performed by the compiler, which realizes it's the same string it's already used for x.




When you initialized


object x = "mehdi emrani";  //pointer(x)

It initialized it in memory and assign reference to x. After this when you initialized


string y = "mehdi emrani"; //pointer(x)


compiler find that this value is already in memory so it assign same reference to y.


Now == equal operator which actually compares the addresses instead of value find the same address for both variable which results true:

现在== =等运算符,它实际比较的是地址而不是值为两个变量找到相同的地址,结果为真:

x==y  //actually compares pointer(x)==pointer(x) which is true

In second case when you initialized x and y that get assigned different addresses.


object x = "mehdi emrani";  //Pointer(x)
string y = "mehdi ";        //not found in memory
y += "emrani";              //Pointer(y)

Now comparison find different addresses which results false:


x == y  //is actually Pointer(x) == Pointer(y) which is false

So to overcome this you need to use .Equals() which instead of reference compares the value and object type.

因此,要克服这个问题,需要使用. equals(),它代替reference来比较值和对象类型。

Console.WriteLine(y.Equals(x));   //compares "mehdi emrani" == "mehdi emrani" results true



Most probably the references are compared (standard Equals implementation for object). In the first example C# optimizes constant strings, and so y and x actually point to the same object, hence their reference is equal. In the other case, y is created dynamically, and so the reference is different.




In the background a new string is created every time you modify an existing one, because strings are immutable, which means they can't change.


See the following for an explanation: Why .NET String is immutable?




In the first case, .NET performs string constant optimization and allocates only one String instance. Both x and y points to same object (both the references are equal).

在第一个例子中,. net执行字符串常量优化,并且只分配一个字符串实例。x和y都指向同一个对象(两个引用都相等)。

But in the second case x and y are pointing to different String instances. Adding "ermani" to y creates a third string object.


"==" operator basically returns true if operands on both sides refer to same object. In the first case x and y refer to same object and in the seconds case x & y refer different objects.




Have you tried:


Console.WriteLine(y == x.ToString());



In each case, the second operand of == is x, which is of type object. That means you're using the normal reference equality operator.


Now in your first case, you're using two string constants with the same contents. The C# compiler will use a single object for those two references. In the second case, x and y refer to distinct string objects with the same contents. The two references will be different, so == will return false.


You can fix the comparison by:


  • Use Equals instead - that's overridden by string (as opposed to the == operator which is only overloaded:


    Console.WriteLine(y.Equals(x)); // or x.Equals(y), or Equals(y, x)

    The use of the static Equals(object, object) method can be useful if either of the arguments can be null; it means you don't need to worry about a NullReferenceException.

    如果任何一个参数都可以为空,那么使用静态Equals(object, object)方法是有用的;这意味着您不必担心NullReferenceException。

  • Make both variables of type string, at which point the == overload within string will be picked at compile-time, and that overload compares the contents of the strings, not just the references


It's worth noting that it's not just a matter of the string literals itself being noticed by the C# compiler - it's about compile-time constant expressions. So for example:


object x = "mehdi emrani";
string y = "mehdi " + "emrani";
Console.WriteLine(y == x); // True

Here y is initialized using two string literals which aren't the same as the one used to initialize x, but the string concatenation is performed by the compiler, which realizes it's the same string it's already used for x.




When you initialized


object x = "mehdi emrani";  //pointer(x)

It initialized it in memory and assign reference to x. After this when you initialized


string y = "mehdi emrani"; //pointer(x)


compiler find that this value is already in memory so it assign same reference to y.


Now == equal operator which actually compares the addresses instead of value find the same address for both variable which results true:

现在== =等运算符,它实际比较的是地址而不是值为两个变量找到相同的地址,结果为真:

x==y  //actually compares pointer(x)==pointer(x) which is true

In second case when you initialized x and y that get assigned different addresses.


object x = "mehdi emrani";  //Pointer(x)
string y = "mehdi ";        //not found in memory
y += "emrani";              //Pointer(y)

Now comparison find different addresses which results false:


x == y  //is actually Pointer(x) == Pointer(y) which is false

So to overcome this you need to use .Equals() which instead of reference compares the value and object type.

因此,要克服这个问题,需要使用. equals(),它代替reference来比较值和对象类型。

Console.WriteLine(y.Equals(x));   //compares "mehdi emrani" == "mehdi emrani" results true



Most probably the references are compared (standard Equals implementation for object). In the first example C# optimizes constant strings, and so y and x actually point to the same object, hence their reference is equal. In the other case, y is created dynamically, and so the reference is different.




In the background a new string is created every time you modify an existing one, because strings are immutable, which means they can't change.


See the following for an explanation: Why .NET String is immutable?




In the first case, .NET performs string constant optimization and allocates only one String instance. Both x and y points to same object (both the references are equal).

在第一个例子中,. net执行字符串常量优化,并且只分配一个字符串实例。x和y都指向同一个对象(两个引用都相等)。

But in the second case x and y are pointing to different String instances. Adding "ermani" to y creates a third string object.


"==" operator basically returns true if operands on both sides refer to same object. In the first case x and y refer to same object and in the seconds case x & y refer different objects.




Have you tried:


Console.WriteLine(y == x.ToString());