
时间:2022-03-27 16:17:44

So, when I was a comparative novice to the novice I am right now, I used to think that these two things were syntactic sugar for each other, i.e. that using one over the other was simply a personal preference. Over time, I'm come to find that these two are not the same thing, even in a default implementation (see this and this). To further confuse the matter, each can be overridden/overloaded separately to have completely different meanings.


Is this a good thing, what are the differences, and when/why should you use one over the other?


8 个解决方案



MSDN has clear and solid descriptions of both things.


object.Equals method


operator ==

operator ==

Overloadable Operators


Guidelines for Overriding Equals() and Operator ==


Is this a good thing, what are the differences, and when/why should you use one over the other?


How can it be "good" or "bad" thing? One - method, another - operator. If reference equality is not sufficient, overload them, otherwise leave them as is. For primitive types they just work out of box.

它怎么可能是“好”或“坏”的东西?一种方法,另一种方法 - 操作者。如果引用相等是不够的,请将它们重载,否则保持原样。对于原始类型,它们只能在盒子外工作。



string x = "hello";
string y = String.Copy(x);
string z = "hello";

To test if x points to the same object as y:


(object)x == (object)y  // false
x.ReferenceEquals(y)    // false
x.ReferenceEquals(z)    // true (because x and z are both constants they
                        //       will point to the same location in memory)

To test if x has the same string value as y:


x == y        // true
x == z        // true
x.Equals(y)   // true
y == "hello"  // true

Note that this is different to Java. In Java the == operator is not overloaded so a common mistake in Java is:


y == "hello"  // false (y is not the same object as "hello")

For string comparison in Java you need to always use .equals()


y.equals("hello")  // true



Given Microsoft's current statement on equality operators == and !=, the conclusion is: == should just be syntactic sugar for Object.Equals():


DO ensure that Object.Equals and the equality operators have exactly the same semantics


from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/7h9bszxx(v=vs.110).aspx


That they are distinct, rather than just sugar, in hindsight, appears to be a mistake in their design.


If you want to be certain you are getting IDENTITY comparison (when comparing references), then use ReferenceEquals instead.


Unfortunately, the handling of == is so inconsistent, that I usually avoid it when manipulating someone else's custom classes, and just use the less readable Equals(a, b) or ReferenceEquals(a, b), depending on which meaning I want.


IMHO, it would be better for people to not implement == and != at all. Just let .Net default to Equals and ! Equals, and implement Equals as appropriate.


If anyone has different reasoning, I'd like to hear it.


(And yes, this is really confusing, given that Java existed first, and uses == to mean ReferenceEquals. But it is too late to alter .Net to behave that way. And we have Microsoft's own statement to that effect, in the link given above.)




I was going to post this as a comment on the accepted answer, but I think this deserves to be considered when determining which route to take.


dotnetfiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/gESLzO


Fiddle code:


    Object a = null;
    Object b = new Object();

    // Ex 1
    Console.WriteLine(a == b);
    // Ex 2
    Console.WriteLine(b == a);

    // Ex 3     
    // Ex 4

The first 3 WriteLine examples will work, but the fourth throws an exception. 1 and 2 use ==, which is a static method that does not require either object to be instantiated.

前3个WriteLine示例将起作用,但第四个抛出异常。 1和2使用==,这是一个静态方法,不需要实例化任何对象。

Example 3 works because b is instantiated.


Example 4 fails because a is null, and thus a method can not be called on a null object.


Because I try to code as lazily as possible, I use ==, especially when working with scenarios where either object (or both) can be null. If I didn't, I'd have to do a null check, first, before being able to call .Equals().




My understanding of the uses of both was this: use == for conceptual equality (in context, do these two arguments mean the same thing?), and .Equals for concrete equality (are these two arguments in actual fact the exact same object?).

我对两者用法的理解是这样的:使用==进行概念上的相等(在上下文中,这两个参数是否意味着相同的东西?),和.Equals用于具体的相等(实际上这两个参数是完全相同的对象吗? )。

Edit: Kevin Sheffield's linked article does a better job of explaining value vs. reference equality…




You may want to use .Equals as someone may come along at a later time and overload them for you class.




Two of the most often used types, String and Int32, implement both operator==() and Equals() as value equality (instead of reference equality). I think one can consider these two defining examples, so my conclusion is that both have identical meanings. If Microsoft states otherwise, I think they are intentionally causing confusion.

两种最常用的类型String和Int32将operator ==()和Equals()实现为值相等(而不是引用相等)。我认为可以考虑这两个定义的例子,所以我的结论是两者都有相同的含义。如果微软另有说明,我认为他们故意造成混淆。



Operator == and Equals() both are same while we are comparing values instead of references. Output of both are same see below example.



    static void Main()
        string x = " hello";
        string y = " hello";
        string z = string.Copy(x);
        if (x == y)
            Console.WriteLine("== Operator");
            Console.WriteLine("Equals() Function Call");
        if (x == z)
            Console.WriteLine("== Operator while coping a string to another.");
        if (x.Equals(y))
            Console.WriteLine("Equals() Function Call while coping a string to another.");



  == Operator
  Equals() Function Call
  == Operator while coping a string to another.
  Equals() Function Call while coping a string to another.



MSDN has clear and solid descriptions of both things.


object.Equals method


operator ==

operator ==

Overloadable Operators


Guidelines for Overriding Equals() and Operator ==


Is this a good thing, what are the differences, and when/why should you use one over the other?


How can it be "good" or "bad" thing? One - method, another - operator. If reference equality is not sufficient, overload them, otherwise leave them as is. For primitive types they just work out of box.

它怎么可能是“好”或“坏”的东西?一种方法,另一种方法 - 操作者。如果引用相等是不够的,请将它们重载,否则保持原样。对于原始类型,它们只能在盒子外工作。



string x = "hello";
string y = String.Copy(x);
string z = "hello";

To test if x points to the same object as y:


(object)x == (object)y  // false
x.ReferenceEquals(y)    // false
x.ReferenceEquals(z)    // true (because x and z are both constants they
                        //       will point to the same location in memory)

To test if x has the same string value as y:


x == y        // true
x == z        // true
x.Equals(y)   // true
y == "hello"  // true

Note that this is different to Java. In Java the == operator is not overloaded so a common mistake in Java is:


y == "hello"  // false (y is not the same object as "hello")

For string comparison in Java you need to always use .equals()


y.equals("hello")  // true



Given Microsoft's current statement on equality operators == and !=, the conclusion is: == should just be syntactic sugar for Object.Equals():


DO ensure that Object.Equals and the equality operators have exactly the same semantics


from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/7h9bszxx(v=vs.110).aspx


That they are distinct, rather than just sugar, in hindsight, appears to be a mistake in their design.


If you want to be certain you are getting IDENTITY comparison (when comparing references), then use ReferenceEquals instead.


Unfortunately, the handling of == is so inconsistent, that I usually avoid it when manipulating someone else's custom classes, and just use the less readable Equals(a, b) or ReferenceEquals(a, b), depending on which meaning I want.


IMHO, it would be better for people to not implement == and != at all. Just let .Net default to Equals and ! Equals, and implement Equals as appropriate.


If anyone has different reasoning, I'd like to hear it.


(And yes, this is really confusing, given that Java existed first, and uses == to mean ReferenceEquals. But it is too late to alter .Net to behave that way. And we have Microsoft's own statement to that effect, in the link given above.)




I was going to post this as a comment on the accepted answer, but I think this deserves to be considered when determining which route to take.


dotnetfiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/gESLzO


Fiddle code:


    Object a = null;
    Object b = new Object();

    // Ex 1
    Console.WriteLine(a == b);
    // Ex 2
    Console.WriteLine(b == a);

    // Ex 3     
    // Ex 4

The first 3 WriteLine examples will work, but the fourth throws an exception. 1 and 2 use ==, which is a static method that does not require either object to be instantiated.

前3个WriteLine示例将起作用,但第四个抛出异常。 1和2使用==,这是一个静态方法,不需要实例化任何对象。

Example 3 works because b is instantiated.


Example 4 fails because a is null, and thus a method can not be called on a null object.


Because I try to code as lazily as possible, I use ==, especially when working with scenarios where either object (or both) can be null. If I didn't, I'd have to do a null check, first, before being able to call .Equals().




My understanding of the uses of both was this: use == for conceptual equality (in context, do these two arguments mean the same thing?), and .Equals for concrete equality (are these two arguments in actual fact the exact same object?).

我对两者用法的理解是这样的:使用==进行概念上的相等(在上下文中,这两个参数是否意味着相同的东西?),和.Equals用于具体的相等(实际上这两个参数是完全相同的对象吗? )。

Edit: Kevin Sheffield's linked article does a better job of explaining value vs. reference equality…




You may want to use .Equals as someone may come along at a later time and overload them for you class.




Two of the most often used types, String and Int32, implement both operator==() and Equals() as value equality (instead of reference equality). I think one can consider these two defining examples, so my conclusion is that both have identical meanings. If Microsoft states otherwise, I think they are intentionally causing confusion.

两种最常用的类型String和Int32将operator ==()和Equals()实现为值相等(而不是引用相等)。我认为可以考虑这两个定义的例子,所以我的结论是两者都有相同的含义。如果微软另有说明,我认为他们故意造成混淆。



Operator == and Equals() both are same while we are comparing values instead of references. Output of both are same see below example.



    static void Main()
        string x = " hello";
        string y = " hello";
        string z = string.Copy(x);
        if (x == y)
            Console.WriteLine("== Operator");
            Console.WriteLine("Equals() Function Call");
        if (x == z)
            Console.WriteLine("== Operator while coping a string to another.");
        if (x.Equals(y))
            Console.WriteLine("Equals() Function Call while coping a string to another.");



  == Operator
  Equals() Function Call
  == Operator while coping a string to another.
  Equals() Function Call while coping a string to another.