Oracle PL / SQL的一个很好的参考

时间:2021-04-20 16:14:11

What are the best references for Oracle PL/SQL? I have an excellent knowlege of SQL-92 and of MS-SQL extensions, but now I'm working with Oracle and I'm struggling to find good references for the PL/SQL language.

Oracle PL / SQL的最佳参考是什么?我对SQL-92和MS-SQL扩展有很好的了解,但现在我正在使用Oracle,我很难找到PL / SQL语言的好参考。

I am looking for references for the following:


  • Variable
  • 变量
  • Loops
  • 循环
  • Cursor
  • 光标
  • Packages
  • Trigger
  • 触发
  • Stored Procedures
  • 存储过程
  • Temporary Tables
  • 临时表

Thanks so much.


7 个解决方案



As Klaus says the online documentation is pretty good. Start with the 2-Day Application Developer's Guide. If you're using 11gR2, you'll want to read the most recent version of the PL/SQL Language Reference. Newer Oracle releases have updated versions of the documents.

正如Klaus所说,在线文档相当不错。从2天应用程序开发人员指南开始。如果您使用的是11gR2,则需要阅读最新版本的PL / SQL语言参考。较新的Oracle版本具有更新的文档版本。

But if you want to buy a book, then Steven Feuerstein's Oracle PL/SQL Programming is the one.

但如果你想买一本书,那么Steven Feuerstein的Oracle PL / SQL编程就是其中之一。



One additional observation. You include temporary tables in a list of PL/SQL features. This is because you are used to the T-SQL way of doing things. In Oracle things are handled differently.

另外一个观察。您可以在PL / SQL功能列表中包含临时表。这是因为你习惯了T-SQL的做事方式。在Oracle中,处理方式不同。

In Oracle we have global temporary tables. These are permanent database objects, like regular tables, but they are defined so that the data is held temporarily - either for the duration of a transaction or a session. The data in a global temporary table is only queryable by the session which populates it.

在Oracle中,我们有全局临时表。这些是永久数据库对象,如常规表,但它们的定义使得数据暂时保留 - 在事务或会话期间。全局临时表中的数据只能由填充它的会话查询。

The point being that temporary tables are discussed in the SQL Reference, not the PL/SQL manual.

关键是临时表在SQL Reference中讨论,而不是PL / SQL手册。



This reference is really good.




In addition to PL/SQL documentation that others have mentioned, the Oracle Database Concepts Guide is a good reference for finding out how Oracle works, including an overview of package, triggers, tables etc. I have posted a link to the 11.2 version, but you can find the docs for older versions here.

除了其他人提到的PL / SQL文档之外,Oracle数据库概念指南也是了解Oracle工作原理的一个很好的参考,包括包,触发器,表等的概述。我已经发布了11.2版本的链接,但是你可以在这里找到旧版本的文档。



I've always found Tech on the Net to be good quick reference

我总是发现Tech on the Net是一个很好的快速参考



Java2s has a good reference tutorial.


Here is the Oracle section:


Here is the Oracle PL/SQL reference catalog, easy to navigate:

以下是Oracle PL / SQL参考目录,易于导航:

Here is the Oracle PL/SQL tutorial section:

以下是Oracle PL / SQL教程部分:

I have the OReilly Book but won't post where I got that link along with Oracle Student workbook which is on Scribd.

我有OReilly Book,但不会发布我在Scribd上的Oracle Student工作簿中的链接。

And along with the Oracle references and tahiti oracle, this site was a good tutorial site for beginners.




Adding points to accepted answer:


  • 1)Concepts for Database Developers
  • 1)数据库开发人员的概念
  • 2) Temporary tables in stored procedure from AskTom Sample code snippet from AskTom open ref_cursor for select * from ( query you used to put into temp_1 ), ( query you used to put into temp_2 ) where join_conditions
  • 2)来自AskTom的存储过程中的临时表来自AskTom的示例代码片段打开ref_cursor用于select * from(用于放入temp_1的查询),(用于放入temp_2的查询)其中join_conditions

in your procedure. You'll find that Oracle is much better at complex queries involving dozens (yes more then 16) tables -- without any issues whatsoever.

在你的程序中。您会发现Oracle在涉及数十个(是16个以上)表的复杂查询方面要好得多 - 没有任何问题。



As Klaus says the online documentation is pretty good. Start with the 2-Day Application Developer's Guide. If you're using 11gR2, you'll want to read the most recent version of the PL/SQL Language Reference. Newer Oracle releases have updated versions of the documents.

正如Klaus所说,在线文档相当不错。从2天应用程序开发人员指南开始。如果您使用的是11gR2,则需要阅读最新版本的PL / SQL语言参考。较新的Oracle版本具有更新的文档版本。

But if you want to buy a book, then Steven Feuerstein's Oracle PL/SQL Programming is the one.

但如果你想买一本书,那么Steven Feuerstein的Oracle PL / SQL编程就是其中之一。



One additional observation. You include temporary tables in a list of PL/SQL features. This is because you are used to the T-SQL way of doing things. In Oracle things are handled differently.

另外一个观察。您可以在PL / SQL功能列表中包含临时表。这是因为你习惯了T-SQL的做事方式。在Oracle中,处理方式不同。

In Oracle we have global temporary tables. These are permanent database objects, like regular tables, but they are defined so that the data is held temporarily - either for the duration of a transaction or a session. The data in a global temporary table is only queryable by the session which populates it.

在Oracle中,我们有全局临时表。这些是永久数据库对象,如常规表,但它们的定义使得数据暂时保留 - 在事务或会话期间。全局临时表中的数据只能由填充它的会话查询。

The point being that temporary tables are discussed in the SQL Reference, not the PL/SQL manual.

关键是临时表在SQL Reference中讨论,而不是PL / SQL手册。



This reference is really good.




In addition to PL/SQL documentation that others have mentioned, the Oracle Database Concepts Guide is a good reference for finding out how Oracle works, including an overview of package, triggers, tables etc. I have posted a link to the 11.2 version, but you can find the docs for older versions here.

除了其他人提到的PL / SQL文档之外,Oracle数据库概念指南也是了解Oracle工作原理的一个很好的参考,包括包,触发器,表等的概述。我已经发布了11.2版本的链接,但是你可以在这里找到旧版本的文档。



I've always found Tech on the Net to be good quick reference

我总是发现Tech on the Net是一个很好的快速参考



Java2s has a good reference tutorial.


Here is the Oracle section:


Here is the Oracle PL/SQL reference catalog, easy to navigate:

以下是Oracle PL / SQL参考目录,易于导航:

Here is the Oracle PL/SQL tutorial section:

以下是Oracle PL / SQL教程部分:

I have the OReilly Book but won't post where I got that link along with Oracle Student workbook which is on Scribd.

我有OReilly Book,但不会发布我在Scribd上的Oracle Student工作簿中的链接。

And along with the Oracle references and tahiti oracle, this site was a good tutorial site for beginners.




Adding points to accepted answer:


  • 1)Concepts for Database Developers
  • 1)数据库开发人员的概念
  • 2) Temporary tables in stored procedure from AskTom Sample code snippet from AskTom open ref_cursor for select * from ( query you used to put into temp_1 ), ( query you used to put into temp_2 ) where join_conditions
  • 2)来自AskTom的存储过程中的临时表来自AskTom的示例代码片段打开ref_cursor用于select * from(用于放入temp_1的查询),(用于放入temp_2的查询)其中join_conditions

in your procedure. You'll find that Oracle is much better at complex queries involving dozens (yes more then 16) tables -- without any issues whatsoever.

在你的程序中。您会发现Oracle在涉及数十个(是16个以上)表的复杂查询方面要好得多 - 没有任何问题。