对于引用类型,如何使用IEquatable 减少使用转换?

时间:2022-08-27 16:10:52

I've read in several articles that


for reference types using IEquatable reduces the use of casting


Can someone kindly provide a convincing example.


3 个解决方案


Just to add a simple example after Dario's explanation:


class Person : IEquatable<Person>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is Person)
            Person other = (Person)obj;
            // check equality
        return base.Equals(obj);

    #region IEquatable<Person> Members

    public bool Equals(Person other)
        // check equality without cast


Note: This is just a little fragment that shows why this avoids a cast. For a correct implementation check the docs:


If you implement IEquatable<(Of <(T>)>), you should also override the base class implementations of Object..::.Equals(Object) and GetHashCode so that their behavior is consistent with that of the IEquatable<(Of <(T>)>)..::.Equals method

如果你实现IEquatable <(Of <(T>)>),你还应该覆盖Object .. ::。Equals(Object)和GetHashCode的基类实现,以便它们的行为与IEquatable <(Of)的行为一致<(T>)>).. ::。Equals方法


Do you know this article? It says


If you want to have your own implementation, you can override this method. Since the Equals method has a parameter of type Object, a cast will be needed in order to be able to access class specific members.


This is where the IEquatable interface comes in. The IEquatable is a new generic interface in .NET 2.0 that allows you to do the same as the System.Object.Equals method but without having to perform casts. So, when implementing this interface, you can reduce the number of casts, which is a good thing for performance. Especially when working a lot with generic collections, since generic collections make use of this equality comparison in some of their methods (List.Equals(), List.IndexOf(), List.LastIndexOf(), ...).

这就是IEquatable接口的用武之地.IEququatable是.NET 2.0中的一个新的通用接口,它允许你像System.Object.Equals方法一样做,但不必执行强制转换。因此,在实现此接口时,您可以减少强制转换的数量,这对性能来说是一件好事。特别是在使用泛型集合时,由于泛型集合在其某些方法(List.Equals(),List.IndexOf(),List.LastIndexOf(),...)中使用了这种相等比较。

Due to its generic type parameter, IEquatable<T> can provide type-checking at compiletime so you don't have to cast and late-bind with objects.

由于其泛型类型参数,IEquatable 可以在编译时提供类型检查,因此您不必对对象进行强制转换和后期绑定。


I believe your answer is here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131190.aspx. Read the remarks section on the page.



Just to add a simple example after Dario's explanation:


class Person : IEquatable<Person>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is Person)
            Person other = (Person)obj;
            // check equality
        return base.Equals(obj);

    #region IEquatable<Person> Members

    public bool Equals(Person other)
        // check equality without cast


Note: This is just a little fragment that shows why this avoids a cast. For a correct implementation check the docs:


If you implement IEquatable<(Of <(T>)>), you should also override the base class implementations of Object..::.Equals(Object) and GetHashCode so that their behavior is consistent with that of the IEquatable<(Of <(T>)>)..::.Equals method

如果你实现IEquatable <(Of <(T>)>),你还应该覆盖Object .. ::。Equals(Object)和GetHashCode的基类实现,以便它们的行为与IEquatable <(Of)的行为一致<(T>)>).. ::。Equals方法


Do you know this article? It says


If you want to have your own implementation, you can override this method. Since the Equals method has a parameter of type Object, a cast will be needed in order to be able to access class specific members.


This is where the IEquatable interface comes in. The IEquatable is a new generic interface in .NET 2.0 that allows you to do the same as the System.Object.Equals method but without having to perform casts. So, when implementing this interface, you can reduce the number of casts, which is a good thing for performance. Especially when working a lot with generic collections, since generic collections make use of this equality comparison in some of their methods (List.Equals(), List.IndexOf(), List.LastIndexOf(), ...).

这就是IEquatable接口的用武之地.IEququatable是.NET 2.0中的一个新的通用接口,它允许你像System.Object.Equals方法一样做,但不必执行强制转换。因此,在实现此接口时,您可以减少强制转换的数量,这对性能来说是一件好事。特别是在使用泛型集合时,由于泛型集合在其某些方法(List.Equals(),List.IndexOf(),List.LastIndexOf(),...)中使用了这种相等比较。

Due to its generic type parameter, IEquatable<T> can provide type-checking at compiletime so you don't have to cast and late-bind with objects.

由于其泛型类型参数,IEquatable 可以在编译时提供类型检查,因此您不必对对象进行强制转换和后期绑定。


I believe your answer is here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131190.aspx. Read the remarks section on the page.
