
时间:2021-02-19 16:10:34

Is there a good reference that tabulates which F# types are value types and which are reference types? Alternatively, is there a good way to query a type to determine which it is? Yes, I know that things that are classes are reference types and things that are structs are value types. At the same time, this distinction isn't always intuitive to me with F# types. For example, tuple types are reference types. Evidently, so are record types.


1 个解决方案



You can always check whether something is a value type using F# Interactive:


typeof<int * int>.IsValueType

As you mentioned, tuples are reference types and so this returns false.


I agree that the difference is not always clear. In general, most types that you work with in F# are reference types (and all F# types that you define with the exception of struct types).


  • Primitive types (numerical and booleans) are value types
  • 原始类型(数字和布尔值)是值类型
  • But string is a reference type
  • 但字符串是引用类型
  • There are a couple of struct types defined in .NET like DateTime and TimeSpan and also KeyValuePair (this is sometimes confusing as this is quite similar to tuple).
  • .NET中定义了几种结构类型,如DateTime和TimeSpan以及K​​eyValuePair(这有时令人困惑,因为它与元组非常相似)。
  • F# tuples, records, discriminated unions, lists, arrays are all reference types
  • F#元组,记录,区分联合,列表,数组都是引用类型
  • F# object types are also reference types unless they are marked as Struct.
  • F#对象类型也是引用类型,除非它们标记为Struct。



You can always check whether something is a value type using F# Interactive:


typeof<int * int>.IsValueType

As you mentioned, tuples are reference types and so this returns false.


I agree that the difference is not always clear. In general, most types that you work with in F# are reference types (and all F# types that you define with the exception of struct types).


  • Primitive types (numerical and booleans) are value types
  • 原始类型(数字和布尔值)是值类型
  • But string is a reference type
  • 但字符串是引用类型
  • There are a couple of struct types defined in .NET like DateTime and TimeSpan and also KeyValuePair (this is sometimes confusing as this is quite similar to tuple).
  • .NET中定义了几种结构类型,如DateTime和TimeSpan以及K​​eyValuePair(这有时令人困惑,因为它与元组非常相似)。
  • F# tuples, records, discriminated unions, lists, arrays are all reference types
  • F#元组,记录,区分联合,列表,数组都是引用类型
  • F# object types are also reference types unless they are marked as Struct.
  • F#对象类型也是引用类型,除非它们标记为Struct。