
时间:2020-12-17 16:11:12

For a reference type (class) like Point3 (for example), is this an overkill, lacking:


#region System.Object Members

public override bool Equals ( object obj )
        //return this == ( Point3 ) obj;

        if ( obj == null )
                return false;

        if ( this.GetType ( ) != obj.GetType ( ) )
                return false;

        return this.Equals ( ( Point3 ) obj );

public override int GetHashCode ( )
        return this.X.GetHashCode ( ) ^ this.Y.GetHashCode ( ) ^ this.Z.GetHashCode ( );

public override string ToString ( )
        return String.Format ( "[{0}, {1}, {2}]", this.X, this.Y, this.Z );


#region IEquatable<Point3> Members

public bool Equals ( Point3 other )
        if ( other == null )
                return false;

        if ( ReferenceEquals ( this, other ) )
                return true;

        if ( this.GetHashCode ( ) != other.GetHashCode ( ) )
                return false;

        if ( !base.Equals ( other ) )
                return false;

        return this == other;


public static bool operator == ( Point3 v0, Point3 v1 )
        return ( v0.X.IsEqual ( v1.X ) ) && ( v0.Y.IsEqual ( v1.Y ) ) && ( v0.Z.IsEqual ( v1.Z ) );

public static bool operator != ( Point3 v0, Point3 v1 )
        return !( v0 == v1 );

Please make adjustments or post a new one for both value and reference types, that I can use in my base types (value and reference) without thinking too much every time I implement it again.


EDIT: This is for immutable types.


4 个解决方案


Well, first of all, don't fall into the trap of producing a hash code using XOR as your combination operator.


Otherwise, you'll have the following problems, where HC(x) means "the hash code of object/value x":


HC(a,b) = HC(b,a)
HC(a,a) = HC(b,b) = 0

Instead, opt for something that at least takes the order of the values into account, like the following:


hashcode = 23 // prime number
for each sub-value of the object, do:
    hashcode = hashcode * 31 // another prime number
    hashcode = hashcode + the hashcode of the sub-value

This will preserver ordering, as much as possible.



this.GetType ( ) != obj.GetType ( )

this.GetType()!= obj.GetType()

That will be slow. Use obj is Type rather.


ReferenceEquals is pointless for valuetypes, which I assume Point3 is.


I would also not bother with the hash code check in equality procedures.



If you are really into performance and your values x, y and z do not change (at least very often), while you do a lot of comparisons, you could pre-calculate your hashcode. Then use it very early during your equality-comparison.


But the best in this case is: use a profiler to find the real bottleneck.



ALso, if you are creating your own Equals method, you should think about implementing IEquatable. This gives you a nice equality method to compare the same type, and often you can cut down the Equals(object) method to (for reference types):


public override Equals(object other)
    Point3 otherP = other as Point3;
    return otherP != null && Equals(otherP); // calls the Equals(Point3) method

As well as being a bit nicer, this cuts down a box operation if the type is a struct - provided the IEquatable implementation is implicit, code will automatically use the typed Equals(Point3) method, rather than using Equals(object) that involves a box operation (and presumably an unbox actually inside that method)

除了更好一点,如果类型是结构,这会减少一个盒子操作 - 如果IEquatable实现是隐式的,代码将自动使用类型化的Equals(Point3)方法,而不是使用涉及一个的Equals(对象)框操作(实际上可能是该方法中的unbox)


Well, first of all, don't fall into the trap of producing a hash code using XOR as your combination operator.


Otherwise, you'll have the following problems, where HC(x) means "the hash code of object/value x":


HC(a,b) = HC(b,a)
HC(a,a) = HC(b,b) = 0

Instead, opt for something that at least takes the order of the values into account, like the following:


hashcode = 23 // prime number
for each sub-value of the object, do:
    hashcode = hashcode * 31 // another prime number
    hashcode = hashcode + the hashcode of the sub-value

This will preserver ordering, as much as possible.



this.GetType ( ) != obj.GetType ( )

this.GetType()!= obj.GetType()

That will be slow. Use obj is Type rather.


ReferenceEquals is pointless for valuetypes, which I assume Point3 is.


I would also not bother with the hash code check in equality procedures.



If you are really into performance and your values x, y and z do not change (at least very often), while you do a lot of comparisons, you could pre-calculate your hashcode. Then use it very early during your equality-comparison.


But the best in this case is: use a profiler to find the real bottleneck.



ALso, if you are creating your own Equals method, you should think about implementing IEquatable. This gives you a nice equality method to compare the same type, and often you can cut down the Equals(object) method to (for reference types):


public override Equals(object other)
    Point3 otherP = other as Point3;
    return otherP != null && Equals(otherP); // calls the Equals(Point3) method

As well as being a bit nicer, this cuts down a box operation if the type is a struct - provided the IEquatable implementation is implicit, code will automatically use the typed Equals(Point3) method, rather than using Equals(object) that involves a box operation (and presumably an unbox actually inside that method)

除了更好一点,如果类型是结构,这会减少一个盒子操作 - 如果IEquatable实现是隐式的,代码将自动使用类型化的Equals(Point3)方法,而不是使用涉及一个的Equals(对象)框操作(实际上可能是该方法中的unbox)