Who is this package for?This package is meant for developers that need to port existing .NET Framework code to .NET Core. But before you start porting, you should understand what you want to accomplish with the migration. Just porting to .NET Core because it’s a new .NET implementation isn’t a good enough reason (unless you’re a True Fan).
.NET Core is optimized for building highly scalable web applications, running on Windows, macOS or Linux. If you’re building Windows desktop applications, then the .NET Framework is the best choice for you. Take a look at our documentation for more details on how to choose between .NET Core and .NET Framework.
DemoFor a demo, take a look at this video:
Using the Windows Compatibility PackWe highly recommend that you plan your migrations as a series of steps instead of assuming you can port the existing code base all at once. If you’re planning to migrate an ASP.NET MVC application running on a local Windows server to an ASP.NET Core application running on Linux in Azure, we’d recommend you perform these steps:
Migrate to ASP.NET Core (while still targeting the .NET Framework)
Migrate to .NET Core (while staying on Windows)
Migrate to Linux
Migrate to Azure
The order of steps might vary, depending on your business goals and what value you need to accomplish first. For example, you might need to deploy to Azure before you perform the other migration steps. The primary point is that you perform one step at a time to ensure your application stays operational along the way. This reduces the complexity and churn you have to reason about at once. It also allows you to learn more about your code base and adjust your plans as you discover issues.
The Porting to .NET Core from .NET Framework documentation provides more details on the recommended process and which tools you can use.
Before bringing existing .NET Framework code to a .NET Core project, we recommend you first add the Windows Compatibility Pack by installing the NuGet package Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility. This maximizes the number of APIs you have at your disposal.
The Windows Compatibility Pack is currently in preview because it’s still a work in progress. The following table describes the APIs that are already part of the Windows Compatibility Pack or are coming in a subsequent updat
ComponentStatusWindows-OnlyComponentStatusWindows-OnlyMicrosoft.Win32.Registry Available Yes System.Management Coming Yes
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl Available Yes System.Runtime.Caching Coming
System.CodeDom Available System.Security.AccessControl Available Yes
System.ComponentModel.Composition Coming System.Security.Cryptography.Cng Available Yes
System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager Available System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs Available Yes
System.Data.DatasetExtensions Coming System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData Available Yes
System.Data.Odbc Coming System.Security.Cryptography.Xml Available Yes
System.Data.SqlClient Available System.Security.Permissions Available
System.Diagnostics.EventLog Coming Yes System.Security.Principal.Windows Available Yes
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter Coming Yes System.ServiceModel.Duplex Available
System.DirectoryServices Coming Yes System.ServiceModel.Http Available
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement Coming Yes System.ServiceModel.NetTcp Available
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols Coming System.ServiceModel.Primitives Available
System.Drawing Coming System.ServiceModel.Security Available
System.Drawing.Common Available System.ServiceModel.Syndication Coming
System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl Available Yes System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase Coming Yes
System.IO.Packaging Available System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController Available Yes
System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl Available Yes System.Text.Encoding.CodePages Available Yes
System.IO.Ports Available Yes System.Threading.AccessControl Available Yes
Handling Windows-only APIs