SQL Server 2008全文搜索结果

时间:2021-08-01 15:52:59

I''ve a little problem while using SQL Server Full Text Search.

我在使用SQL Server全文搜索时遇到了一些问题。

Let me explain,


  • I've a table with a BLOB inside (a PDF file).
  • 我在里面有一个BLOB表(PDF文件)。

  • I've created the full text index in that table like it should be.
  • 我已经在该表中创建了全文索引。

  • I've the PDF iFilter from Adobe.
  • 我是Adobe的PDF iFilter。

BUT, when I put some files in my table and execute a search like:


FROM MyTable
WHERE FREETEXT(*, N'thank');

It only returns the columns from my table (well, that's what I asked, right?).


But I wanted to return the sentence where the word 'thank' was found. Is there any way to do this?


I've been fighting with this issue for almost 2 days...


1 个解决方案


Do you have any evidence that the PDF IFilter is working from within SQL Server at all? Just as a test put an MS Word 2003 doc in there and see if it gets indexed properly.

您是否有任何证据表明PDF IFilter正在SQL Server中运行?正如测试将MS Word 2003文档放在那里,看看它是否被正确编入索引。


Do you have any evidence that the PDF IFilter is working from within SQL Server at all? Just as a test put an MS Word 2003 doc in there and see if it gets indexed properly.

您是否有任何证据表明PDF IFilter正在SQL Server中运行?正如测试将MS Word 2003文档放在那里,看看它是否被正确编入索引。