C++-const_cast, reinterpret_cast, static_cast的用法

时间:2024-08-31 21:37:56
// FileName : cast_item27.cpp
// Version : 0.10
// Author : Ryan Han
// Date : 2013/10/31 15:43:55
// Comment :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; int main() {
int a = ;
a = ;
const int b = static_cast<const int>(a);
cout << "b is: " << b << endl; //dynamic_cast
//see D:\cygwin\home\baoweih\code_book\c++ primer\p838_dynamiccast.h //reinterpret_cast
char* k = reinterpret_cast<char*>(b); //const_cast
const int* i = &b;
//compile error, invalid conversion from ¡®const int*¡¯ to ¡®int*¡¯
//int* j = i;
int* j = const_cast<int*>(i);
//successfully change a const value
*j = ;
cout << "b is: " << b << endl; //reference
const int& l = b;
int& m = const_cast<int&>(l);
//error: assignment of read-only reference ¡®l¡¯
//l = 7;
//successfully change a const reference
m = ;
cout << "b is: " << b << endl; //const point
const int* const pint = new int();
// can't change *pint
//*pint = 1023;
// cant' change pint also
//pint = new int(1023);
int* const fake_pint = const_cast<int* const>(pint);
// can change *pint now
*fake_pint = ;
// still cant' change pint also
//fake_pint = new int(1023); cout << "*fake_pint is: " << *fake_pint << endl; return ;