package; class Solution {
public int getMaxRepetitions(String s1, int n1, String s2, int n2) {
int len1 = s1.length();
int[][]stores = new int[26][len1];
int[] pos = new int[26];
int[] cur = new int[26];
int index; for (int i=0; i<len1; i++) {
index = s1.charAt(i)-'a';
stores[index][pos[index]] = i;
pos[index] = pos[index] + 1;
} int curPos = 0;
int ret = 0;
int len2 = s2.length();
while (true) { for (int i=0; i<n2; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<len2; j++) {
index = s2.charAt(j) - 'a'; if (cur[index] >= pos[index] * n1) { return ret;
} int newPos = 0;
do {
newPos = cur[index] / pos[index] * len1 + stores[index][cur[index] % pos[index]];
cur[index] = cur[index] + 1;
} while (newPos < curPos && cur[index] < pos[index] * n1); if (newPos < curPos) {
return ret;
curPos = newPos + 1; }
ret++; } }
} public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { String s1 = "niconiconi";
int n1 = 99981;
String s2 = "nico";
int n2 = 81; Solution solution = new Solution();
int ret = solution.getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2); // Your Codec object will be instantiated and called as such:
System.out.printf("ret:%d\n", ret); System.out.println(); } }
package; class Solution {
public int getMaxRepetitions(String s1, int n1, String s2, int n2) {
int len1 = s1.length();
int[][]stores = new int[26][len1];
int[] pos = new int[26];
int[] cur = new int[26];
int index; for (int i=0; i<len1; i++) {
index = s1.charAt(i)-'a';
stores[index][pos[index]] = i;
pos[index] = pos[index] + 1;
} int curPos = 0;
int ret = 0;
int len2 = s2.length();
char[] array2 = s2.toCharArray();
while (true) { for (int i=0; i<n2; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<len2; j++) {
index = array2[j] - 'a'; int newPos = 0;
while (cur[index] < pos[index] * n1) {
newPos = cur[index] / pos[index] * len1 + stores[index][cur[index] % pos[index]];
cur[index] = cur[index] + 1;
if (newPos >= curPos) {
} if (newPos < curPos) {
/*System.out.printf("index %d cur[index] %d pos[index] %d cur/-pos %d, store %d\n",
index, cur[index], pos[index], cur[index] % pos[index], stores[index][cur[index] % pos[index]]); System.out.printf("newPos %d curPos %d\n",
newPos, curPos);
return ret;
curPos = newPos + 1; }
for (int i=0; i<26; i++) {
if (pos[i] > 0 && cur[i] >= pos[i] * n1) {
return ret;
} } }
} public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { String s1 = "acb";
int n1 = 4;
String s2 = "ab";
int n2 = 2; Solution solution = new Solution();
int ret = solution.getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2); // Your Codec object will be instantiated and called as such:
System.out.printf("ret:%d\n", ret); System.out.println(); } }
用了这种Brute Force的方法,居然比我的快。。。。。。
public class Solution {
public int getMaxRepetitions(String s1, int n1, String s2, int n2) {
char[] array1 = s1.toCharArray(), array2 = s2.toCharArray();
int count1 = 0, count2 = 0, i = 0, j = 0; while (count1 < n1) {
if (array1[i] == array2[j]) {
if (j == array2.length) {
j = 0;
if (i == array1.length) {
i = 0;
} return count2 / n2;