如何反转Hash.inspect或Array.inspect? (又名.to_s)在Ruby中

时间:2022-06-01 21:05:26

I accidentally saved a Ruby hash to string in Ruby 1.9 by calling my_hash.to_s which is equal to my_hash.inspect. This gave me a string like this:

我不小心通过调用my_hash.to_s(等于my_hash.inspect)将Ruby哈希保存到Ruby 1.9中的字符串。这给了我一个像这样的字符串:

'{"foo"=>{"bar"=>"baz", "qux"=>"quux"}' 

I now want to revert this back into a hash. How is this done?


I'm not looking for an explanation on other serialisation techniques, I know them. I just need a way to revert this back so I can save it the right way.


2 个解决方案



The fastest answer is: eval.


my_hash = eval(my_str_hash)



eval it.

Of course that's not safe for arbitrary input but you said you know about serialization issues. It won't work for collections containing recursive references or other objects for which eval(x.inspect) != x.

当然,这对任意输入都不安全,但是你说你知道序列化问题。它不适用于包含递归引用的集合或eval(x.inspect)!= x的其他对象。



The fastest answer is: eval.


my_hash = eval(my_str_hash)



eval it.

Of course that's not safe for arbitrary input but you said you know about serialization issues. It won't work for collections containing recursive references or other objects for which eval(x.inspect) != x.

当然,这对任意输入都不安全,但是你说你知道序列化问题。它不适用于包含递归引用的集合或eval(x.inspect)!= x的其他对象。