
时间:2022-11-04 15:35:11

We all know that in order to invoke Object.wait(), this call must be placed in synchronized block, otherwise an IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown. But what's the reason for making this restriction? I know that wait() releases the monitor, but why do we need to explicitly acquire the monitor by making particular block synchronized and then release the monitor by calling wait()?


What is the potential damage if it was possible to invoke wait() outside a synchronized block, retaining it's semantics - suspending the caller thread?


8 个解决方案



A wait() only makes sense when there is also a notify(), so it's always about communication between threads, and that needs synchronization to work correctly. One could argue that this should be implicit, but that would not really help, for the following reason:


Semantically, you never just wait(). You need some condition to be satsified, and if it is not, you wait until it is. So what you really do is



But the condition is being set by a separate thread, so in order to have this work correctly you need synchronization.


A couple more things wrong with it, where just because your thread quit waiting doesn't mean the condition you are looking for is true:


  • You can get spurious wakeups (meaning that a thread can wake up from waiting without ever having received a notification), or


  • The condition can get set, but a third thread makes the condition false again by the time the waiting thread wakes up (and reacquires the monitor).


To deal with these cases what you really need is always some variation of this:



Better yet, don't mess with the synchronization primitives at all and work with the abstractions offered in the java.util.concurrent packages.




What is the potential damage if it was possible to invoke wait() outside a synchronized block, retaining it's semantics - suspending the caller thread?


Let's illustrate what issues we would run into if wait() could be called outside of a synchronized block with a concrete example.


Suppose we were to implement a blocking queue (I know, there is already one in the API :)


A first attempt (without synchronization) could look something along the lines below


class BlockingQueue {
    Queue<String> buffer = new LinkedList<String>();

    public void give(String data) {
        notify();                   // Since someone may be waiting in take!

    public String take() throws InterruptedException {
        while (buffer.isEmpty())    // don't use "if" due to spurious wakeups.
        return buffer.remove();

This is what could potentially happen:


  1. A consumer thread calls take() and sees that the buffer.isEmpty().


  2. Before the consumer thread goes on to call wait(), a producer thread comes along and invokes a full give(), that is, buffer.add(data); notify();


  3. The consumer thread will now call wait() (and miss the notify() that was just called).


  4. If unlucky, the producer thread won't produce more give() as a result of the fact that the consumer thread never wakes up, and we have a dead-lock.


Once you understand the issue, the solution is obvious: Always perform give/notify and isEmpty/wait atomically.


Without going into details: This synchronization issue is universal. As Michael Borgwardt points out, wait/notify is all about communication between threads, so you'll always end up with a race condition similar to the one described above. This is why the "only wait inside synchronized" rule is enforced.

无需详细说明:这个同步问题是通用的。正如Michael Borgwardt所指出的,wait/notify都是关于线程之间的通信,因此您将总是以类似于上面描述的竞争条件结束。这就是为什么要强制执行“synchronized中惟一的等待”规则。

A paragraph from the link posted by @Willie summarizes it quite well:


You need an absolute guarantee that the waiter and the notifier agree about the state of the predicate. The waiter checks the state of the predicate at some point slightly BEFORE it goes to sleep, but it depends for correctness on the predicate being true WHEN it goes to sleep. There's a period of vulnerability between those two events, which can break the program.


The predicate that the producer and consumer need to agree upon is in the above example buffer.isEmpty(). And the agreement is resolved by ensuring that the wait and notify are performed in synchronized blocks.


This post has been rewritten as an article here: Java: Why wait must be called in a synchronized block




@Rollerball is right. The wait() is called, so that the thread can wait for some condition to occur when this wait() call happens, the thread is forced to give up its lock.
To give up something, you need to own it first. Thread needs to own the lock first. Hence the need to call it inside a synchronized method/block.


Yes, I do agree with all the above answers regarding the potential damages/inconsistencies if you did not check the condition within synchronized method/block. However as @shrini1000 has pointed out, just calling wait() within synchronized block will not avert this inconsistency from happening.


Here is a nice read..




The problem it may cause if you do not synchronize before wait() is as follows:


  1. If the 1st thread goes into makeChangeOnX() and checks the while condition, and it is true (x.metCondition() returns false, means x.condition is false) so it will get inside it. Then just before the wait() method, another thread goes to setConditionToTrue() and sets the x.condition to true and notifyAll().
  2. 如果第一个线程进入makeChangeOnX()并检查while条件,它是true (x. metcondition()返回false,表示x。条件是假的)所以它会进入它。然后,在wait()方法之前,另一个线程进入setConditionToTrue()并设置x。条件为true和notifyAll()。
  3. Then only after that, the 1st thread will enter his wait() method (not affected by the notifyAll() that happened few moments before). In this case, the 1st thread will stay waiting for another thread to perform setConditionToTrue(), but that might not happen again.
  4. 然后,只有在此之后,第一个线程才会进入他的wait()方法(不受前面几分钟发生的notifyAll()的影响)。在这种情况下,第1个线程将等待另一个线程执行setConditionToTrue(),但这种情况可能不会再次发生。

But if you put synchronized before the methods that change the object state, this will not happen.


class A {

    private Object X;

        while (! x.getCondition()){
        // Do the change

        x.condition = true; 

        x.condition = false;
    bool getCondition(){
        return x.condition;



We all know that wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods are used for inter-threaded communications. To get rid of missed signal and spurious wake up problems, waiting thread always waits on some conditions. e.g.-


boolean wasNotified = false;
while(!wasNotified) {

Then notifying thread sets wasNotified variable to true and notify.


Every thread has their local cache so all the changes first get written there and then promoted to main memory gradually.


Had these methods not invoked within synchronized block, the wasNotified variable would not be flushed into main memory and would be there in thread's local cache so the waiting thread will keep waiting for the signal although it was reset by notifying thread.


To fix these types of problems, these methods are always invoked inside synchronized block which assures that when synchronized block starts then everything will be read from main memory and will be flushed into main memory before exiting the synchronized block.


synchronized(monitor) {
    boolean wasNotified = false;
    while(!wasNotified) {

Thanks, hope it clarifies.




directly from this java oracle tutorial:

直接从这个java oracle教程:

When a thread invokes d.wait, it must own the intrinsic lock for d — otherwise an error is thrown. Invoking wait inside a synchronized method is a simple way to acquire the intrinsic lock.




This basically has to do with the hardware architecture (i.e. RAM and caches).


If you don't use synchronized together with wait() or notify(), another thread could enter the same block instead of waiting for the monitor to enter it. Moreover, when e.g. accessing an array without a synchronized block, another thread may not see the changement to it...actually another thread will not see any changements to it when it already has a copy of the array in the x-level cache (a.k.a. 1st/2nd/3rd-level caches) of the thread handling CPU core.

如果不与wait()或notify()一起使用synchronized,则另一个线程可以输入相同的块,而不是等待监视器输入。此外,当访问没有同步块的数组时,另一个线程可能看不到对它的更改……实际上,当另一个线程在处理CPU核心的线程的x级缓存(即1 /2 /3级缓存)中已经有一个数组的副本时,另一个线程将看不到对它的任何更改。

But synchronized blocks are only one side of the medal: If you actually access an object within a synchronized context from a non-synchronized context, the object still won't be synchronized even within a synchronized block, because it holds an own copy of the object in its cache. I wrote about this issues here: https://*.com/a/21462631 and When a lock holds a non-final object, can the object's reference still be changed by another thread?


Furthermore, I'm convinced that the x-level caches are responsible for most non-reproducible runtime errors. That's because the developers usually don't learn the low-level stuff, like how CPU's work or how the memory hierarchy affects the running of applications: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_hierarchy


It remains a riddle why programming classes don't start with memory hierarchy and CPU architecture first. "Hello world" won't help here. ;)




When you call notify() from an object t, java notifies a particular t.wait() method. But, how does java search and notify a particular wait method.


java only looks into the synchronized block of code which was locked by object t. java cannot search the whole code to notify a particular t.wait().




A wait() only makes sense when there is also a notify(), so it's always about communication between threads, and that needs synchronization to work correctly. One could argue that this should be implicit, but that would not really help, for the following reason:


Semantically, you never just wait(). You need some condition to be satsified, and if it is not, you wait until it is. So what you really do is



But the condition is being set by a separate thread, so in order to have this work correctly you need synchronization.


A couple more things wrong with it, where just because your thread quit waiting doesn't mean the condition you are looking for is true:


  • You can get spurious wakeups (meaning that a thread can wake up from waiting without ever having received a notification), or


  • The condition can get set, but a third thread makes the condition false again by the time the waiting thread wakes up (and reacquires the monitor).


To deal with these cases what you really need is always some variation of this:



Better yet, don't mess with the synchronization primitives at all and work with the abstractions offered in the java.util.concurrent packages.




What is the potential damage if it was possible to invoke wait() outside a synchronized block, retaining it's semantics - suspending the caller thread?


Let's illustrate what issues we would run into if wait() could be called outside of a synchronized block with a concrete example.


Suppose we were to implement a blocking queue (I know, there is already one in the API :)


A first attempt (without synchronization) could look something along the lines below


class BlockingQueue {
    Queue<String> buffer = new LinkedList<String>();

    public void give(String data) {
        notify();                   // Since someone may be waiting in take!

    public String take() throws InterruptedException {
        while (buffer.isEmpty())    // don't use "if" due to spurious wakeups.
        return buffer.remove();

This is what could potentially happen:


  1. A consumer thread calls take() and sees that the buffer.isEmpty().


  2. Before the consumer thread goes on to call wait(), a producer thread comes along and invokes a full give(), that is, buffer.add(data); notify();


  3. The consumer thread will now call wait() (and miss the notify() that was just called).


  4. If unlucky, the producer thread won't produce more give() as a result of the fact that the consumer thread never wakes up, and we have a dead-lock.


Once you understand the issue, the solution is obvious: Always perform give/notify and isEmpty/wait atomically.


Without going into details: This synchronization issue is universal. As Michael Borgwardt points out, wait/notify is all about communication between threads, so you'll always end up with a race condition similar to the one described above. This is why the "only wait inside synchronized" rule is enforced.

无需详细说明:这个同步问题是通用的。正如Michael Borgwardt所指出的,wait/notify都是关于线程之间的通信,因此您将总是以类似于上面描述的竞争条件结束。这就是为什么要强制执行“synchronized中惟一的等待”规则。

A paragraph from the link posted by @Willie summarizes it quite well:


You need an absolute guarantee that the waiter and the notifier agree about the state of the predicate. The waiter checks the state of the predicate at some point slightly BEFORE it goes to sleep, but it depends for correctness on the predicate being true WHEN it goes to sleep. There's a period of vulnerability between those two events, which can break the program.


The predicate that the producer and consumer need to agree upon is in the above example buffer.isEmpty(). And the agreement is resolved by ensuring that the wait and notify are performed in synchronized blocks.


This post has been rewritten as an article here: Java: Why wait must be called in a synchronized block




@Rollerball is right. The wait() is called, so that the thread can wait for some condition to occur when this wait() call happens, the thread is forced to give up its lock.
To give up something, you need to own it first. Thread needs to own the lock first. Hence the need to call it inside a synchronized method/block.


Yes, I do agree with all the above answers regarding the potential damages/inconsistencies if you did not check the condition within synchronized method/block. However as @shrini1000 has pointed out, just calling wait() within synchronized block will not avert this inconsistency from happening.


Here is a nice read..




The problem it may cause if you do not synchronize before wait() is as follows:


  1. If the 1st thread goes into makeChangeOnX() and checks the while condition, and it is true (x.metCondition() returns false, means x.condition is false) so it will get inside it. Then just before the wait() method, another thread goes to setConditionToTrue() and sets the x.condition to true and notifyAll().
  2. 如果第一个线程进入makeChangeOnX()并检查while条件,它是true (x. metcondition()返回false,表示x。条件是假的)所以它会进入它。然后,在wait()方法之前,另一个线程进入setConditionToTrue()并设置x。条件为true和notifyAll()。
  3. Then only after that, the 1st thread will enter his wait() method (not affected by the notifyAll() that happened few moments before). In this case, the 1st thread will stay waiting for another thread to perform setConditionToTrue(), but that might not happen again.
  4. 然后,只有在此之后,第一个线程才会进入他的wait()方法(不受前面几分钟发生的notifyAll()的影响)。在这种情况下,第1个线程将等待另一个线程执行setConditionToTrue(),但这种情况可能不会再次发生。

But if you put synchronized before the methods that change the object state, this will not happen.


class A {

    private Object X;

        while (! x.getCondition()){
        // Do the change

        x.condition = true; 

        x.condition = false;
    bool getCondition(){
        return x.condition;



We all know that wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods are used for inter-threaded communications. To get rid of missed signal and spurious wake up problems, waiting thread always waits on some conditions. e.g.-


boolean wasNotified = false;
while(!wasNotified) {

Then notifying thread sets wasNotified variable to true and notify.


Every thread has their local cache so all the changes first get written there and then promoted to main memory gradually.


Had these methods not invoked within synchronized block, the wasNotified variable would not be flushed into main memory and would be there in thread's local cache so the waiting thread will keep waiting for the signal although it was reset by notifying thread.


To fix these types of problems, these methods are always invoked inside synchronized block which assures that when synchronized block starts then everything will be read from main memory and will be flushed into main memory before exiting the synchronized block.


synchronized(monitor) {
    boolean wasNotified = false;
    while(!wasNotified) {

Thanks, hope it clarifies.




directly from this java oracle tutorial:

直接从这个java oracle教程:

When a thread invokes d.wait, it must own the intrinsic lock for d — otherwise an error is thrown. Invoking wait inside a synchronized method is a simple way to acquire the intrinsic lock.




This basically has to do with the hardware architecture (i.e. RAM and caches).


If you don't use synchronized together with wait() or notify(), another thread could enter the same block instead of waiting for the monitor to enter it. Moreover, when e.g. accessing an array without a synchronized block, another thread may not see the changement to it...actually another thread will not see any changements to it when it already has a copy of the array in the x-level cache (a.k.a. 1st/2nd/3rd-level caches) of the thread handling CPU core.

如果不与wait()或notify()一起使用synchronized,则另一个线程可以输入相同的块,而不是等待监视器输入。此外,当访问没有同步块的数组时,另一个线程可能看不到对它的更改……实际上,当另一个线程在处理CPU核心的线程的x级缓存(即1 /2 /3级缓存)中已经有一个数组的副本时,另一个线程将看不到对它的任何更改。

But synchronized blocks are only one side of the medal: If you actually access an object within a synchronized context from a non-synchronized context, the object still won't be synchronized even within a synchronized block, because it holds an own copy of the object in its cache. I wrote about this issues here: https://*.com/a/21462631 and When a lock holds a non-final object, can the object's reference still be changed by another thread?


Furthermore, I'm convinced that the x-level caches are responsible for most non-reproducible runtime errors. That's because the developers usually don't learn the low-level stuff, like how CPU's work or how the memory hierarchy affects the running of applications: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_hierarchy


It remains a riddle why programming classes don't start with memory hierarchy and CPU architecture first. "Hello world" won't help here. ;)




When you call notify() from an object t, java notifies a particular t.wait() method. But, how does java search and notify a particular wait method.


java only looks into the synchronized block of code which was locked by object t. java cannot search the whole code to notify a particular t.wait().
