
时间:2020-12-29 15:28:22


1.错误:Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ has discovered no CE platform SDK installed on the desktop please install at least one CE platform SDK before launching Microsoft eMbedded Vidual C++.



2.错误:在4.0版本编译3.0版本程序时,出现corelibc.lib(pegwmain.obj) : error LNK2019……


1) 可能是eVC3代码升级到eVC4中编译。2) 或者创建工程时,没有选择正确的工程类型。3)入口有问题。


Project --> Settings... -->Link --> Category选Output --> Entry-point symbol

-->把WinMainCRTStartup改成wWinMainCRTStartup 或者 _DllMainCRTStartup


3.错误:Emulator for Windows CE one or more files from the Emulator foe windows CE installation is missing.Please reinstall Emulator foe Windows CE and try again.


4.错误:1)can't open include 'winver.h' 2)cannot open include file 'aygshell.h' 3)the platform manager sever faild 4)Failed to cannect to the device


解决:WCE配置Test SDK | Pocker PC 2003 | Win32[emulator]Release Debug | Pocket PC 2003 Emulator Rebuild All

5.错误:Cannot open precompiled header file "*.pch

分析:This error results from a missing file the compiled versin of StdAfx.cpp,Visual C++ does a poor job of keeping track of this file and frequently "forget" how to build it. This problem often occours after restoring a saved workspace from diskette without the Debug directory.To fix the error select StdAfx.cpp from the workspace file list the choose. Compile from the Build menu. If that doesnot work the go to project-setting select the C/C++ tab,and click the radio button labeled create Precompiled Headers.(重建project或者看红线)

6.错误:member functions 上看不到函数

解决:关掉工程,删除*.vco *.vcb *.asp *.clw *.ncb文件,重新打开工程编译。


8.错误:vc60.pdb is not found project setting 的pre-link step 被误删

9.ctrl+alt+del打不开任务管理器。电脑中毒,1)运行-->gpedit.msc-->系统-->“阻止访问注册表编辑工具”-->禁用 2)运行-->regedit --> HKE_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWORE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run-->删除异常进程启动项-->重启-->启动杀软。