
时间:2022-03-06 08:23:58

I am trying to understand what exactly is responsible for changing and converting timezones and time respectively in my application stack and what is the best way to go about converting time to the required timezone in application code.


I am currently using:


Javascript/HTML font end

Javascript / HTML字体结束

Laravel PHP framework server side

Laravel PHP框架服务器端

MySQL storage (Defaults to local system time for timestamps etc.)


I am of the opinion that:


MySQL can't store timezones for DateTime columns and just stores YYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss and it's up to the developer to store the timezone in a separate column etc. and convert the stored time to user local in application code if user timezone is different.

MySQL无法为DateTime列存储时区,只存储YYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss,由开发人员将时区存储在单独的列等中,并将存储的时间转换为应用程序代码中的用户本地用户时区不同。

A PHP, Laravel application should work in and convert any DateTime instances to the timezone set with date_default_timezone_set() function.


The behaviour I am currently observing:


I post back json with object properties set with javascript date time format. This format looks like so for me: e.g. 'Thu Jun 16 2016 18:00:00 GMT+1000 (AEST)'

我用javascript日期时间格式设置对象属性回发json。这种格式对我来说是这样的:例如'2016年6月16日星期四18:00:00 GMT + 1000(AEST)'

When this json data hits my server, the application framework or PHP automatically converts it to UTC, even if I put date_default_timezone_set('Australia/Sydney') in controller class or change application configuration, replacing the laravel UTC default. I suspect something is not registering ? If I was able to save time as it came from the client (without being automatically converted to UTC), I would not have to later convert it to the user local time zone if the user is in Australia/Sydney (which is most of them).

当这个json数据到达我的服务器时,应用程序框架或PHP会自动将其转换为UTC,即使我将date_default_timezone_set('Australia / Sydney')放入控制器类或更改应用程序配置,替换了laravel UTC默认值。我怀疑有些东西没有注册?如果我能够节省来自客户端的时间(不会自动转换为UTC),如果用户位于澳大利亚/悉尼(其中大部分是用户),我将不必在以后将其转换为用户本地时区)。

My application stores this UTC adjusted time in the database, without actually having any record that it is UTC. Not really important of course as I can presume default of UTC.


When records are retrieved with eloquent or DB:query, there's no automatic conversion to user timezone and it simply returns the time as it was stored (converted to UTC), requiring application code to convert it to correct timezone, else user (in Australia in my case) will be looking at UTC time as opposed to local AEST Etc.


Converting time:

Is there a hassle free way of automatically converting all retrieved UTC time from the database to the user local timezone or some specified default time zone if all users are presumed from the same timezone ?


Ideally I want to pull out records from the database and have all the time properties adjusted to specified timezone, taking daylight savings into account. Would I have to run a for loop and convert/set each property with Carbon methods etc. ?


If the date_default_timezone_set('Australia/Sydney') is set and working properly, should PHP be automatically converting the time property on all those objects as they are retrieved from the database ? As well as not converting time data to UTC when it hits the server ?

如果date_default_timezone_set('Australia / Sydney')设置正常并且工作正常,那么PHP是否应该在从数据库中检索所有这些对象时自动转换time属性?以及在点击服务器时不将时间数据转换为UTC?

2 个解决方案



timezones are annoying, there's no doubt about that. If I'm understanding you correctly, you want your PHP to return times to the view that are in the correct zone for the user, right?


What I do is within the 'master view' or some sort or blade.php file that is guaranteed to be loaded at least once, I check whether or not this user's timezone is stored in a session variable. If it is not, I send an AJAX request to the server to store the name of the timezone.


{{-- store timezone in session variables --}}
@if (!Session::has('timezone'))
        $(function () {
            var tz = jstz.determine();
            var data = {};
            if (typeof (tz) !== 'undefined') {
                data.timezone = tz.name();
            if (!$.isEmptyObject(data)) {
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "{{ url('/api/v1/settings') }}",
                    beforeSend: function (request) {
                        request.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN", "{{ csrf_token() }}");
                    data: $.param(data),

Note that this approach utilizies the jstz package, which you can download here and include in your <head> section.


Of course you will need to set up the route for this request, for my case, it looks like this:


Route::post('api/v1/settings', function () {
    // Save the user's timezone
    if (Request::has('timezone')) {
        Session::put('timezone', Request::get('timezone'));

Now, when you want to convert the given database datetime strings to the correct timezone, you can get the timezone by saying $tz = $request->session()->get('timezone') and then parse out the dates with Carbon\Carbon::parse($date, $tz);

现在,当您想将给定的数据库日期时间字符串转换为正确的时区时,您可以通过说$ tz = $ request-> session() - > get('timezone')来获取时区,然后使用Carbon解析日期\ Carbon :: parse($ date,$ tz);

In general, I would recommmend you stay with storing all dates in UTC format, as that is the standard and it is imperitive that the database remain timezone agnostic. But if you want to change the default, you can edit the line 'timezone' => 'UTC' in config/app.php. That will overwrite the zone that Laravel defaults its timestamps to, so your created_at, updated_at will be changed to reflect that new timezone.

一般来说,我建议您继续以UTC格式存储所有日期,因为这是标准,并且数据库保持时区不可知是不完美的。但是,如果要更改默认值,可以在config / app.php中编辑“timezone”=>“UTC”行。这将覆盖Laravel默认其时间戳的区域,因此您的created_at,updated_at将更改为反映新的时区。



Agh - the good old "what to do with timezones" issue. Personally, on one of my L5.2 projects that heavily requires user timezone formatting for displaying data. I allow the user to select/modify their timezone on an account settings page. I then store this in a database and set up relationships for retrieving. For instance, I have many users who belong to one company. So in my "companies" table, I have a timezone field here. With proper relationships, I can access it like so Auth::user()->company->timezone

唉 - 这个古老的“如何处理时区”问题。就个人而言,我的一个L5.2项目非常需要用户时区格式化来显示数据。我允许用户在帐户设置页面上选择/修改他们的时区。然后我将其存储在数据库中并设置检索关系。例如,我有很多用户属于一家公司。所以在我的“公司”表中,我在这里有一个时区字段。通过适当的关系,我可以像Auth :: user() - > company-> timezone那样访问它

Then I parse all dates relevant to the platform using Carbon. For example, $current_date = Carbon:parse($date, Auth::user()->company->timezone);.

然后我使用Carbon解析与平台相关的所有日期。例如,$ current_date = Carbon:parse($ date,Auth :: user() - > company-> timezone);.

In hindsight, if I wasn't lazy (have other priorities) and wouldn't need to update a bunch of code, I'd probably create a trait for my models to convert the date attributes automatically.


Honestly though, there's many ways - and it can be a tricky thing to figure out if your platform is heavily on user timezones.

老实说,有很多方法 - 弄清楚你的平台是否在很大程度上依赖用户时区,这可能是一个棘手的事情。

For example, you could do something like this in each of your models (or create a trait - best option - to store this). Note, I used my timezone relationship as an example. Obviously change "some_date" etc to whatever you table name is. Repeat as needed for each date you need converted:

例如,您可以在每个模型中执行类似的操作(或创建特征 - 最佳选项 - 存储此模型)。注意,我以时区关系为例。显然,将“some_date”等更改为您的表名称。根据需要重复您需要转换的每个日期:

 * Convert date to user's timezone
 * @return mixed
public function setSomeDateAttribute($value)
    $this->attributes['some_date'] = Carbon::parse($value, Auth::user()->company->timezone);

Note, dates should always be stored in database as UTC. Never save a user's timezone formatted date in database.




timezones are annoying, there's no doubt about that. If I'm understanding you correctly, you want your PHP to return times to the view that are in the correct zone for the user, right?


What I do is within the 'master view' or some sort or blade.php file that is guaranteed to be loaded at least once, I check whether or not this user's timezone is stored in a session variable. If it is not, I send an AJAX request to the server to store the name of the timezone.


{{-- store timezone in session variables --}}
@if (!Session::has('timezone'))
        $(function () {
            var tz = jstz.determine();
            var data = {};
            if (typeof (tz) !== 'undefined') {
                data.timezone = tz.name();
            if (!$.isEmptyObject(data)) {
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "{{ url('/api/v1/settings') }}",
                    beforeSend: function (request) {
                        request.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN", "{{ csrf_token() }}");
                    data: $.param(data),

Note that this approach utilizies the jstz package, which you can download here and include in your <head> section.


Of course you will need to set up the route for this request, for my case, it looks like this:


Route::post('api/v1/settings', function () {
    // Save the user's timezone
    if (Request::has('timezone')) {
        Session::put('timezone', Request::get('timezone'));

Now, when you want to convert the given database datetime strings to the correct timezone, you can get the timezone by saying $tz = $request->session()->get('timezone') and then parse out the dates with Carbon\Carbon::parse($date, $tz);

现在,当您想将给定的数据库日期时间字符串转换为正确的时区时,您可以通过说$ tz = $ request-> session() - > get('timezone')来获取时区,然后使用Carbon解析日期\ Carbon :: parse($ date,$ tz);

In general, I would recommmend you stay with storing all dates in UTC format, as that is the standard and it is imperitive that the database remain timezone agnostic. But if you want to change the default, you can edit the line 'timezone' => 'UTC' in config/app.php. That will overwrite the zone that Laravel defaults its timestamps to, so your created_at, updated_at will be changed to reflect that new timezone.

一般来说,我建议您继续以UTC格式存储所有日期,因为这是标准,并且数据库保持时区不可知是不完美的。但是,如果要更改默认值,可以在config / app.php中编辑“timezone”=>“UTC”行。这将覆盖Laravel默认其时间戳的区域,因此您的created_at,updated_at将更改为反映新的时区。



Agh - the good old "what to do with timezones" issue. Personally, on one of my L5.2 projects that heavily requires user timezone formatting for displaying data. I allow the user to select/modify their timezone on an account settings page. I then store this in a database and set up relationships for retrieving. For instance, I have many users who belong to one company. So in my "companies" table, I have a timezone field here. With proper relationships, I can access it like so Auth::user()->company->timezone

唉 - 这个古老的“如何处理时区”问题。就个人而言,我的一个L5.2项目非常需要用户时区格式化来显示数据。我允许用户在帐户设置页面上选择/修改他们的时区。然后我将其存储在数据库中并设置检索关系。例如,我有很多用户属于一家公司。所以在我的“公司”表中,我在这里有一个时区字段。通过适当的关系,我可以像Auth :: user() - > company-> timezone那样访问它

Then I parse all dates relevant to the platform using Carbon. For example, $current_date = Carbon:parse($date, Auth::user()->company->timezone);.

然后我使用Carbon解析与平台相关的所有日期。例如,$ current_date = Carbon:parse($ date,Auth :: user() - > company-> timezone);.

In hindsight, if I wasn't lazy (have other priorities) and wouldn't need to update a bunch of code, I'd probably create a trait for my models to convert the date attributes automatically.


Honestly though, there's many ways - and it can be a tricky thing to figure out if your platform is heavily on user timezones.

老实说,有很多方法 - 弄清楚你的平台是否在很大程度上依赖用户时区,这可能是一个棘手的事情。

For example, you could do something like this in each of your models (or create a trait - best option - to store this). Note, I used my timezone relationship as an example. Obviously change "some_date" etc to whatever you table name is. Repeat as needed for each date you need converted:

例如,您可以在每个模型中执行类似的操作(或创建特征 - 最佳选项 - 存储此模型)。注意,我以时区关系为例。显然,将“some_date”等更改为您的表名称。根据需要重复您需要转换的每个日期:

 * Convert date to user's timezone
 * @return mixed
public function setSomeDateAttribute($value)
    $this->attributes['some_date'] = Carbon::parse($value, Auth::user()->company->timezone);

Note, dates should always be stored in database as UTC. Never save a user's timezone formatted date in database.
