I would greatly appreciate your help on this.
I want to insert the out-put of my map-reduce job into a HBase table using HBase Bulk loading API : LoadIncrementalHFiles.doBulkLoad(new Path(), hTable);
我想使用HBase大容量加载API: LoadIncrementalHFiles将map-reduce作业的输出插入到HBase表中。doBulkLoad(新路径(),hTable);
I am emmitting the KeyValue data type from my mapper and then using the HFileOutputFormat to prepare my HFiles using its default reducer.
when I run my map-reduce job, it gets completed without any errors and it creates the outfile, however, the final step - inserting HFiles to HBase is not happening. I get the below error after my map-reduce completes:
13/09/08 03:39:51 WARN mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles: Skipping non-directory hdfs://localhost:54310/user/xx.xx/output/_SUCCESS
13/09/08 03:39:51 WARN mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles: Bulk load operation did not find any files to load in directory output/. Does it contain files in subdirectories that correspond to column family names?
But I can see the output directory containing:
2. _logs
3. _0/2aa96255f7f5446a8ea7f82aa2bd299e file (which contains my data)
I have no clue as to why my bulkloader is not picking the files from output directory.
Below is the code of my Map-Reduce driver class:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
String inputFile = args[0];
String tableName = args[1];
String outFile = args[2];
Path inputPath = new Path(inputFile);
Path outPath = new Path(outFile);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
//set the configurations
conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "localhost:54311");
//Input data to HTable using Map Reduce
Job job = new Job(conf, "MapReduce - Word Frequency Count");
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, inputPath);
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outPath);
HTable hTable = new HTable(conf, tableName.toUpperCase());
// Auto configure partitioner and reducer
HFileOutputFormat.configureIncrementalLoad(job, hTable);
// Load generated HFiles into table
LoadIncrementalHFiles loader = new LoadIncrementalHFiles(conf);
loader.doBulkLoad(new Path(outFile), hTable);
I would appreciate if anybody can help me in figuring out the wrong thing happening here which I avoiding my data insert to HBase.
Thanks in advance !
1 个解决方案
Finally, I figured out as to why my HFiles were not getting dumped into HBase. Below are the details:
My create statement ddl was not having any default column-name so my guess is that Phoenix created the default column-family as "_0". I was able to see this column-family in my HDFS/hbase dir.
我的create语句ddl没有任何默认的列名,所以我猜测Phoenix将默认的列族创建为“_0”。我可以在我的HDFS/hbase dir中看到这个列族。
However, when I use the HBase's LoadIncrementalHFiles API for fetching the files from my output directory, it was not picking my dir named after the col-family ("0") in my case. I debugged the LoadIncrementalHFiles API code and found that it skips all the directories from the output path that starts with "" (for e.g. "_logs").
但是,当我使用HBase的LoadIncrementalHFiles API从我的输出目录中获取文件时,它并不是根据我的情况选择以coll -family(“0”)命名的目录。我调试了LoadIncrementalHFiles API代码,发现它从以“”开头的输出路径中跳过所有目录。“_logs”)。
I re-tried the same again but now by specifying some column-family and everything worked perfectly fine. I am able to query data using Phoenix SQL.
我重新尝试了相同的方法,但现在通过指定一些列的家庭,一切都很好。我能用Phoenix SQL查询数据。
Finally, I figured out as to why my HFiles were not getting dumped into HBase. Below are the details:
My create statement ddl was not having any default column-name so my guess is that Phoenix created the default column-family as "_0". I was able to see this column-family in my HDFS/hbase dir.
我的create语句ddl没有任何默认的列名,所以我猜测Phoenix将默认的列族创建为“_0”。我可以在我的HDFS/hbase dir中看到这个列族。
However, when I use the HBase's LoadIncrementalHFiles API for fetching the files from my output directory, it was not picking my dir named after the col-family ("0") in my case. I debugged the LoadIncrementalHFiles API code and found that it skips all the directories from the output path that starts with "" (for e.g. "_logs").
但是,当我使用HBase的LoadIncrementalHFiles API从我的输出目录中获取文件时,它并不是根据我的情况选择以coll -family(“0”)命名的目录。我调试了LoadIncrementalHFiles API代码,发现它从以“”开头的输出路径中跳过所有目录。“_logs”)。
I re-tried the same again but now by specifying some column-family and everything worked perfectly fine. I am able to query data using Phoenix SQL.
我重新尝试了相同的方法,但现在通过指定一些列的家庭,一切都很好。我能用Phoenix SQL查询数据。