按照Brian Harry在他的博客上发布的说法: http://www.almnetworks.net/zh-CN/post/2010/06/30/TFS-2010-Beta-2RC-is-Expiring-Today.aspx
TFS 2008 to Beta2: (25-Sept-2009)
Beta2 to RC: (10-Feb-2010)
RC to RTM: (12-Apr-2010, on the day of RTM release)
To extend the beta2/RC beyond 6/30 you can update the license key with a “trial product” key that will replace the beta/RC key with a trial key that expires 90 days from when you update it.
Do the following command from an elevated command prompt on the AT:
1. Navigate to the “\program files\microsoft team foundation server 2010\tools” directory
2. Run “tfsconfig.exe license /productkey:3X62F-DRMVM-424XH-QVHFM-CXXDK”
The output should confirm that a “Trial License with 90 days remaining, expiring on xx/xx/2010” was installed. You can also open up the TFS Administration Console and refreshing the top level node should show a license type of “Trial”.