CUDA Runtime
初始化时,runtime为系统中的每个device创建一个CUDA context,然后将它们加载到device memory中。当一个host thread调用cudaDeviceReset()
时,将销毁该host thread当前操作的device的primary context。之后任何将该device设置为current的host thread会为该device创建一个新的primary context。
Device Memory
在分配device memory时,可以以linear memory的形式或CUDA arrays的形式分配。CUDA array为了texure fetching做了优化,其内存结构不透明。Linear memory在device上有一个40-bit的地址空间,因此单独分配的实体可以通过指针访问彼此。
Linear memory典型的分配方式是通过cudaMalloc()
来完成host memory和device memory之间的数据转移。
除了上述函数之外,linear memory也可以通过cudaMallocPitch()
来分配,在分配2D或3D arrays时推荐使用这些函数,因为它们在分配过程中通过适当的padding来满足对齐要求(alignment requirements)。在访问array elements时必须使用返回的pitch或stride。
Shared Memory
限定符来分配shared memory,shared memory比global memory要快得多。
Multi-Device System
int deviceCount;
int device;
for (device = 0; device < deviceCount; ++device) {
cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, device);
printf("Device %d has compute capability %d.%d.\n",
device, deviceProp.major, deviceProp.minor);
Host thread随时可以通过cudaSetDevice()
设置其要操作的device,device memory的分配和kernel的launche都在当前设置的device上进行。如果没有对cudaSetDevice()
的调用,当前device为device 0。
Driver API
Driver API在cuda动态链接库(cuda.dll或中实现。所有的entry point均以cu
Driver API是handle-based、命令式的API:大多数objects由opaque handles引用,这些handles可指定给操作这些objects的函数。
Object | Handle | Description |
Device | CUdevice | CUDA-enabled device |
Context | CUcontext | Roughly equivalent to a CPU process |
Module | CUmodule | Roughly equivalent to a dynamic library |
Function | CUfunction | Kernel |
Heap memory | CUdeviceptr | Pointer to device memory |
CUDA array | CUarray | Opaque container for one-dimensional or two-dimensional data on the device, readable via texture or surface references |
Texture reference | CUtexref | Object that describes how to interpret texture memory data |
Surface reference | CUsurfref | Object that describes how to read or write CUDA arrays |
Event | CUevent | Object that describes a CUDA event |
Driver API在调用其中任何一个函数之前必须先用cuInit()
初始化,然后必须创建一个关联到一个特定device上的CUDA context。
在一个CUDA context内,kernel被显式地以PTX或binary objects的形式加载。因此用C写成的kernel也必须单独编译成PTX或binary objects。
下面是一个使用driver API的示例:
int main() {
int N = ...;
size_t size = N * sizeof(float);
// Allocate input vectors h_A and h_B in host memory
float* h_A = (float*)malloc(size);
float* h_B = (float*)malloc(size);
// Initialize input vectors
// Initialize
// Get number of devices supporting CUDA
int deviceCount = 0;
if (deviceCount == 0) {
printf("There is no device supporting CUDA.\n");
exit (0);
// Get handle for device 0
CUdevice cuDevice;
cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, 0);
// Create context
CUcontext cuContext;
cuCtxCreate(&cuContext, 0, cuDevice);
// Create module from binary file
CUmodule cuModule;
cuModuleLoad(&cuModule, "VecAdd.ptx");
// Allocate vectors in device memory
CUdeviceptr d_A;
cuMemAlloc(&d_A, size);
CUdeviceptr d_B;
cuMemAlloc(&d_B, size);
CUdeviceptr d_C;
cuMemAlloc(&d_C, size);
// Copy vectors from host memory to device memory
cuMemcpyHtoD(d_A, h_A, size);
cuMemcpyHtoD(d_B, h_B, size);
// Get function handle from module
CUfunction vecAdd;
cuModuleGetFunction(&vecAdd, cuModule, "VecAdd");
// Invoke kernel
int threadsPerBlock = 256;
int blocksPerGrid =
(N + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
void* args[] = { &d_A, &d_B, &d_C, &N };
cuLaunchKernel(vecAdd, blocksPerGrid, 1, 1,
threadsPerBlock, 1, 1, 0, 0, args, 0);
CUDA context类似于一个CPU process。driver API中所有资源以及执行的操作都被封装在一个CUDA context中,在一个context销毁时系统自动清理其中的资源。每个context拥有自己distinct地址空间,因此不同context中CUdeviceptr的值引用不同的内存位置。
一个host thread在任一时刻只能拥有一个device context。当通过cuCtxCreate()
创建一个context时,该context被设置为调用该函数的host thread的current context。
Modules是一些可动态加载的packages,包含device code和数据。
Kernel Execution
根据一个给定的execution configuration launch一个kernel。
- 通过一个指针数组传递,指针在数组中的位置对应着相应参数在参数列表中的位置,从指针指向的内存位置拷贝参数
- 通过extra options
CUresult cuMemcpyHtoD (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void * srcHost, size_t ByteCount)
CUresult cuMemcpyDtoH (void * dstHost, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount)
CUresult cuLaunchKernel(
CUfunction f, unsigned int gridDimX, unsigned int gridDimY,
unsigned int gridDimZ, unsigned int blockDimX,
unsigned int blockDimY, unsigned int blockDimZ,
unsigned int sharedMemBytes, CUstream hStream,
void** kernelParams, void** extra
- f
- Kernel to launch
- gridDimX
- Width of grid in blocks
- gridDimY
- Height of grid in blocks
- gridDimZ
- Depth of grid in blocks
- blockDimX
- X dimension of each thread block
- blockDimY
- Y dimension of each thread block
- blockDimZ
- Z dimension of each thread block
- sharedMemBytes
- Dynamic shared-memory size per thread block in bytes
- hStream
- Stream identifier
- kernelParams
- Array of pointers to kernel parameters
- extra
- Extra options