
时间:2024-08-07 13:36:44


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

//#define CRYPT_ONE_BYTE

typedef char int8 ;
typedef unsigned char uint8 ;
typedef short int16 ;
typedef unsigned short uint16 ;
typedef long int32 ;
typedef unsigned long uint32 ;

typedef struct tagTEACTX
    uint8 buf[] ;
    uint8 bufPre[] ;
    const uint8 *pKey ; //指向16字节的key
    uint8 *pCrypt ;
    uint8 *pCryptPre ;

uint16 Host2NetShort(uint16 usHost)
    const uint16 us = 0x1234 ;
    ] == ) | (usHost<<)) ;

uint16 Net2HostShort(uint16 usNet)
    return Host2NetShort(usNet) ;

uint32 Host2NetLong(uint32 ulHost)
    const uint16 us = 0x1234 ;
    ] == ) & 0xFF00) |
        ((ulHost<<) & ) | (ulHost>>)) ;

uint32 Net2HostLong(uint32 ulHost)
    return Host2NetLong(ulHost) ;

void EnCipher(const uint32 *const v, const uint32 *const k, uint32 *const w)
    register uint32
        y     = Host2NetLong(v[]),
        z     = Host2NetLong(v[]),
        a     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        b     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        c     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        d     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        n     = 0x10,       /* do encrypt 16 (0x10) times */
        sum   = ,
        delta = 0x9E3779B9; /*  0x9E3779B9 - 0x100000000 = -0x61C88647 */

        sum += delta;
        y += ((z << ) + a) ^ (z + sum) ^ ((z >> ) + b);
        z += ((y << ) + c) ^ (y + sum) ^ ((y >> ) + d);

    w[] = Net2HostLong(y);
    w[] = Net2HostLong(z);

void DeCipher(const uint32 *const v, const uint32 *const k, uint32 *const w)
    register uint32
        y     = Host2NetLong(v[]),
        z     = Host2NetLong(v[]),
        a     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        b     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        c     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        d     = Host2NetLong(k[]),
        n     = 0x10,
        sum   = 0xE3779B90,
        /* why this ? must be related with n value*/
        delta = 0x9E3779B9;

    /* sum = delta<<5, in general sum = delta * n */
        z -= ((y << ) + c) ^ (y + sum) ^ ((y >> ) + d);
        y -= ((z << ) + a) ^ (z + sum) ^ ((z >> ) + b);
        sum -= delta;

    w[] = Net2HostLong(y);
    w[] = Net2HostLong(z);

uint32 Random(void)
    return (uint32)rand();
    //return 0xdead ;

static void EncryptEach8Bytes(TEACTX *pCtx)
    uint32 i ;
    uint8 *pPlain8, *pPlainPre8, *pCrypt8, *pCryptPre8 ;
    pPlain8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->buf ;
    pPlainPre8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->bufPre ;
    pCrypt8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->pCrypt ;
    pCryptPre8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->pCryptPre ;
    ; i<; i++)
        pPlain8[i] ^= pCryptPre8[i] ;
    EnCipher((uint32 *)pPlain8, (uint32 *)pCtx->pKey, (uint32 *)pCrypt8) ;
    ; i<; i++)
        pCrypt8[i] ^= pPlainPre8[i] ;
    ; i<; i++)
        pPlainPre8[i] = pPlain8[i] ;
    uint32 *pPlain8, *pPlainPre8, *pCrypt8, *pCryptPre8 ;
    pPlain8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->buf ;
    pPlainPre8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->bufPre ;
    pCrypt8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->pCrypt ;
    pCryptPre8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->pCryptPre ;
    pPlain8[] ^= pCryptPre8[] ;
    pPlain8[] ^= pCryptPre8[] ;
    EnCipher(pPlain8, (const uint32 *)pCtx->pKey, pCrypt8) ;
    pCrypt8[] ^= pPlainPre8[] ;
    pCrypt8[] ^= pPlainPre8[] ;
    pPlainPre8[] = pPlain8[] ;
    pPlainPre8[] = pPlain8[] ;
    pCtx->pCryptPre = pCtx->pCrypt ;
    pCtx->pCrypt +=  ;

uint32 Encrypt(TEACTX *pCtx, const uint8 *pPlain, uint32 ulPlainLen,
    const uint8 *pKey, uint8 *pOut, uint32 *pOutLen)
    uint32 ulPos, ulPadding, ulOut ;
    const uint8 *p ;
     || pOutLen == NULL)
    ulPos = ( - ((ulPlainLen + ) & 0x07)) & 0x07 ;
    ulOut =  + ulPos +  + ulPlainLen +  ;
    if(*pOutLen < ulOut)
        *pOutLen = ulOut ;
    *pOutLen = ulOut ;
    memset(pCtx, , sizeof(TEACTX)) ;
    pCtx->pCrypt = pOut ;
    pCtx->pCryptPre = pCtx->bufPre ;
    pCtx->pKey = pKey ;
    pCtx->buf[] = (uint8)((Random() & 0xF8) | ulPos) ;
    memset(pCtx->buf+, (uint8)Random(), ulPos++) ;
    ; ulPadding<; ulPadding++)
            EncryptEach8Bytes(pCtx) ;
            ulPos =  ;
        pCtx->buf[ulPos++] = (uint8)Random() ;
    p = pPlain ;
            EncryptEach8Bytes(pCtx) ;
            ulPos =  ;
        pCtx->buf[ulPos++] = *(p++) ;
        ulPlainLen-- ;
    ; ulPadding<; ulPadding++)
        pCtx->buf[ulPos++] = 0x00 ;
    EncryptEach8Bytes(pCtx) ;
    return ulOut ;

static void DecryptEach8Bytes(TEACTX *pCtx)
    uint32 i ;
    uint8 bufTemp[] ;
    uint8 *pBuf8, *pBufPre8, *pCrypt8, *pCryptPre8 ;
    pBuf8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->buf ;
    pBufPre8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->bufPre ;
    pCrypt8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->pCrypt ;
    pCryptPre8 = (uint8 *)pCtx->pCryptPre ;
    ; i<; i++)
        bufTemp[i] = pCrypt8[i] ^ pBufPre8[i] ;
    DeCipher((uint32 *)bufTemp, (uint32 *)pCtx->pKey, (uint32 *)pBufPre8) ;
    ; i<; i++)
        pBuf8[i] = pBufPre8[i] ^ pCryptPre8[i] ;
    uint32 bufTemp[] ;
    uint32 *pBuf8, *pBufPre8, *pCrypt8, *pCryptPre8 ;
    pBuf8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->buf ;
    pBufPre8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->bufPre ;
    pCrypt8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->pCrypt ;
    pCryptPre8 = (uint32 *)pCtx->pCryptPre ;
    bufTemp[] = pCrypt8[] ^ pBufPre8[] ;
    bufTemp[] = pCrypt8[] ^ pBufPre8[] ;
    DeCipher(bufTemp, (const uint32 *)pCtx->pKey, pBufPre8) ;
    pBuf8[] = pBufPre8[] ^ pCryptPre8[] ;
    pBuf8[] = pBufPre8[] ^ pCryptPre8[] ;
    pCtx->pCryptPre = pCtx->pCrypt ;
    pCtx->pCrypt +=  ;

uint32 Decrypt(TEACTX *pCtx, const uint8 *pCipher, uint32 ulCipherLen,
    const uint8 *pKey, uint8 *pOut, uint32 *pOutLen)
    uint32 ulPos, ulPadding, ulOut, ul ;
    // 待解密的数据长度最少16字节,并且长度满足是8的整数倍。
    if(pCipher == NULL || pOutLen == NULL ||
            ulCipherLen <  || (ulCipherLen & )
    // 先解密头8字节,以便获取第一轮加密时填充的长度。
    DeCipher((const uint32 *)pCipher, (const uint32 *)pKey, (uint32 *)pCtx->bufPre) ;
    ; ul<; ul++)
        pCtx->buf[ul] = pCtx->bufPre[ul] ;
    ulPos = pCtx->buf[] & 0x07 ; //第一轮加密时填充的长度
        ; ulOut<=ulPos; ulOut++)
            ] != pCtx->buf[ulOut])
                *pOutLen =  ;
                 ; //解密失败
    ulOut = ulCipherLen - ulPos -  ;
     > ulCipherLen || *pOutLen < ulOut)
    pCtx->pCryptPre = (uint8 *)pCipher ;
    pCtx->pCrypt = (uint8 *)pCipher +  ;
    ulPos++ ;
    ; ulPadding<; ulPadding++)
            DecryptEach8Bytes(pCtx) ;
            ulPos =  ;
        ulPos++ ;
    ; ul<ulOut; ul++)
            DecryptEach8Bytes(pCtx) ;
            ulPos =  ;
        pOut[ul] = pCtx->buf[ulPos] ;
        ulPos++ ;
    ; ulPadding<; ulPadding++)
            if(pCtx->buf[ulPos] != 0x00)
                *pOutLen =  ;
        ulPos++ ;
    *pOutLen = ulOut ;

void PrintBuffer(const uint8 *buf, uint32 ulLen)
    uint32 i ;
    ; i<ulLen; i++)
        printf("%.2X ", buf[i]) ;
        ) %  == )
            putchar('\n') ;
        putchar('\n') ;

int main(void)
    ] =
        {"tea", "123456789abcdef"},
        {"tea", "123456789abcdef"},
        {",  "password1234567"},
        {"AABBCCD", "aabbccddeeffggh"},
        {"Hello World 你好世界!", "aabbccddeeffggh"}
    } ;
    TEACTX ctx ;
    uint8 bufEnc[], bufDec[] ;
    uint32 ulEnc, ulDec, ulRet ;
    int i ;
    ; i<]); i++)
        printf(], pPK[i][]) ;
        ulEnc = sizeof(bufEnc) ;
        Encrypt(&ctx, (], strlen(pPK[i][])+,
                (], (uint8 *)bufEnc, &ulEnc) ;
        printf("密文:\n") ;
        PrintBuffer(bufEnc, ulEnc) ;
        ulDec = sizeof(bufDec) ;
        ulRet = Decrypt(&ctx, bufEnc, ulEnc, (],
                (uint8 *)bufDec, &ulDec) ;
            printf("解密后明文:%s\n", bufDec) ;
            printf("解密失败!\n") ;
        putchar('\n') ;
