将Angular 2与VS2015 Update 2一起使用 - 获取npm -not安装错误

时间:2022-05-20 13:45:41

I created an empty core 1.0 web app and added a package.json file copying the angular2 quick start package.json lines from this url.

我创建了一个空的核心1.0 Web应用程序,并添加了一个package.json文件,从此URL复制angular2快速启动package.json行。

I keep getting the message Dependencies - not installed and npm - not installed.

我一直收到消息Dependencies - 未安装和npm - 未安装。

Does anyone know why this is happening? Do I have to actually install node.js on my PC in order for Visual Studio to be able to use it? Bower works perfectly...

有谁知道为什么会这样?我是否必须在我的PC上实际安装node.js才能使Visual Studio能够使用它?鲍尔工作完美......

1 个解决方案



This issue is being tracked here: https://github.com/aspnet/Tooling/issues/479


Repointing Visual Studio to a different npm path will likely not make a difference - Visual Studio still seems to interpret a dependency on a package not supported on Windows as a breaking issue.

将Visual Studio重新定位到不同的npm路径可能不会产生任何影响 - Visual Studio似乎仍然将对Windows不支持的程序包的依赖性解释为一个突破性问题。

This is an IDE issue only. You can still build and run without resolving this problem.


But if you prefer to get rid of the not installed indicator, identify and remove the offending package then manually delete the node_modules folder, and re-save package.json.




This issue is being tracked here: https://github.com/aspnet/Tooling/issues/479


Repointing Visual Studio to a different npm path will likely not make a difference - Visual Studio still seems to interpret a dependency on a package not supported on Windows as a breaking issue.

将Visual Studio重新定位到不同的npm路径可能不会产生任何影响 - Visual Studio似乎仍然将对Windows不支持的程序包的依赖性解释为一个突破性问题。

This is an IDE issue only. You can still build and run without resolving this problem.


But if you prefer to get rid of the not installed indicator, identify and remove the offending package then manually delete the node_modules folder, and re-save package.json.
