康威的生命游戏 - 如何伪造“无限”2d飞机

时间:2021-11-21 13:35:31

I'm using a 2d array to represent the grid of cells. When a cell on an edge or in a corner checks it's neighbors that would be out of bounds, it treats them as permanently dead.


function getCell(row, column) {
  if(row === -1 || row === cellMatrix.length || column === -1 || column === cellMatrix[0].length)
    return 0;
  else return cellMatrixCopy[row][column];

I'd just like to get rid of behavior like gliders halting and turning into blocks when they reach the edge of the grid. How would you "get rid" of the edges of the array?


You can checkout the full implementation here. Thanks in advance.


3 个解决方案



How to fake an “infinite” 2d plane?


To create an infinite dimension game board use a sparse matrix representation where the row and column indicies are arbitrary-precision integers. Roughly as follows:


map<pair<BigInt,BigInt>, Cell> matrix;

Cell& get_cell(BigInt x, BigInt y)
    return matrix[make_pair[x,y]];



The game of life is impossible to fake being infinite. Say the structure you create tries to expand past the current bounds, what is to stop it from expanding infinitely. Like MitchWheat said you could wrap the edges which is your best bet (for the more natural looking behavior), but since it's turing complete you can't fake it being infinite in every situation without having infinite memory.


Since the game of life is turing complete that means if a something "goes off the edge" it is impossible to tell if it will come back for a general case (related to the halting problem), meaning any heuristic you use to decide when something goes off the edge will have a degree of inaccuracy, if this is acceptable then you should consider that approach to, though IMO simulating the game of life incorrectly kinda defeats the purpose.


Another way to go would be to purposely simulate a larger area than you show so objects appear to go off the edge




This question is also here with some good answers.


The simplest modification to your simulation (and not mentioned on the other question) would be to triple the area's length and width, but only show what you currently show. The only catch would be if something went off-screen, hit the wall, and then came back. You could try playing around with the game rules at the boundary to make it more likely for a cell to die (so that a glider could get a little further in before becoming a block that could mess things up). Maybe that a live cell with three neighbors would die if it were within two steps of the side.


One of the other answers (and our answer) can be summarized as keeping track of the live nodes, not the entire screen. Then you would be able to do cool stuff like zoom and pan as if it were Google Maps.




How to fake an “infinite” 2d plane?


To create an infinite dimension game board use a sparse matrix representation where the row and column indicies are arbitrary-precision integers. Roughly as follows:


map<pair<BigInt,BigInt>, Cell> matrix;

Cell& get_cell(BigInt x, BigInt y)
    return matrix[make_pair[x,y]];



The game of life is impossible to fake being infinite. Say the structure you create tries to expand past the current bounds, what is to stop it from expanding infinitely. Like MitchWheat said you could wrap the edges which is your best bet (for the more natural looking behavior), but since it's turing complete you can't fake it being infinite in every situation without having infinite memory.


Since the game of life is turing complete that means if a something "goes off the edge" it is impossible to tell if it will come back for a general case (related to the halting problem), meaning any heuristic you use to decide when something goes off the edge will have a degree of inaccuracy, if this is acceptable then you should consider that approach to, though IMO simulating the game of life incorrectly kinda defeats the purpose.


Another way to go would be to purposely simulate a larger area than you show so objects appear to go off the edge




This question is also here with some good answers.


The simplest modification to your simulation (and not mentioned on the other question) would be to triple the area's length and width, but only show what you currently show. The only catch would be if something went off-screen, hit the wall, and then came back. You could try playing around with the game rules at the boundary to make it more likely for a cell to die (so that a glider could get a little further in before becoming a block that could mess things up). Maybe that a live cell with three neighbors would die if it were within two steps of the side.


One of the other answers (and our answer) can be summarized as keeping track of the live nodes, not the entire screen. Then you would be able to do cool stuff like zoom and pan as if it were Google Maps.
