Spring 5 (0) - Introduction & Index

时间:2023-03-08 15:50:03

Spring Framework Reference Documentation

I. Overview of Spring Framework
    . Getting Started with Spring
    . Introduction to the Spring Framework
II. Core Technologies
    . The IoC container
    . Resources
    . Validation, Data Binding, and Type Conversion
    . Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
    . Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring
    . Spring AOP APIs
III. Testing
    . Introduction to Spring Testing
    . Unit Testing
    . Integration Testing
    . Further Resources
IV. Data Access
    . Transaction Management
    . DAO support
    . Data access with JDBC
    . Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Data Access
    . Marshalling XML using O/X Mappers
V. The Web
    . Web MVC framework
    . View technologies
    . Integrating with other web frameworks
    . WebSocket Support
    . CORS Support
VI. Integration
    . Remoting and web services using Spring
    . Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) integration
    . JMS (Java Message Service)
    . JMX
    . JCA CCI
    . Email
    . Task Execution and Scheduling
    . Dynamic language support
    . Cache Abstraction
VII. Appendices
    . What’s New in the Spring Framework
    . Migrating to Spring Framework .x
    . Spring Annotation Programming Model
    . Classic Spring Usage
    . Classic Spring AOP Usage
    . XML Schema-based configuration
    . Extensible XML authoring
    . spring JSP Tag Library
    . spring-form JSP Tag Library