iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架

时间:2023-03-08 15:50:14
iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架




今天的主题是探索iOS10 SceneKit的新功能,你可以观看今年WWDC的视频Advances in SceneKit Rendering

SceneKit 介绍,SceneKit类似于Unity是一个制作3D物件的框架,很多3D游戏都可以基于这个框架进行开发,自几年前和Swift一起推出到现在广受欢迎。比如今年推出的Swift Playground就有用到SceneKit开发一个3D游戏帮助小盆友学习coding。

iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架

Swift Playground



Physically based rendering

今年最大的更新是提供了Physically based rendering(PBR),不懂可以上网查,简单的说就是让3D的物品更加3D了,我后面重点就是谈谈这个新的功能。

What’s new in iOS 10 SceneKit: A new Physically Based Rendering (PBR) system allows you to leverage the latest in 3D graphics research to create more realistic results with simpler asset authoring


PBR materials require only three fundamental properties— diffuse, metalness, and roughness—to produce a wide range of realistic shading effects.

相比之前,现在映射一个3D物体变得很容易,只要实现这3个变量 diffuse metalness roughness 即可。我们做一个小Demo更加帮助理解。



let materialPrefixes : [String] = ["Copper-scuffed"]

let material = sphereNode.geometry?.firstMaterial

// Declare that you intend to work in PBR shading mode

// Note that this requires iOS 10 and up

material?.lightingModel = SCNMaterial.LightingModel.physicallyBased

// Setup the material maps for your object

let materialFilePrefix = materialPrefixes[0]

material?.diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: "\(materialFilePrefix)-albedo.png")

material?.roughness.contents = UIImage(named: "\(materialFilePrefix)-roughness.png")

material?.metalness.contents = UIImage(named: "\(materialFilePrefix)-metal.png")



let env = UIImage(named: "interior_hdri_29_20150416_1169368110.jpg")

scene.lightingEnvironment.contents = env


iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架



let bg = UIImage(named: "interior_hdri_29_20150416_1169368110.jpg")

scene.background.contents = bg


最后就会呈现如下的效果图,我用Swift Playground可使,真是太强大了。我还加入了Core Motion,可以移动iPad来切换不同的视角,这同时也是VR View的制作方式呀,以后更新如何开发一个属于iOS 的VR应用,并连接SceneKit,感觉以后发展可观。

iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架


  • 先拖一个SphereNode

iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架

  • 更改Material的属性

iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架

  • 更改Lighting Environment 和 Background 属性

iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架


Physically Based Lights

Authors of PBR scene content often prefer working in physically based terms, so you can now define lighting using intensity (in lumens) and color temperature (in degrees Kelvin), and import specifications for real-world light fixtures using the IESProfileURL property.

iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架

今年对scnLight 的更新是新增一种灯源,就是可以在网上找到一种文件格式.ies,就可以导入不同格式的灯源。这对设计师来说应该是一个福利

//add a liteNode

let liteNode = SCNNode()

liteNode.light = SCNLight()

liteNode.light?.iesProfileURL = URL(fileReferenceLiteralResourceName: "LF6N_1_42TRT_F6LS73.ies")

liteNode.light?.type = .IES

HDR Camera

Add even more realism with the new HDR features and effects in the SCNCamera class. With HDR rendering, SceneKit captures a much wider range of brightness and contrast in a scene, then allows you to customize the tone mapping that adapts that scene for the narrower range of a device’s display. Enable exposure adaptation to create automatic effects when, for example, the player in your game moves from a darkened area into sunlight. Or use vignetting, color fringing, and color grading to add a filmic look to your game.

iOS 10 SceneKit 新特性 – SceneKit 制作 3D 场景框架
