found this page.. already done by precedents..
aptitude install
apt-get install
yum install
pacman -S
aptitude search
apt-cache search
yum search
pacman -Ss
update db & upgrade..
aptitude update && aptitude upgrade && aptitude dist-upgrade
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
yum update && yum upgrade
pacman -Syu
install dependencies..
aptitude build-dep
apt-get build-dep
pacman -S
getting source code:
aptitude source
apt-get source
yumdownloader --source
yaourt -G
remove single pkg..
aptitude remove
apt-get remove
yum remove
pacman -R
remove pkg and its deps..
aptitude remove " seems cannot deal with deps
apt-get autoremove
yum autoremove
pacman -Rss
remove pkg without removing the pkg dependent on it..
pacman -Rdd
search db for certain file..
aptitude search 're'
apt-file search 're' || dpkg-query -S /path/to/file
yum whatprovides 're'
pacman -Fysx 're'
check for optional pkg-cooperation for certain pkg:
pacman -Qi
check pktmgmt history cmds:
~ || apt-history from ~/.bashrc
~ || apt-history from ~/.bashrc
yum history
ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg || cat /var/log/pacman.log
undo changes using pktmgmt tools..
yum history undo idx
cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg; pacman -U "the undo pkg"
clean all installation package caches:
aptitude clean
apt-get clean
yum clean all
pacman -Scc
clean installation package caches that cannot be downloaded from repo anymore, which likely these caches are the most useless.
aptitude autoclean
apt-get autoclean
install cross build toolchains:
dpkg --add-architecture amd64/i386/armhf; apt-get update; apt-get install crossbuild-essential-armhf.. [ also sources.list file should be modified like deb [arch=i386] ]
View package changelog:
apt-get changelog pkg
rpm -q --changelog pkg
pacman -Qc pkg