Blob column 'template file data' below is just what you want, open it in PLSQL-DEVELOPER and save it as a rtf file or you can write programs that work with 'BLOB' objects to export them.
select fa.application_name concurrent_program_appl_name
,(select decode(fe.execution_method_code
,fl.meaning || ' : ' || '$' || fa.basepath ||
'/reports/US/' || fe.execution_file_name || '.rdf')
from fnd_application fa
where fa.application_id = fe.application_id) execution_method
,xl_xdd.file_name data_source_file_name
,xl_xdd.file_data data_source_file_data
,xl_xt.file_name template_file_name
,xl_xt.file_data template_file_data
from fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp
,fnd_application_vl fa
,fnd_executables_vl fe
,fnd_lookups fl
,fnd_application fa2
,xdo_ds_definitions_vl xdd
,xdo.xdo_lobs xl_xdd
,xdo_templates_vl xt
,xdo.xdo_lobs xl_xt
where fcp.application_id = fa.application_id
and fcp.executable_application_id = fe.application_id
and fcp.executable_id = fe.executable_id
and fe.execution_method_code = fl.lookup_code
and fl.lookup_type = 'CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE'
and fcp.output_file_type = 'XML'
and fcp.application_id = fa2.application_id
and fa.application_short_name = xdd.application_short_name
and fcp.concurrent_program_name = xdd.data_source_code
and xdd.application_short_name = xl_xdd.application_short_name(+)
and xdd.data_source_code = xl_xdd.lob_code(+)
and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(xdd.start_date
,sysdate)) and
and xl_xdd.xdo_file_type(+) = 'XML-DATA-TEMPLATE'
and xdd.application_short_name = xt.ds_app_short_name
and xdd.data_source_code = xt.data_source_code
and xt.application_short_name = xl_xt.application_short_name(+)
and xt.template_code = xl_xt.lob_code(+)
and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(xt.start_date
,sysdate)) and
and xl_xt.xdo_file_type(+) = 'RTF'
and fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'XLAAARPT' --Concurrent Program Name
order by fcp.user_concurrent_program_name